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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. "He Knew He Was Right" was one of Trollope's finest novels.
  2. Roger Bissell , Jonathan and others have discussed this extensively on many threads here on OL. Browse a little,
  3. I will keep calling him Audio however, Pope reminds me too much of Leonard.
  4. I confess that I too looked up Audiodiagnostic, so am another potential stalker. I looked on Wiki but could not find him,
  5. Honestly Adam, is there no female real or fictional, in private or public life, that you... oh, never mind,
  6. Which free societies before America slowly lost their liberties as you describe, and went from freedom to despotism? I can think of at least one.
  7. Oh my God!!! Did you see that sculpture to the left of the entrance to Rearden's office? It's abstract! What is Rearden trying to do, destroy man's consciousness? Boycott the movie! J No, no, Jonathan. That sculpture is a symbol of the overwhelming evil that has penetrated even to Rearden's office. It was placed there by an envious, mooching employee (Lilian's cousin) while Rearden was out pouring metal. Hank is too busy thinking about Dagny to notice it yet.
  8. I fear that Dr. Johnson would not take kindly to being referred to by Mr. Hudgins as "Sam", when they have not even been properly introduced.
  9. As when land is zoned for foxhunting so that the unspeakable can pursue the inedible...
  10. One of the things people do on this forum, is explore the differences between introspection and narcissism.
  11. Good. Grief. I did not know that Rand believed cultural circumstance divided human beings into "primitive" and well, us.Biologically and in evolutionary terms we were the same, with the same individual capabilities as the "civilized man", and her rejection of this truth is an historically collectivistic notion that Hitler or Stalin would be proud of.
  12. That was my thought, why the hesitance and the disclaimers every step of the way (as it seems to an outsider). It is as if he wants to say, look, I have to maintain that Objectivism was completely defined by Ayn Rand, but I can do some good embroidery around the edges of her perfect core.
  13. I think Samuel Johnson was a Tory but I am not sure,
  14. My recollection too Robert, it is a fave SJ quote of mine along with his congrats to Boswell for being "from Scotland", my husband often congratulated himself on that too,
  15. lol about the landmarking. There are always layers of history underneath us and it is always about who cares the most about what, historical preservation or progress or industry or whatever. It is the history we are making now that this thread is about. Should existing laws local state or federal be used to advance fundamentally morally wrong agendas?
  16. Oh, boy. "Would mean" -- I have warned my students about the conditional and the subjunctive, many a time,
  17. Shifty!I am 107 and just wrote about piano playing on Canadian Boring -- talk about moral virtue, although the adjective is redundant. How indestructible and inextricable from the human spirit is music.
  18. No knock on the real M. Wagner, I believe he is a brilliant jurist. I just hope for his sake he has never even met the mayor of Montreal.
  19. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed Richard Wagner to the Supreme Court of Canada. Harper, an accomplished pianist, is famous as a Beatles fan but less well known is his lifelong love of Wagner's works. "Sometimes when I can't sleep for worrying about the pipeline and Obama, the only thing that calms me is to go down and pound out some transcriptions of Gotterdamerung", he has been reported to say, but not by anybody who agrees to be quoted.* It is not clear if Mr. Harper, whose degree is in economics (music is an avocation)is aware that Wagner the composer is actually a dead German and not a Quebecois legalist. Informed sources cite this as an example of his successful leadership decision-making process, which is based on his personal principles and convictions, and the facts that fit them. * Ok it was Ben but he won't corroborate because he does not want to be busted for making out with his girlfriend in the music room when everybody was supposed to be asleep.
  20. If you are interested in aesthetic Randian interpretation, I strongly suggest you read "Music of the Gods" by Lindsay Perigo. I would love to hear what you had to say to him about it.
  21. The new Rearden seems to be a big hit with everyone. Maybe they can actually pin him down for part 3. Incidentally our late lamented Janet has engaged Bandler on this topic on Solo. It is civil so far. I am just waiting for him to go psycho on her or vice versa,
  22. I don't think Ed would care, anyway it is your free speech, and it is my free speech to smack you around for what you say. My remark about not even being fat followed on the "breathless" comment. ie, I was out of breath not due to obesity but to the boorishness of your comments. Not that it is any of your business but I am not part of an interracial couple. How do you know I am not black anyway? Given the self-segregation that you describe so well in your own surroundings, I would bet I have seen (in fact I have known) more interracial couples than you. Without staring so hard at them as to ascertain relative fat-muscle ratios, you are wrong. I have observed however that black or white there seem to be more fat women around than fat men. I have no idea if this is statistically true. Maybe the fat men just die early, or stay home all the time.
  23. "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." Michael, that's Who, Doctor. New posting guideline: No viral St Augustine unless cauldrons of earthly loves are depicted.