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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I agree with her and your right to free speech here, Michael.\ But when you are standing with her, around you, claiming you an ally, are standing people unworthy to stand with you.
  2. I will vote for the verb as I have been denied access to the duality of a gerund. But I don't know how I know it,I can't see a process as a thing or object. Maybe I should learn some physics.
  3. You mentioned who he used to work for. Who does he work for now?
  4. Interesting anecdotal evidence. What is your methodology? Do you observe the pair closely until you determine whether they are gay, druggies or just deluded sorts with no racial pride?
  5. I understand that. But you are exceptional. In the work world most people have a boss, or a client, and their livelihoods are pegged to the whims of the employer. The question of "can" and "should" around firing for professed or suspected ideologies, involve issues of free speech and can become legal issues.
  6. Time to fold 'em, on this hand Adam!
  7. Michael, I see in you a mind accustomed to thinking in terms of American and Randian exceptionalism, that only Americans can truly understand and experience freedom, because only in America do the true philosophical preconditions for freedom exist.
  8. I find yous question way too broad, but it shows a mind that is accostomed to thinking in terms of boss and underling as a metaphysical given. Meaning, one Bigass Boss--with boss and underling in government being the same thing thing as boss and underling in the free market. Michael No. I see the government as a remarkably inefficient boss, sometimes like a harassed building manager in charge of an ever-changing maintenance crew, sometimes like an absentee landlord. I don't see it as the boss of the tenants, the citizens.
  9. Stan, if we can't get you, we will have to try for Paul the Octopus from Germany. He's dead, but he's still better than Ford, In desperation, Toronto
  10. I didn't know there were any baby pictures of him. Also, it is unusual for tabbies to grow up black with white bibs. However, as always, I bow to your exquisite artistic taste.
  11. Yes he is wonderful! Go on, choose a nice pic of him for the thread, pretty please. You know you want to...
  12. As the Toronto Star reports, Stan put his tail in the ring due to his concern for fellow cats who are the "forgotten felines" of Halifax. "I was one of the lucky ones," says Stan. " I got a home, a name, an "owner" who is my obedient slave. But I never forget where I came from." His beginnings were bleak. His mother was in polite terms a "stray" and his father was unknown. Orphaned at an early age, he foraged on the mean streets of Halifax,, often not knowing where his next mouse was coming from. When jailed for loitering, he expected to be executed. But instead he was adopted by Chisholm. "My life changed completely. Paul fed not only my body, everytime I meowed for food, but also my mind and spirit. He awakened a political conscience in me. "That's why I'm running for mayor, The human population must be made to address the homeless kitten issue. And the cat population must remember, that the human population are not uncaring strangers, but endless sources of food and affection."
  13. Tuxedo Stan is running for Mayor of Halifax and is a clear frontrunner, having gathered more than 7000 facebook friends and the endorsement of none other than Anderson Cooper. He is running on a single issue, one of concern to all Haligonians indeed all Canadians, and according to his spokesperson, Paul Chisholm, the technicality of his current lack of a human birth certificate should not disqualify him, and could be easily cleared up. On behalf of the Citizens Coalition of Toronto, I have sent this urgent appeal to Stan in hopes he will give it serious consideration: Dear Mr, or ex-Mr. Stan: Your qualifications, character and ethics far exceed those of our present Mayor, Robdoug Middlefinger Ford, and our Selection Committee invite you to accept the position of Acting Mayor as soon as you can get goin' down the road. In exchange we offer the City of Halifax both Fords and a Cadillac, and an airtight warranty that we will pay for any damage they might cause within the warranty period of whenever they open their big, fat mouths, Stan, we need you! Here, kitty, kitty,,,,,
  14. Carol, Not just Canada's to the USA's. We do live in an age of globalization. Financial writers worry how a collapse in the Eurozone would hurt North America economically. How, for that matter, a recession in Japan or China would hurt North America economically. I think they have good reasons to worry. Robert Campbell Oh, no. Lucky for my fragile psyche, I consider economists and their pundits the financial writers, to be slightly less reliable at predicting the future than philosophers. Only with the aid of this irrational prejuduce can I face each new day.
  15. Damn doublequote again -- well, when I finally see something I guess I see it twice.
  16. I agree - changed to 18 size. Dennis Dear Adam, always so thoughtful. i especially appreciate your tribute to my customary demure silence.
  17. Michael, I did not say fired by the government, I said fired by the university for speaking against the government, or anti-Americanly. This is what Campos was saying should happen. I assume you mean that universities are not part of the free market system.
  18. Carol, Are you referring to Ward Churchill? Liberal? Churchill is hard Left, by American standards. Maybe Noam Chomsky is farther Left. Cornel West, a self-styled Marxist, isn't. More to the point, Churchill is a serial scamster—having falsely claimed American Indian ancestry to burnish his victim-class credentials, ripped off other people's art, and plagiarized other people's writing. I think Churchill eminently deserved to be fired—but only after the administrators who hired him, granted him promotion and tenure, and allowed him to become a Department Chair were all fired. Robert Campbell But should he have been fired for anti-government or "anti-American" speech? For that matter, should Communist screenwriters etc. have been fired in the McCarthy era? Communism wasn't even illegal.
  19. That was just banter. I enjoyed your image, it was vintage Adamism, I could see the valiant citizens assemble to fight Statism, leading with their crotches.
  20. I understand this. The Rand-worship you noted in a previous post, arose because Rand the novelist was wedded to Rand the philosopher; she unwisely said that her fictional heroes exist in real life and that she knew one. Worse, she allowed her followers to believe that everything she did in her life was a reflection of her philosophy and could be justified by it/ She put an intolerable burden on herself in this way.
  21. Adam, Adam... If a young man grows up in a Jewish ghetto, surrounding which is anti-Semitism so pervasive it is as much a fact of life as the Bolshevism of Rand's perilous girlhood... and he is forced into a life of religious study, against which his individualism rebels in his early teens, and he manages to break free,,,, Do you "cut him slack" on the shortcomings of works he later writes, the product of his own introspections and struggles. if you find you do not agree with his ideas?
  22. You are right about the stupid part, anyway, on the UN. That crew could not conspire their way out of a paper bag with both ends wide open. Most of them can barely hang on to their own parts of the world much less take over the rest of it. Note to Adam - the reproductive organs out in the street is one of your less felicitous metaphors. Catches the attention though.