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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Why on earth don't the owners copy the effective, innovative solution adopted by the NFL? Instead of cancelling the season, they should just have hired replacement players. It isn't too late. I and all the Senior Sizzlers are ready, willing and able to take to the ice and show those mooching, spoiled, we-re-so-entitled second-handers that real hockey players share the philosophy of their visionary bosses: proud individualism and a commitment to excellence. Well, all of us but Rahida, she is willing but her rheumatism is acting up again.
  2. So David Kelley sanctioned vagueness and imprecision? Reminds me of Karl Kraus's contention that WW1 wouldn't have happened if people used commas properly. I don’t like the term “libertarian”—it’s too vague and imprecise—and I definitely don’t want to be associated with Ron Paul. By contrast, I stand for pure, uncompromised laissez-faire capitalism, So David Kelley sanctioned vagueness and imprecision? Reminds me of Karl Kraus's contention that WW1 wouldn't have happened if people used commas properly. I don’t like the term “libertarian”—it’s too vague and imprecise—and I definitely don’t want to be associated with Ron Paul. By contrast, I stand for pure, uncompromised laissez-faire capitalism, I clicked on his boring dull interview. Erk, Watkins looks so smug and smirky. Is he Brook's Harriman - the future of ARI, the Great White Hope?
  3. There is a rumour that they have infiltrated the Oath Keepers and are planning a coup de raison, but they are already arguing amongst themselves about what form of raison. Chocolate covered or plain?
  4. I don't think he was banned, but I took part in his last discussion here, about the stock market, and what a beating he took for his utter ignorance. He ought to be too embarrassed to show his face, and remembering what he's like, I say that's a good thing. He should fit in well over at the SLOP trough. Whatever he said he does not deserve to share space with the likes of Doug Bandler. At first I thought Bandler was satirising but he seems to be serious. it is like reading Breivik before he amassed all his weaponry.This guy is not right in the head. But everyone seems to treat him seriously.
  5. Since I would rather live on turnips for a week than read this book I should not comment, but of course I will. It reminds me of nothing so much as the masterwork of Casaubon in Eliot's Middlemarch,THE KEY TO ALL MYTHOLOGIES" . In the novel, his idealistic young wife thirsts to help him complete his toweringly revelatory tome. But try as she might, she finds only dust and dead ends and piles of erudition with no point to make. Perigo, who can turn a phrase, called it "turning politics into algebra". It must have been a fun, absorbing exercise. Leonard has said it was the only book he enjoyed writing, As they say, hard writing makes easy reading, and vice versa.
  6. Carol, I don't give anyone the power to "let" me wear my sunbonnet. Right on brother! ISS Carol
  7. Well, if can convert a socialist it can't be all bad. Without irony, this is a voice for reason that is absolutely 21st century, and I hope he gets a gazillion votes,
  8. I am speaking in relation to Geller and her career. Add whatever you want.
  9. And what she says, bears little or no relationship to truth.
  10. Finally? She has been advertising for years. Her revenues have raised dramatically in the past two years,as have those of her close associates such as Media for Christ/the division of labour and sharpening of message for each audience, is really working.
  11. Jonathan . I have read many of your exchanges about art. I understand them only vaguely because I do not have visual skills, my main means of perception are text and audio. But this latest post seems to sum up somethIing important that I agree with. you can essentialise issues in this way, I am not surprised that PDS would hire you. He might even let you wear your sunbonnet to work.
  12. ND, I think you are too severe. It did not look dumb to me; I did not expect to laugh at a political ad, It looks different, and utterly modern, and Gary Johnson looks as cool as a politician can look, It conveys the message.
  13. Pride goeth before a fall! Jealously Carol and the prophet Ezekiel You think your dad was strict
  14. I don't recall it, I do not remember it being reported here. This is only my dim impression, If it did not happen I am very glad that it was not reported. This is the first I have heard of it,And I have not noticed any repetitions in anything I have read from the legacy mass media,(but obviously I am no watchdog:)
  15. Carol: Be happy I did not post something else you have two (2) of... Adam thinking of making a collage... That's it, I am calling Snowe or Snowe right now, I hope the connection is working in the Satellite hut. You tipped your hand by posting a black and white and adding eye makeup so as not to show colour but I think we have got you on your caddish ungentlemanliness, no jury in Nunavut would acquit you after they hear my testimony, there a rule against earlobes in the Northern wasteland? Not exactly but you know there are complex traditions about earlobes. You just try to appeal to my everyone's baser instincts so you will always fail.
  16. Further, as a pet theme of mine is that politics is the result of history plus geography, and that ideology must lag behind--- there is a new book about politics defined by geography, by Kaplan. Is anyone acquainted with this writer? I have not researched, somebody just mentioned it to me verbally.
  17. ps the Panopticon was wonderful to look through, and makes me think of RC's questions about a Big Picture. The panopticon was the biggest contemporary picture I have ever seen. I am trying to remember if I drew any conclusions from it. Only middle distance, geographical ones.
  18. I looked through the Panopticon in Edinburgh. Whatever the social and ethical implications, this certainly looks like a job creator, how many people would have to just look at the recordings day in and day out?
  19. Carol: Be happy I did not post something else you have two (2) of... Adam thinking of making a collage... That's it, I am calling Snowe or Snowe right now, I hope the connection is working in the Satellite hut. You tipped your hand by posting a black and white and adding eye makeup so as not to show colour but I think we have got you on your caddish ungentlemanliness, no jury in Nunavut would acquit you after they hear my testimony,
  20. Is that my eye again? It better not be! You have been warned already!!
  21. Playoffs are always approaching from somewhere in hockey, but not faceoffs this year in the NHL. The recurrent attempts of the billionaire team owners in the US to recoup the losses of their failed expansion gamble have resulted in the second lockout in five years, As usual the fans are the losers because, yawn, as one owner succinctly put it, "Public opinion is not a factor in this dispute." He is right , NHL is a business and there is plenty of revenue and reserved cash still in the management coffers. They have a good deadlock on many municipalities to extract fees and guarantees from them, while providing no services. Edmonton? Threaten to move the team. Phoenix? Wanna go bankrupt? And so on. The transfer process of sending the cash from the rich (Canadian) teams to the poor (southern US) teams was not generating enough profit, so it is time to squeeze the players again...cutting labour costs is the first line of economy, as everybody knows. Hockey itself is thriving, however, wherever there is ice. Many of the best young stars are locked into the minors and juniors, and I can follow the Marlies and the Sea Dogs and the Icedogs, and hope that the plutocrats will graciously "resume negotiations" in time for the Winter Classic, and that they might possibly be forced to shrink the league and shorten the exhaustingly prolonged season. But I have no reason to hope they will.
  22. How do Amazon apply their standards anyway? They posted George's review where he nailed McElroy for her plagiarism. That is surely more contentious than anything Shayne said,
  23. Happy birthday Studio D, You are more grown up than a lot of us. Carol (107)
  24. Geller is KASS alright - Kalculatedly Angry, Slanderous, Solvent.
  25. I am puzzled too, since there is a one start review, by someone who obviously did not read the book, who calls Peikoff a Bushian neocon. Maybe Shayne has enemies at Amazon, or the ARI has been complaining to them.