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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Hey Wullie, you are up early today! I too say good on Beck. As I have noted before on here, the Blaze far surpasses his previous internet platform and radio output (and Fox shows, in my opinion) in journalistic standards, popular appeal and readability. I wish I could say that a lot of his fans who comment there had improved apace.
  2. Is Rand to blame, or is Kant? I've read both, and remember that Kant is responsible for most, if not all, of the evil in the world, so it's probably more likely that my being afflicted with the Sarcastic Universe Premise came from him. J This is your idea of a pickup line, even for fictional characters? Maybe Cheryl would fall for it but I am not even sure about that.
  3. I wonder what my sarcastic punctuation says about my sense of life and fundamental view of existence. Btw, am I a Gloomy Gus who is infected with a case of the Malevolent Universe Premise if I believe that no committee, public or private, will hire me? J Yes, but take heart. A private firm in Michigan has already indicated that it would hire you. Do an information interview, politely removing your bonnet at the door. You will see that goalie gloves are already part of the mandatory dress code; they are invaluable at dealing with opposing counsel. Your qualifications and their needs might be a perfect fit. Win-win.
  4. It is a tribute to the potency of Rand's fiction that male readers are polarised as Dagnyites and Dominiquans. Who'd you rather? (There's a minority of Lillianists of whom I suspect Dennis H. to be a prominent member).
  5. I agree, instinctively, with the main thrust of your argument here. The Objectivist passion for tidying reality into categories with a clearly comprehensible hierarchy has culminated in the DIM Hypothesis. Lindsay Perigo, who risible as he is can turn a phrase, called it "turning politics into algebra". Your approach is to try to understand your own emotions, and turn them into art. I like yours better.
  6. Or, you cannot eat the cake, and simultaneously retain it uneaten, to eat later or sell or give away. The cake is no more, it has passed on, it is an ex-cake.
  7. ...but off the ice you can't get a squeak out of them. Care to put some of these on that statement? Canadian banknotes: Canadian Journey Series notes depicted; new $50 and $100 polymer notes (Frontier Series) in circulation not depicted Canadian one-dollar coin (loonie) and two-dollar coin (toonie) as of 2012 I never realised how much the late Jack Layton resembled Robert Borden. I do not see many $100 bills.
  8. J. Drouin of the Halifax Mooseheads was the first QMJHL Player of the Week this year. Not that I am acquainted with Mooseheads very much, at all, just saying.
  9. OH! Look at what the small business owners and concessionaires and who depend on the NHL season for their livelihoods are not getting. Those Eagles will not be getting much either if they do not pipe down.
  10. ...but off the ice you can't get a squeak out of them.
  11. Those gals beat the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles too...jeez. Those Eags really do scream, the whole damn game.
  12. I do not pretend that the grass roots, old-timey joys of minor and junior hockey are not without their pains however. My Saint John Sea Dogs have started the season by losing twice --twice!!!--to Prince Edward island. This is unprecedented, unheard of. Nobody loses to PEI. But the wins are explained by the fact that two emergency players were drafted from the Charlottetown Women's Field Hockey Team. The PEI coach's lame excuse? "Their brothers were sick." I don't think so.
  13. I feel sorry for the die hard fans who would have to traipse halfway across the country to see their young stars playing on the farm team. (I am assuming nobody is so die hard that they will go to Finland or Slovakia to see top NHLers. Switzerland, maybe) At least the Marlies are here in Toronto and will get a boost from Kadri and Gardiner aficianados. And let's face it, the Marlies were better than the Leafs all last season. And the season before, and....
  14. I agree Brant. This author just wants to sell his articles and books and be topical. After 9/11 he went on Bill OReilly and called for the firing of a fellow (liberal)professor for an essay on the causes of the attack - just like the firing of Bill Maher for the "coward" thing. He wrote a book about how obesity is not all that bad when fatness was even more of an obsession than it is now. Rand is topical now so he is latching her more visibility.
  15. I was going to say Madonna! But I mean, females ARE important and men so delightfully decorative... yes, I read your quote. But didn't Rand make an exception for herself which is partly what this thread is about?
  16. Oooh! That's a good guess too, but now you've gone too low on the self-importance scale. The person I quoted had a self-importance level somewhere between that of Phil Coates and Donald Trump. J Well, that just leaves Kanye West and Andrew Bernstein and Lindsay Perigo,. so if it isn't them I will have to give up.
  17. PDS. I googled Campos, and so far I haven't found anything that would make you lose your bet about him. But are the University of Michigan and the University of Boulder in the Ivy League?
  18. Right. And that speaks to Daunce's question about who will be watching the cameras. No one -- and everyone... We have this now, actually, just not in this level of proposed density. When WEBCAMS were launched maybe 10 years ago, they were a rage. But even now, if you look for an address on Google Maps, you can get pictures. And you can search for active cameras in the area... almost any area... Iran and North Korea are not options, but the civilized world is yours for the viewing. In this case and for the wider subject it does make us more conscious of being in public... or should... Exactly, Michael. And the question of hacking and tampering is also worrisome. What if some malicious person mocked up video of you and Jonathan, say, prancing around to tiddleywink music outside a Chick'N'Fil? the only beneficiaries would be the lawyers.
  19. You are a socialist and a Canadian, Daunce. For these reasons, espcially the latter, and because--unlike Mr. Campos-- you are not inclined to caricatures of those you disagree with, you deserve a pass. Americans alive today, however, having drawn an inside straight in the poker game of life, deserve no such pass. Speaking of betting, I would be willing to bet, sight and Google unseen, that our friend Mr. Paul Campos has never met a payroll in his life, that his parents and/or the government paid for his college, and that while growing up, his "self esteem" was the issue of paramount importance in his world. I would be willing to double down and bet that in the last 12 months he hasn't performed a lick of volunteer service to ameliorate the ruthlessness about which he is so fired up. This is not a caricature--it describes most well educated American liberals under the age of 35 that people of my generation have had to coexist with for the past decade or two. They talk a good game, but lead--in every significanty way--the types of "selfish" lives they decry in others, and spend more money on hairdos than they do for charity. I could be wrong about this bum in particular, but the odds are highly in my favor on these proposed bets. Thanks, I will take your pass and apply for a voucher because I spend no money on hairdos. This is not from principle or because I have no hair, but I just can't stand sitting around in salons looking at myself in a mirror . I will also take your word on the American liberals you know. I like to think ours are somewhat different. I am willing to believe that money meets mouth more often in conservatives, even. I just don't always like where the ultra conservative money goes,
  20. Don't read my related post on Hockey thread then, I bruise easily.
  21. Sorry, I put #47 on the wrong thread, Robert mentioned Horowitz elsewhere. I hope the ARI do not sue me.
  22. I looked at David Horowitz's Frontpage website. In endorsing Paul Ryan, Horowitz remarks that "Democrats have already accused [Ryan] of murder." No explanation of this startling occurrence. Is there a coverup going on? In his hugely long list of columnists I noted two with the surnames of Swindler and Plotinsky. I can think of a lot of fun titles for books they could co-write.
  23. "It is of course impossible to name the sense of life of fictional characters. You might name the sense of life of your closest friend though I doubt it. You may, after some years, know the sense of life of the person you love, but nobody beyond that." Guess who? J Phil Coates? Close! Think of a person who is a little less self-important. J Donald Trump is into epistemology? Who knew?