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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Well, I guess the moral morons interested in this dreary subject would have to go back and read our exchanges in chronological order and make up their own minds, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
  2. You made that win-lose proposition to William and Jules, and they both turned you down, and now you offer it to me-- Not much of a negotiator, are you?
  3. Socially greedy people like you, Jon, I can't say fascinate me, but certainly perplex me. With every weapon you have in gratuitous insult, obscene and beyond name-calling to the point of psychotic delusion, you have wasted oceans of hate over a few harmless individuals here with the goal of getting us to stop posting on the site, because you disagree with our ideas and can't tolerate any back talk from from non-Trump worshippers. You obviously support a total re-branding of OL into a 24-hour Trump rally, and may well succeed. Of course, you have plenty of hate left over for all public figures who are anti-Trump too, so I don't worry about your stamina. Your input and Jonathan's are obviously paramount to Michael , so your position on this site is pretty supreme. But as mentioned, you are greedy. What is the quote, "It is not enough to succeed, everyone else must fail"? Dissent must be silenced and banished. MSK has expressed his gratitude and loyalty to you, and his devotion to his Kat is legendary, so I truly admire him for not acquiescing to your urgings that he get rid of the people who have criticized you. Must be tough not being able to throw people off the site on your own authority, eh? Just put us all on ignore.. you'll sleep better.
  4. Michael! What system of logic leads to the conclusion that disapproval of torture and murder in general and specifically , to whomever it happens, means approval of the torture of others ???? Not Ayn Rand's, surely. Not mine for sure.
  5. The hyperbole virus has got you too Brant. It is , maybe,debatable that simply by existing, a State is a torturer. And socialistic state practices do affect everyone, But being able to afford pain medicine, because others as well as I pay taxes, is not a torturous effect, for example. Quite the reverse, trust me. And since there are states, none of them should be patted on the back by other states for deliberately and flagrantly torturing . Just. Should. Not.
  6. Got me there, J. I have hardly any grip to get. Never could open JARS. But have taken a break from outside world, and have now been inside for two hours. Still trying to figure out if you approve of state-approved torture and murder of citizens without trial, etc. For any state whatsoever,since it is about broad moral principles we occasionally debate here, or at least used to in the past.
  7. Since becoming president, Trump has accomplished the highest toll of gun deaths the United States has ever seen! Just an offshoot of the booming economy, you might say, but he is responsible for that too --with the bonus that most of those dead civilian losers asked for it, probably. Well done. I love unintended consequences , don't you? They are so-- original and challenging.
  8. Your hyperbole called out mine, cousin -- if you are doing analogies, like should be somewhat like. Admittedly I know nothing about Khashoghi (likely spelled wrong) but surely I would have heard if he had personally caused the execution of a good chunk of the European population. And the orange man was bad not to be revolted by torture and murder and say so, because I think in fact orange man is, if he would just think about it. Bullies' victims do not always deserve what they get.
  9. Ooooookay. But I maintain that if even Hitler was murdered while dolefully working for an American company on American roads, so to speak, the American president should not congratulate the murderers. Just ain't decent .
  10. If being Canadian just comes with righteousness, how can I help sharing the wealth? Yeah, that is our Mounties , they always get their businesswoman, when asked nicely to get her.
  11. fair do's. Getting ISIS to stop chopping off heads in public is a wonderful accomplishment, and getting out of the war for profit business is damn near miraculous. Would it have been so hard therefore, for the wonder-worker to have got Saudis to at least apologize for torturing and murdering an American employee? Instead of toadying to them as if it was Arabia First? Just asking.
  12. But to us bad guys, the "issue he is doing someplace else" is often more foolish than the previous folly,-- so tediously, like the befuddled fools we are, we continue to examine what facts are verifiable, and leave the obvious brilliant analyses to the good guys.
  13. So is eternal torment in you-know-where., brother..mwaaahaha... Lucifer see you later, or maybe sooner!
  14. And you're bilingual too- in both American and British insults! Truly, a Renaissance man of the new order.
  15. I know your question was to Jules, but since it followed on my comment to you, I will chime in and say I was teased and bullied on first entering school, generally for being a newcomer and specifically for my hair. My mother made me wear long curls until I was 9 years old (she was a big Shirley Temple fan. I also had to take tap dancing.) She put them up in pincurls every night and those pins were tight and often hurt! And the other kids played a game called "Milk the Cow" (there were a lot of farm kids ) and pulled my hair. Also it got quite long before she finally would let it be cut. having your hair pulled every recess was truly painful for a whole year although it did teach me endurance. So you see, not only conservatives have suffered wrongfully, through no fault of their own!
  16. out of the mouths of , you know, what you call those very young uneducated know the quote, but under no circumstances could one call Jan Letendre a babe. However , that charming Billyboy has more class than nearly everyone we know, is indeed wisdom, and worth any amount of baked goods.
  17. I don't quite understand you -- "violence so much more from the left than the right."..what generalized and particularized violence is that? Who has been killed that we don't know about? Who on the right has died so far? Where are these millions of violent leftists, whom your hundreds of millions of freedom-loving guns are so willing to execute? Jeez Brant, and you call California nutty.
  18. The Duke of Windsor gave good service as a civilian in the East Indies during the war too. And he was a documented fascist fan. Yes, poster boy was indeed gratuitous, so you're welcome. You are right, of course, that left-right was horribly serious, and why should any sane person have to choose Hitler or Stalin? Why could North Americans not look at their own hybrid polities and choose democracy.. the worst form of government, except for all the others , pace Churchill. Why don't we now?
  19. I think I can understand now, of what is "from the top of your head" and in your heart too, better than I did before. The annoyance and anger at ineptitude and elitism goes back a long time, and you see real hope of a remedy now. I think your hope is misplaced, but believe me if ineptitude and elitism are vanquished by Trump, I will be glad to say I was wrong to say so. I see how real your convictions are. I hope your chosen leader proves worthy to carry them out. Of course you are used to my usual modes of expression, so I assume you know, this is from my heart also.
  20. Lindbergh comes to mind, a true American hero and America firster, an Aryan poster boy and it is said a fascist fan. It must have been hard to unfan him, in those days. Brant you braggart! I cannot even type on an Ipad, need keyboard and new fine finger muscles. Let alone a phone.
  21. Ah, I see. Now the Canadian connection can be explained, our own Pamela Anderson's cosy visits with her crush Assange come clear - just check the dates, people!
  22. Michael, I have read this post twice and I cannot see the connection here. I remember the relentless coverage of Iran, certainly initiated by the MSM as they counted off the days to the 443rd day of captivity of the hostages in Iran., and that was certainly pounding Carter every day that he did not get them free, but what was fake about the story? Were the Americans not really being held hostage? Please explain the analogy here.
  23. "I think continually of those who were truly great.... and left the vivid air signed with their honour". - Stephen Spender Obviously this is not about our Reputations on our profiles on OL, though if you want to think I am truly great do feel free. Partly it is about seeing a "smartest president" post, I did not read it because it had a two-line internet address which gave me the hives. But it gave me something interesting to think about, because there have been so many smart presidents, from my very limited knowledge of them. I divided them into ante- and post-bellum, because there were so many educated intellectual types ante, and so many generals post. Not that I have anything against generals. In general. I would call it a tie between Jefferson and Lincoln, the mix between original thought, deep reason and formal education mixing so in them to lead the new nation as they did. After the generals, Teddy Roosevelt is my main brain man, I think, although Wilson was the most highly educated, but a sad example of an over-thinker. I leave it there for you all to enlighten about the mental capacities of the ensuers. In the presidency as in life, I think, intelligence is only one of the factors required for success in a four-year contract job, and usually not the most important one.
  24. Hmmm... say, 90 days of continuous free and frank discussion with Jonathan Smith, Esq. That should finish one of them off, at least. Thanks for asking.