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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. "Happiness is possible only to a rational man" - fun hower, is available to any old woman
  2. Eastwood was a plagiarist! Obama on the empty chair was a clear ripoff of the Minister seated on the bucket in numerous Oor Wullie comic strips of the 1970s.,\ Somebody ought to sue,
  3. I think we are thinking at cross purposes. I was not on the track of , what are liberals in the west doing or not doing, about bigots such as this in Egypt and other ME countries. I was thinking of what we do about extremists we find in our own midst amongst our own citizens or residents. How far North American liberals influence or enable extremists in other countries, is a political question I simply do not have the knowledge to answer. I believe on evidence that North American ultra conservatives have influenced extremists to protest and riot . by distributing inflammatory propaganda there, I am not aware of similar actions due to liberal propaganda.
  4. Och no, Our Wullie, please! You knae well that the Stuarts cannae play the golf to save their lives!
  5. I hope Johnson gets a huge amount of votes. many people, me included, think the two-party system in the US has outlived its usefulness. Likeminded libertarians need a voice.
  6. Carol, Judging by your posts, probably jts for starters. (You asked.) Michael I do not hate jts. I discern a puckish deliberate curmudgeon somewhere in him, which reminds me of my grandfather, although I am probably older than jts. He is deliberately contrary, "a character", exasperating, Sometimes very amusing, always a saving grace with me. I am not a good hater,
  7. Wait a minute, I thought she said they weren't. This was a hot topic with Christopher Hitchens after 9/11, I bet there's some good material out there with names and dates, and Hitch's flavor of righteous indignation to sauce it up. You got tangled up in the triple negatives. Or you expected me to say they weren't.
  8. The Stevens story was never widely reported in the mainstream media because it was never confirmed. As to the Duchess, the consensus on royalwatching websites is, she should have known better than to ever be outdoors topless, still the photographer must be shot, and we now know that she is even more beautiful than anybody thought she was. William is too furious even to write in his Diary.
  9. Allowing them to "hide" in the general Muslim population, and not killing or arresting them until they initiatei force? Or until it is proven that they are plotting it.
  10. "Too full already is the grave of fellows that were good, and brave, And died because they were." -AE Housman Christopher Stevens, a good man and brave. Rest in peace and eternal honour
  11. What the heck is this? Where are you coming up with this crap, Carol? Just quoting William for some fun. But think about it. When you read me channeling William just now, but aimed it at you, did you really think I was politely asking for information? Michael Of course not, and I didnt think William was either -- he was reacting, "that is garbage, where did you get it?"But being me it is my instinct to put things in polite language.
  12. Carol, Touchy, aren't we? Boo hoo. Whenever you spin progressive, I'm going to call the spin what it is. And when you finger-wag and are in error riding high on a progressive narrative... Heh. btw - I don't do like the progressives do. I don't hate or look down my nose at those I disagree with unless I can pity them. So, no, you have not "affronted" me "beyond repair." I admit, I'm no fan of finger-wagging and I give back what I get, but look at how much I put up with Phil. You're a piece of cake compared to him. Michael Who are the ones I hate and look down my nose at, Michael? Do you believe I hate you or Brant or Ninth Doctor or Baal or...who is it?
  13. Deep breath, I was not aware that i was changing a subject, I took the subject to be the Stevens rumour. My mistake for not reading thoroughly. As I said, it never occurred to me that Adam would make up such a thing, and when I went back and read the WSS comment I did not think he was implying that either. I thought he was just saying, "where did you hear that and why do you believe it?" As to Salon you are partially right. I am somewhat familiar having read pieces on it, but mostly commentary. The commentary seemed to be based on facts, I did not perceive them as "high left" but I assumed it was not a source you would credit as it is strictly an online one. Sorry Salon! I will probably find you credible even if you are online and high left!
  14. Alberta has quite a few rats, some of them are in the legislature,
  15. And since I've probably already affronted you beyond repair Mchael,I may as well add, I am tired of being fitted into your narrative about progressives, since I usually know what I am talking about. Like it or not,even progressives are individuals. Just like regressives.
  16. No, it isn't blah blah blah. What I consider to be a news source, so do you. A credible source. You mentioned the Washington Post. Their story said that the "Lebanese media" source was a website, and that the AFP Lebanese news agency said ir falsely attributed the Stevens story to them and that they disavowed it.( This happened with SkyArabia and the false crucifixion story also) You gave the impression that the WP reported the rumour straight, and sigh, how much more proof do I need. Your antenna for propaganda seems to operate only in one direction,
  17. I never thought Adam made up anything much less insinuated it, He repeated something he believed, maybe. Like you I just skimmed the previous posts and raced off on my high horse.
  18. Carol, (sigh) Try this. On the first page of results I see Huffington Post (blog), Salon, Washington Times, and The Gateway Pundit. I did not see one porn site. I don't feel like investigating this further and playing gotcha or dealing with pseudo-innocence games like feigning ingenuousness. William asked where Adam was "coming up with this crap," as if Adam were making it all up. He wasn't. That was my point. How serious the speculation or investigation went, I don't know. I didn't look into it. I just skimmed headlines and a paragraph here and there. But as I said, the possibility was reported and discussed all over the news. And it was. Do you really need more links? Michael Well, I do feel like investigating it further and I did. I was not aware that you considered the HuffPost or Salon to be news sources, I don't. I consider them to be news curators and commentators. In any case what they reported was that other sources were reporting this obscene rumour, specifically, the bloggers I mentioned above and the "Lebanese media". Nowhere can I find a credible source for "this crap" and until I can find one I will not take it as fact. But like you, I will sigh.
  19. gulch: O'bama and Romney would have to be having anal sex with Ryan and Biden on Air Force One when it crashed to have Johnson be elected! Adam LOL!!!!! That really is funny. Maybe now is not the time, but when is it ever? No knock on Ryan but he is handsome . One of the funniest Faux Captions I saw was of him shortly after his choice as VP and a photo where he is looking up searchingly at the sky. The caption is, "When is a good time to mention that guy I've been dating?"
  20. I Googled it. What "news" sites can you quote? All I saw was hate and porn blogs, including one which says, "See lara Logan being sodomized on a couch" I thought you were always extra cautious about things that are "all over the news". Apparently you except things that are all over Google.
  21. Oh, I see. I frequently have to use library computers when mine won't work or I can't pay the internet bill or something, so I understand.
  22. Ali G is funny, he is a favourite of my son's. How times change, I could never have graduated from high school with spelling like yours. Ordinarily I do not recommend spellcheck because it makes low-level readers make nonsensical choices. But why don't you use one?