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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Yes, his research staff may always have been excellent and the cream is rising to the top of the bucket. But you will admit that some of the things he has said about what researchers dug up, embroidering and distorting , were beyond the pail.
  2. Harriman "not to be confused with Delos" is also not to be confused with "Dr, David Harriman" as he frequently is by his fans. Or perhaps his long association with the upper reaches of ARI academe have got him through grad school by osmosis.
  3. Mr Gordon, I have read your excellent review of DIM. I cannot agree or disagree on your views of the philosophical arguments Peikoff puts forth, because nothing could induce me to read Peikoff's terrible, awful writing in the original. Your first quotation from him, seems to translate as, "Philosophy needs to use metaphors to get across to the public --- clearly labelled." This is news? Your own writing and your knowledgeable assessment of this book are by contrast a pleasure to read, thank you.
  4. Per your first line, chosen by what? Per your first line, chosen by what? By a specific process of the functions of the processes being discussed here, those of consciousness and the consciousness of consciousness, beyond there be dragons.
  5. And you can get heartburn or half heartburn...or develop an allergy to cake as metaphor... and live happily ever after with half a loaf which is better than none.
  6. I strongly suggest you get into epistemology first. For it deals with what we know, what we can know, and how knowledge is acquired. This makes epistemology the basic discipline of all philosophical reasoning. As opposed to mere allegations which are not supported by empirical evidence, arguments based on firm epistemological ground will be a lot harder to refute. Xray: why you wanna go piling on with Daunce like that? Remind me not to get on yours or Daunce's bad side in the future. Yo, if you wanna go piling on the bad side that is X-tra.
  7. The Dreams Lab sounds exciting. How will Beck rate the out of the box thinkers? Do you know the names of any candidates?
  8. Why thank you very much. That is high praise from a lady of you intelligence. The marxist talked today about "economic patriotism." Can you define that one for me? No, I can't , this is a new term for me and I do not know the context. If you mean, getting free stuff from the government,, of course I get that. In both senses,
  9. Michael, You are entirely right here. it is so important to go outside and talk to people and listen to them. You did that and not enough people do that.America the Beautiful did not become beautiful through reactionary hate and suspicion and fear, but through reason and hope. It will survive because of reason and hope, and do I dare say, a little tolerance...liking...maybe even, sometimes, love?
  10. Simply glorious. Probably expresses how my piano teacher felt about me. Thanks jts.
  11. "Ouch...I always get that one wrong...Sorry Liz, not Warren, I am poetically challenging" =Adam and your challenging is succeeding, at least with me. Everytime I step into the OL backyard where you stump, I automatically think of Obama as The Marxist,tho' outside the community limits I don't think about him much except as the current and maybe future Us president,an interesting and fairly disappointing public figure. I was going to save this for the Election Party in Nov, but may have more Benevolent Sense of Life notes for you by then so I will say it now. Win or lose Obama will always be the Marxist to me and I have never read one word of Marx.
  12. Dear Brother Adam,\\\\ If you have run out of appendages you will just have to run your Workshop with the Ancient Native Art we have been making in Pottery and Ice Sculpture. Some of them are so creative, who knew that Grandma McAloon had an artistic side. ISS the other Gord
  13. With apologies to Emily Dickinson, how can I refute that improper conclusion, let me count the I passed twenty-five (5) and ran out of appendages... Apologise to Emily all you want, but Elizabeth B. Browning's husband will still be steamed,
  14. I also appreciate the note about Caspar M. My own style of posting assumes that most will catch my references and use of them, and I never feel at pains to footnote or prove I know the correct usage when I misuse them deliberately. That is a part of the high calibre of OL I take for granted.
  15. I think you are all "right" on this issue. Needs must when the devil drives, and defining the devil is more proper to philosophy than analysing the economic structure of the society in which you are defining it. But when you are defining it I think PDS has the moral edge here, I understand. And I agree. I also see the other side of the question and I accept that, as well, depending on the context. As you say - as we all know, or the question wouid not come up - it is a ironic that so few of us capitalists actually turn a profit running an actual business. One guy on RoR owns a restaurant. The other successful people are, like me, contractors, self-employed workers who employ no one else. Objectivist entrepreneurs do exist: John Allison, of course, as well as Fred Smith of FedEx, Ed Snider of Spectacor, T. J. Rodgers of Cypress Semiconductor, Mark Cuban of the Dallas Mavericks, and Peter O'Malley (Dodgers, then Padres - and something of Atlas story in his battle with LA CIty Hall Wikipedia here - who introduced Ed Snider to Atlas Shrugged.). But you are right: we all know the irony that the philosophers of capitalism are philosophers, not capitalists. ... after all, the so-called "communists" were usually bourgeois intellectuals, not factory workers... Are all of these fellows avowed Objectivists? I was aware of Ellison and Snyder, but not the others. If Mark Cuban is an Objectivist, I will be most pleased. His persona strikes me as being Rand-novel-worthy.
  16. See what I that wrong also. See what I that wrong also. Gotcha gotcha! Look everybody! Adam says that Obama presidency hasn't failed!!
  17. That VMI via Rockwell is a genius at fundraising, purely through ideas.I believe the prominent classical liberal Lord Black is an admirer and subscriber.
  18. Whose is the quote, about being able to hold two contradictory ideas in the mind at the same time? I'm pretty sure it doesn't come from Rand.
  19. Carol, Considering Romney's deficiencies regarding the vision thing and incomplete command of policy details, I thought and still think that Ryan was an excellent choice. He may also be helping to put some Midwestern states in play. Beyond that, who knows? The choice of a running mate has only a very small effect on electoral outcomes. And the legacy media are so busy trying to convince themselves that it's game over, Romney is toast, don't even bother to hold the election 'cause our guy will be re-coronated, that I wouldn't know where Ryan is speaking and what he's saying unless I kept scanning local newspapers and TV. Let's see what happens when Ryan "debates" Joe Biden. Robert Campbell I agree with your assessment here. Running mates don't much influence the voters. Quayle was one of the weakest vp candidates in living memory, but Bush still won. (Poor DQ was not helped by the fact that Bush was so obsessively secretive that he did not even tell him he was chosen, so he had no way to prepare for the media onslaught) Compared with him Sarah Palin was over-prepped. (I read Bob Woodward's book). I am looking forward to the debate too, though again, everything I read says it will make no difference, each side's supporters will conclude that their guy won. Biden is the more experienced debater, but he's Biden. Ryan is very personable. It could be a Nixon/Kennedy moment, And of course we can believe Bob Woodward who got the Watergate break in "story" completely wrong and has been an agenda driven "journalist" ever since. His latest book is about howObama's presidency has failed, isn't it? This is only the impression I get from the MSM, I have not read it, as it has not yet been remaindered at 99cents like the old one. Woodward expected Bush/Quayle to win in 1992.
  20. Another fictional architect speaks: "He was dreaming. All men dream. His dream was of building beautiful homes for love to dwell in ....houses to keep people from the biting wind and the fierce sun and the loneliness of dark create beauty that would last for generations and be shelter and friendliness and protection as well as beauty." -LM Montgomery