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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I can't tell if you are being playful, or just not getting it. That was an additional SPELLING NOTE. You are an intelligent guy.
  2. I had not seen that post, TY. It reflects other stuff I have read and seems to be fairly scrupulous about sourcing.Of course we must always consider the source. I do not know your views on Spencer and Geller. I think it is fair to say that they seem to regard Islam (and its enabler liberalism) as the source of all evil and danger in the modern world. They have endorsed and promoted Nasralla and Klein numerous times on their own websites. I think this qualifies as a demonstration of close ties.
  3. Fine, but what is a sign? Every single thing that happens everyday, for the past thirty years and beyond, is a sign to somebody. I wish they would all get together and agree on just one big sign so the rest of us can get ready. I can't decide between taking a chance on the Rapture or just being killed or enslaved like I deserve.
  4. I don't see it holding any deserts, unless the empty space is supposed to represent the Sahara or the Kalahari.
  5. I'm going to start with sewing lessons soon and I'm going to start making my own couture. I'm deliciously ecstatic! I'll be able to show you actual Benjamatic couture and importantly, I'LL be wearing it! These are the moments that make life worth living Incidentally, from my new scanned sketches do you better understand what Benjamatic architecture, esp. twining, looks like? A little better. You certainly have a very consistent look. Why would people need a tray in the desert?
  6. In other words, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula decided he'd found an easy mark. Robert Campbell PS. Hemet's not a high-profile locale. After the original Mothers of Invention broke up, the guy who did the "swell vocals," Ray Collins, took a job in Hemet selling Chryslers. This would have been in 1970 or 1971. I can't recall a reference to the place since then. Or vice versa. It appears to be Klein who sought the alliance with Coptic Christians, telling them they were destined to overthrow secularism (he is apparently a theocracy fan) and joining with Nasralla in various projects. Once again I apologise for the lack of links , so I cannot substantiate, but I think you will grant that I have indeed read these things and am not just inventing them (though what I read could be inventions) Hemet high or low is where Klein lives and works as an insurance agent.
  7. Sometimes I wish I had learned to sew when i was supposed to (Grade 8, one Home Ec or Shop class was compulsory). I got my mother to sew my awful looking skirt for me (she wasn't very good either) and in exchange I learned typing from her old manual. Carol 80 words a minute, hems dragging
  8. Why do you want to believe that your couture is only possible using equipment that you can't afford? Nothing that you've said in the above could not be accomplished using low-cost, low-tech molding and casting methods such as plaster or latex molding compounds and foam casting products that can be purchased cheaply from any online or brick-and-mortar art supply store. J Learning to sew is even cheaper. There is a free sewing class at the Adult Learning Centre I teach at. The students are mostly older than Ben but they seem to have lots of fun and produce some amazing clothes.
  9. Robert, I apologise sincerely for not linking, (I hope Adam is not reading this, as he has patiently told me several times how to do links.I am afraid he will punish me. The sad truth is I am too techno-dumb and lazy to learn to link. I do not even know how to cut and paste although I used to when I worked on oldtime computers. At least unlike Phil Coates I will admit it though it embarrasses me. Also unlike him I very seldom engage in debate which needs citation, I usually do general commentary or meaningless blather). My speculations were based on an interview Klein gave to his hometown newspaper the Hemet Press-Intelligencer.
  10. spelling notes" Mannequin" - a manikin is a tiny man Meerschaum last but not least, "competent"
  11. The first picture after the Chanel videos is the most clear in clearly showing the twining: it is the "squiggly" snake-like sculptures around the neck. Sculpting the shapes is what I would do first- I would use clay or wax (haven't used wax yet). I would then have the shapes 3d scanned. A 3d scanner scans 3d objects. You could have your hand scanned and an exact replica can be made with a 3d printer. A 3d scanner records the exact dimensions of my sculpture on CAD. With those exact dimensions of the sculpture, I would 3d print a mold. I would pour memory foam in the mold. Memory foam is made by mixing elements togather which can be bought at Dynamic Systems. I don't think I can be more clear about that. I would pour the memory foam mix in the 3d printed mold. The product of that mold would be a memory foam replica of the twining shape I sculpted (such as the snake-like objects around the neck of the girl under the Chanel videos). Having things 3d scanned is very expensive. Renting or using a 3d printer is very expensive. My haute couture is only possible by means of 3d scanners and 3d printers. My work is not flat, if it were a manakin and cloth would do and I'd have been selling them already. Do you understand? Do you understand what I mean when I say twining? Twining is what I call my style of line (the snake-like "squiggly" line). I don't hold myself as being less or more talented than Bogdan. I see him as an equal. That will probably come off as pretentious as it seems I still havent made clear what my work actually looks like, but its the truth. I did, however, last night, sketch a very clear, to me, library room in Castle Benjamin which I'll post due to how clear it is. I'll check out Project Runway. I think they'll hate me for the "impertinance" of having my own original style and for not copying what others have done before me and insted orininating new steps and next steps in haute couture. I've just discovered a scanner in the library, I'll scan some of my work so you can see, more clearly, just what it truly looks like. I have to switch computers. The first picture after the Chanel videos is the most clear in clearly showing the twining: it is the "squiggly" snake-like sculptures around the neck. Sculpting the shapes is what I would do first- I would use clay or wax (haven't used wax yet). I would then have the shapes 3d scanned. A 3d scanner scans 3d objects. You could have your hand scanned and an exact replica can be made with a 3d printer. A 3d scanner records the exact dimensions of my sculpture on CAD. With those exact dimensions of the sculpture, I would 3d print a mold. I would pour memory foam in the mold. Memory foam is made by mixing elements togather which can be bought at Dynamic Systems. I don't think I can be more clear about that. I would pour the memory foam mix in the 3d printed mold. The product of that mold would be a memory foam replica of the twining shape I sculpted (such as the snake-like objects around the neck of the girl under the Chanel videos). Having things 3d scanned is very expensive. Renting or using a 3d printer is very expensive. My haute couture is only possible by means of 3d scanners and 3d printers. My work is not flat, if it were a manakin and cloth would do and I'd have been selling them already. Do you understand? Do you understand what I mean when I say twining? Twining is what I call my style of line (the snake-like "squiggly" line). I don't hold myself as being less or more talented than Bogdan. I see him as an equal. That will probably come off as pretentious as it seems I still havent made clear what my work actually looks like, but its the truth. I did, however, last night, sketch a very clear, to me, library room in Castle Benjamin which I'll post due to how clear it is. I'll check out Project Runway. I think they'll hate me for the "impertinance" of having my own original style and for not copying what others have done before me and insted orininating new steps and next steps in haute couture. I've just discovered a scanner in the library, I'll scan some of my work so you can see, more clearly, just what it truly looks like. I have to switch computers. But for just one sample == can't you sew?
  12. You were using your allowance to buy jewellery???
  13. "But I'm sure they would hate me." Why? Are you less talented than Bogdan? Watch Project Runway. I am not even interested in fashion but it is very interesting. i do not pretend to understand your production process for couture but I fail to see what is so expensive in getting some material and sewing one dress in a standard size. It is like saying you will starve to death unless you have caviar in the cupboard along with the eggs and flour.
  14. I agree with this, I remember a dingy hopeless feeling (I was in England for much of the early 70s). It was also however, the birth era of Monty Python, Dads Army, Steptoe etc,, so life was not all bad, I also loathed the pre-fluoride era in my town because I had to go to the dentist.
  15. Shelton had a real knack for redefining words, didn't he?
  16. "Carol, You gave the impression of actually knowing not only who was behind Mr. Nakoula's piece of crap, but the precise agenda of this person or organization" I did not mean to give that impression at all. I have just been speculating aloud, trying to figure out the players and what motives they might have. It is because we do not know all the facts that as a story this is so intriguing. The agenda of Media for Christ is fairly well known, but the "precise" agenda of this particular effort, I really cannot fathom. Maybe they did not have a precise agenda at all. We'll only be able to speculate on that if the money can be followed to its source and names attached to the various parts of the project. Added: Klein (spokesman/consultant for the movie) and Nasralla(head of Media for Christ) were handing out leaflets at California schools last year, depicting Mohammed as a pedophile etc, Trying to generate a pre-buzz? e
  17. I was sick those times and you can check with Doc Akqavit. I know who tells those lies and made up that stupid nickname and it is a person who is very jealous of me because he is a big stupid loser. ISS, Dirk Hillwalker Jr. Brother in Good Standing
  18. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Brother Daniel, First you should know there is a rumour going around that you and Brother Greg are the same person or you are both three people, or something. Well of course we know you and Greg are two people though it is hard to tell you apart on the phone sometimes. This other person is a Bill Shirk, but there is no one of that name in our Lodge even lapsed. There is a Hilly Shirks over at Local 101, but that is not even his real name it is only a nickname because he always gets sick when it is his turn to call Bingo or drive the sledpool to the kids day camps. And Mottled Tusk is too far away from here even for the best dogs. I don't know how these dumb ideas get started but some people just like to make stuff up. Also, want to commend you on your good work for the Education Committee, the workshop on Right and Wrong was very interesting and that movie with the trains was very scary, nobody will want to be Wrong after seeing that haha. However looking at your materials for next session, I am afraid we can't approve it. That book does NOT Pop-up at all and there aren't even any pictures, and the words don't make sense. I would suggest you use the NHL Handbook again and show its applications to Real Life, but that would be too depressing for the course participants especially the ones who only enrolled because of the lockout. You better just do Iglovian Influences on Anne of Green Gables again. You asked me at the last Strategy Meeting if it might be to our advantage to merge the Secret Plan with somebody elses secret plan and reap the rewards of synergy. I have taken a straw man poll and the feeling is definitely NO, the Secret Plan is unique and integral to the values and aims of the Brotherhood. Let other people make up their own plans. See you at the Hut for the Little Mosque on the Prairie marathon, ISS Gord Asst. Shaman
  19. Robert, The employers are the people who arranged and financed the production of the movie. The idea of Nakoula as a lone artiste who wrote a screenplay (and arranged financing for it) from prison, then start filming it two months after his release, is not credible to me. But a 55 year old ex-con with a a$700,000 debt and a background in meth-cooking, drug-dealing, snitching and credit card fraud, is likely to be open to any offers he can get. The personal identities of these employersI of course do not know although I have my theories. The proudly-acknowledged link of the Media for Christ organization is certainly a clue. Thanks for your info on Bartlett and Frum. I agree with your analysis of DF, over the years I have noticed him sounding much more sensible! It must be his inbuilt Canadian centricism emerging as he ages.
  20. And I know that whatever Mitt says or does about anything, the Marxist does worse. I get it. If it will cheer you up, everytime I venture to comment on Romney I will add OW at the end, for Obama's Worse.
  21. Carol: Interesting that you do not mention O'bama's constant fund raising when he actually should be at the White House, or, being President. How much money does he need? Adam Well Adam, your thread is about romney. I do not feel the need to mention Obama every time I comment on Mitt. As you say, I have no dog in this fight and not much interest in comparing/contrasting the candidates in every post. I did not know that O was fundraising instead of governing but I freely acknowledge he should not be doing that. He probably needs more money than Mitt does as he has less personal wealth, I don't know if the Dems have a bigger war chest than the GOP or not.
  22. He spent yesterday in Texas and Utah...fundraising. Good grief. How much money does the man need? I actually do not think Romney would make a bad president. In fact a Romney government would probably be better for Canada's economy than 4 more years of Obama, so my rational self-interest should support him. But the awful awfulness of his going-through-the-wrong-motions campaigning is so excruciating to watch, I don't think I could stand watching four years of a going-through-the-wrong-motions presidency.
  23. lol - I think MEM should use this one for his business card.
  24. Yes, you have just identified the difference between appetite and hunger. Hunger is the need for food and appetite is the preference for a particular food to satisfy it,
  25. The Small Media are pretty good at distortions too, Better, actually,