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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. (offtopic aside) At least you thought of the right thing to say to the horrifying Bandler on Solo, good on you. Do I remember rightly and he also hates women, as well as Muslims? He was so misogynistic that even Aunt Thomasina Olivia slapped him down. It could have been someone else but I think I remember the ski poles. -later I see that against his sweeping assertions that Muslims ought not to exist, he bellows at you to make an argument! The mind boggles. I can only think of a quote from a longtime congressional colleague of the Hon. Todd Akin (R-Miss) : "You can't argue with an idiot" I haven't seen that yet. I'll go look. --Brant will he pay me to? edit: LP jumped right in like a pig in SLOP--I then made a short post and left the place after deleting my pic., never to post there again A loss to the land of Cogito Ergo Dumb, and a continued gain to us in the kingdom of Wanton Ignobility Carol leering gleefully
  2. Is the administration saying that the demo sparked the Libya attack? I did not know that.As we discussed previously, it just gave a lucky diversion to the attackers there and in Cairo, the attacks seemed to be planned, The vid has sparked more protests but as far as I have heard from the MSM, nobody else has been killed.
  3. Carol, Er... because that's what bullies do? They don't like to get smacked back, so they don't target the strong. But if they sense weakness, they go in for the kill. That's what they always do, Islamist bullies or any other kind of bullies. Why do you think they targeted Rushdie and not rabid fanatical Zionists who have actively defamed Islam for decades? (btw - Almost all Zionists are neither rabid nor fanatical. I'm only talking about the nutcases.) How about if Rusdie looked and acted like Rambo, was well connected with the military and was an expert with heavy firearms and explosives? Do you think there would have been a fatwa against him then? Heh. Bullies are cowards underneath. btw - Since when is it OK to kill people over defaming Islam? Do you believe that's OK? You're saying the film-maker endangered the Coptics in Egypt. Actually, he didn't do that at all. The Islamist fanatics endangered the Coptics in Egypt. And they are the ONLY ones who have done so. Groveling before bullies may be OK in your worldview, but it has no part of mine. Michael You know good and well I do not say it is OK to kill people for defaming Islam, or for defaming anything. Actions have consequences, intended and unintended. The consequences in this case were intended by those who deliberately provoked violence. The Islamists, the murderers, and the ones who help to provoke violence as best they can.
  4. Don't think so, no. The fare is nearly all from the UK and the US, here. And yeah, anything goes - no criteria. - *personal* tastes in sitcoms invited. All from UK and US! You never got Due South? (it was shown in US and quite successful) Best Cdn export ever. Or those great Aussie series, Brides of Christ and Caged Women? About the adventures of novice nuns and female inmates respectively. We called them both "Imprisoned Ladies". What use is the Commonwealth anyway?
  5. Fascinating.... that sounds like the real Mitt, businesslike, a little impatient, as if he's giving orders in a staff meeting that's running late. But from what I have read there are very few independent voters left...are they worth wooing? Maybe Adam is right and to hit the Stop Spending/Stop Taxing buttons would be more effective in swaying voters.
  6. Oh, Michael. The other producers and promoters of this film have had well-known faces for years. In fact they have been characterized as publicity hounds. They have bragged about the death threats they get, and they are all fine, except for Morris Sadek who was belaboured with shoes by four Coptic ladies in D.C. They said that he was endangering the Copts in Egypt by his actions, and he was. why would the Islamists target their fall guy now, when the prime movers have been in their sights for years?
  7. C'est la justice de la Vie Objectiviste
  8. Note to emigrating LA filmmakers: this time you DAMN WELL BETTER read Farmer Green's screenplay after you accept his hospitality!
  9. And PDS, will be a cinch. He'll be able to bring any damn thing he wants across the border, as long as it is in his hockey bag.
  10. (offtopic aside) At least you thought of the right thing to say to the horrifying Bandler on Solo, good on you. Do I remember rightly and he also hates women, as well as Muslims? He was so misogynistic that even Aunt Thomasina Olivia slapped him down. It could have been someone else but I think I remember the ski poles. -later I see that against his sweeping assertions that Muslims ought not to exist, he bellows at you to make an argument! The mind boggles. I can only think of a quote from a longtime congressional colleague of the Hon. Todd Akin (R-Miss) : "You can't argue with an idiot"
  11. I really can't see all the outfits,, just the sleeves and hems and necklines. The models look like empresses though. If you made up a sample and posted a photo it would give us a better idea.
  12. Does this mean I won't have to take my hood and robe to two far-apart drycleaners anymore? that uses up so much time! I am sure Harper would fasttrack the immigration process for such obviously worthy residents as Adam.-- in fact I can think of several people we could kick out to make room for him. Anybody wanna run for Mayor of Toronto?
  13. I gather we are only talking about American sitcoms here. There is an Australian one from the 70s or 80s that we got here, about a middle-aged man living with his mother who is getting progressively demented. It was wonderful, funny, wrenching, and the actress playing the mother was Oscar worthy in every episode. I wish I could remember the name! Did you happen to get it in SA?
  14. No, Seinfeld is not too astute and cerebral for anybody. It is just not so much a sitcom as a fleshed-out standup routine, "a show about nothing" as self-billed; definitely not one of the greats. Certainly, one of the most successful.
  15. Adam, lol, info will be supplied at the usual rates, you wild and crazy guy. Do not faint dead away, but I actually agree with you about the RINOs and the crony capatilism. The slavering lobbysists at the convention were so blatant, there is not even pretence anymore.(Not that the Dems were any different in that respect). But politically, do you really think that to redouble down on issues like Obama"s Islam-appeasing and the need to to reduce social programs, especially medicare, would be a winning tactic in such a close race?
  16. S0, do you wear undies under your KKK robe? Daunce: don't answer that one... No fear, I would not touch that one with a 10-foot cross.
  17. I read an article somewhere that said, Romney's campaign staff does not have enough depth. That is, where Romney relies on one top adviser for major decisions, Obama in 2008 had two or more in each policy area.
  18. I read an article somewhere that said, Romney's campaign staff does not have enough depth. That is, where Romney relies on one top adviser for major decisions, Obama in 2008 would have two or more in each policy area.
  19. I've always really liked PJ O'Rourke. Carol liberal
  20. I was not under the impression that he had a terminal disease, but that he had been falsely diagnosed with one, although his most recent post does give the impression that the diagnosis was correct,
  21. The false crucufixion story is now looking like a warmup for the Innocence of Muslims, it has Morris Sadek's fingerprints all over it,
  22. Turtles will stop at nothing to shave off their times, cripple their opponents and win the race, Nothing, Two Hares Who Know
  23. To feel compassion for the medical travails of fellow humans is not a political characteristic. Everyone feels it. But to use one's own travails as a springboard and platform for ideological agendas, does not inspire compassion; it is just part of the spin machine,