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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Also I am enjoin the benefits of the list that did let me join it, as usual.
  2. I wouldn't want to be a member of a List that would let me join anyway. I enjoin that sentiment.
  3. There is a hilarious vid of Lil Wayne refusing to answer questions at a deposition, exhibiting this same attitude. Mr Audio has already scoped out enemies, in a place where he expected only to encounter friends and fans who would recognise his talents and applaud his proper pride. His grammar is actually fine, his spelling and punctuation are just standard rapper style.
  4. That was terrific! I think they left out the Plains of Abraham though,, will have to watch again. Way better than Battlefield Earth and a lot shorter. Your taste in videos is improving. Must be the benevolent influence of OL.
  5. Intelligence, drive, fury and jerkiness. If he had shown he had mastered the rules of written English before he chose to break them (and maybe he did), I would have paid him more attention. Or maybe if he had just cut his friend a break and let him sleep on the couch already,
  6. Shayne Wissler wrote a review for Amazon, but they refused to print it, so he posted it on Solo,
  7. I think, with customising, this could serve as a template which could save Michael a lot of time, It is funny that you mention Victor, The first thing I noticed in his (own) writing was the illiteracy. From my scavenges into the past I see there was a time when he dominated the board a lot of the time. If I had been lurking then, I would never have joined OL.
  8. PS I hear that Sandra F has received many proposals of marriage since her sudden celebrity.She might soon be made an honest woman of and start a family and taxpayers will no longer have to pay for her avoid the consequences of her promiscuity, She will be her husband's problem!
  9. Michael, I think sometimes you over=think things. About Fluke, which came well before the campaign heated up. I see this as an appeal to the Democratic base, if it turned out a trap that was just luck. And Limbaugh climbed out in good shape. About Rice I don't know, they are stuck with her original statements so maybe they are just doubling down. The election is so polarised already, I can't see any payoff in just reinforcing everyone's already-held opinions. The right will still see Rice as a craven appeaser and Fluke as a freeloading slut etc, The independents, who knows? They might not care about foreign policy or reproductive issues at all, The left will certainly not change their minds.
  10. - open shop, of course. Of course! Rational self interest will always prevail.
  11. To be clear, I see the TP as a coalition, with a menu market/deregulation/less government as the specialite de la maison, maybe...and members can choose one or two or all of the issues on the table. I don't know where the media sources I got my impression are, but one of them is OL. The latest one is Oonline, which is advertising a TP meeting today in New York featuring Pamela Geller as a speaker. I know she is a staple on the TP circuit, so I assume Islamophobia (sorry, "Anti-Sharia") is also on the menu.
  12. ....and then the bill came and I dont remember anything else and I cant find my right boot either, I must have worn it home if I lose another pair of boots the foreman is going to freak out....
  13. You seem to be saying that consciousness is a verb, rather than a noun. Sound right? It is a noun describing a process of action, like flight or thought. In grammar, at least, there is no "rather than" but a combination of verb and noun, as with gerunds. But I think I see where you are going. Yes, "consciousness" as a noun could also be considered a concept. I see it as a description of a process. I bring up your work boots and you bring up gerunds. Is that how this is going to work? Am I on the wrong thread? I left my work boots at the pub. At least I remember taking off the left one. It was pinching and the pinching got so annoying, and the conversation turned to philosophising...
  14. Do you have a wide circle of friends? I get the impression that you do not host many house parties.
  15. So all those John Galt signs, Michael and Kat, myself at the Tea Party events proves that we are "...very opinionated religious..." individuals? Really? I said "contains", not "contains only". You could be considered part of the one-issue groups, in that you are concerned mainly with less government, at least as I read you. Am I wrong to think of the TP as a coalition of many single-issue voters? The pro-life lobby is very influential, surely, for one example.
  16. You seem to be saying that consciousness is a verb, rather than a noun. Sound right? It is a noun describing a process of action, like flight or thought. In grammar, at least, there is no "rather than" but a combination of verb and noun, as with gerunds. But I think I see where you are going. Yes, "consciousness" as a noun could also be considered a concept. I see it as a description of a process.
  17. This isn't an "idea" and it has nothing to do with Ayn Rand or her philosophy.
  18. Sensual ha, he is looking for editorial advice. Authors are ruthless.
  19. This one is for the scholars but I will take a stab at 1 and 2. It is about defining consciousness and self. Consciousness is a physical process which happens inside the brain. The self is a concept (created by the consciousness applied to thinking about it) which includes the individual body and its actions. And the rest, I suppose, is philosophy.
  20. And you had to mention hockey too! Waaaah! You really are a brute! Sobbing and cringing, Carol
  21. Robert, I don't "see" liberals and progressives as an entity necessarily. I am well aware of classical liberalism and the various definitions. I don't see conservatives as an entity at all. But you will admit, they have defined themselves through entities like the Tea Party, which contains very opinionated religious and one-issue groupsI I also assume that since the AARP is senior citizens, Ryan and Obama both made speeches about how their plans would make seniors' lives better. If I were an assignment editor, I would send someone to cover the speech but unless some new policy point or newsworthy quotes came from it, I would probably not feature it unless it was a very slow news day. An opinion columnist could cover the analysis angle. I know little of Horowitz, but I remember trying to read Ramparts and giving up because it was incomprehensible. I guess his communication skills have improved since them.
  22. Gee Adam, is this how you are running the Welcome Wagon these days? You didn't even give him his copy of Atlas! Carol: Fair point. However, making a judgment on sheer stupidity is an elemental Randian trait. Judge and be prepared to be judged. Since it is my city that got hit. Since I lost friends and so many firefighters. I do not tolerate an uninformed, ignorant, immature and frankly tedious assertion by anyone. Adam You have made some exceptions for me.
  23. Your suspicions are not founded in medical science. Clinical depression (as opposed to situational-reactive or transitory depressions) is a biological condition to which some people are prone: angry people, happy people, lucky people, dirt-poor people. It is not selective.