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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. One thing is for sure, the Christians in the Mideast are shaking in their shoes right now. Nice work Nakoula.
  2. Robert, I have seen excerpts from a few fiction videos on YouTube that were made for TV in the Arabian world (Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Fountainhead--of all things! ((or was that one from India?)), and a few others). When I saw "Bacile's" video, an itch scratched in the back of my mind. I was struck by the same style of production and bad acting. Add that to the immediate blaming of the Jews for doing it (by publicizing that Bacile was an Israeli and a group of Jewish investors funded the film). Then add that to the sheer ineptness of the film on all levels, and I am inclined to agree with you. Michael Except that the Jews involved cannot be proved to exist, and the Christians Nakoula and Klein) can. Would a Copt and a fundamentalist ex-Marine really allow themselves to be used by imperialist Islamists? As you say, the vid does not seem to be the spark for the two attacks which were obviously planned. It was just a convenient prop.
  3. The developing story on The Little Propaganda Video that Could, just gets weirder. The actors and crew say they thought that they were making a movie about a"Master George" in 1st-century Egypt. There is apparently no "Sam Bacile" , the Jewish producers cannot be found, and the only promoters of the "movie" are Christians. John le Carre couldn't figure this one out.
  4. So Adam, you never donated to Cato back in the 80s? You could have contributed to George's salary!
  5. http://www.theameric...sts-for-empire/ And here's another one, a bit longer, and not too much overlap, from the American Conservative. It's funny to see a non-Objectivist saying such and such "should provoke an excommunication from ARI". He's suggesting that otherwise John Allison is practicing duplicity. I, for one, am inclined to take John Allison's latest statement, the one to Cato staffers, at face value. And I expect his "excommunication" to come about as quickly as Alan Greenspan's. Meaning, not quickly at all. He links to my video, and I just checked the analytics on it. One interesting fact, this even surprises me, is the demographics of the viewership. 88% male, 12% female. Anyway, did you notice that the online users here are about triple the usual number today? Maybe your new fans are all checking out the Tardis.
  6. lol. One assumes Knucky, since the moral is the practical, has not yet accumulated any wifes or ex-wifes.
  7. 88-12.... looking at the regular posters on O-sites, assuming them representative of interested browsers, that number seems about right.
  8. Is Cato a nonprofit? Aren't all lobby groups/thinktanks nonprofit?
  9. This is for 9thDoc and anyone who could use a lightener on this day of desolating news. Favourite Oonline poster of mine and ND's, Knucklehead Nicky, has laid down the law on marriage. It is immoral, he says, to become dependent on your spouse as a source of income, unless you are raising children. I would not like to be the Knuck when DrMrsDr hears about this.
  10. These attacks seem so planned that it puts a new slant on our Iran pullout, There seemed to be no reason for the timing except Sept 11 was coming up.
  11. How can we view the Rushdies in this case? The makers of that vile piece of fuel. Are they provocateurs, scapegoats? Free speech symbols? "useful idiots" and for whom?
  12. If my words don't convey my full meaning, then I am not writing well enough. Of course I felt offended (not a lot, but somewhat). Nobody likes to be psychologised, do they. Unless they invite it, and even then they usually do not like it.
  13. And I will decline the place you assign me in your global puppet show, thanks. I'll continue to live happily duped and manipulated in my own story, not yours.
  14. Carol, You only did that when called on it. If not called on it, you would still be going on about "how much blood will be on the hands of Ibrahim and his ilk" and not a peep of outrage about the actual murderers. No, I did not, and I would not. That was your buzz whirr bang reaction. The primary guilt of murderers is so obvious that I had no reason to reiterate on this forum, to this readership. Because I did not mention it and my abhorrence of all murderers, should not lead you to assume I was going to continue in the fashion you prescribe. I am not in the business of ascribing proportional blame and guilt to the perpetrators, planners and inciters of murder, As I said, there is enough guilt to go around.
  15. Thanks for asking that PDS. Having already urged Robert to read faster, I did not want to nag him. I will claim the Regular's Privilege of quoting myself and repeat that by outline this looks like a sequel -"Why the Parallels are Really, Really Ominous."
  16. Michael, I am confused about what I "did just now" that you are referring to. Am I "people" who never say murderers have blood on their hands? (I explicitly said that they did). Am I a dumb meat-head who taunted? Surely you do not think I am a bullying thug or a trigger, or trigger puller...I hope not anyway.
  17. Carol, You mean the blood is not on the hands of the bullying murderers and their "ilk"? What an odd way of thinking... Michael I don't say it is not on the hands of the murderers (did Pilate drive in the nails?) Unfortunately there is all too much innocent blood to go around , enough to drench all the guilty hands.
  18. Here are today's two top "Mainstream News" Headlines on WND: "Obama's not heterosexual - or Bi - He's Homosexual" (large banner headline on top) "Obama Backing Groups behind Libya, Egypt Attacks"
  19. I have been doing the same as you (ignore unless someone I follow replies). since the first few matinees, I have even asked this poster to speak for himself but he is apparently incapable of it. Obviously it is of some value to him to relay continual garbage, fortunately the OL garbage pile can take it. It is grotesque however, to think of someone spending so much accumulated time watching these things and taking any sort of pleasure in them.
  20. That "report'' is a companion piece to the despicable video that has incited the incitable to murder. We don't know yet, how much blood will be on the hands of Ibrahim and his ilk.
  21. This was posted on Sept. 5. Today is Sept. 12. The content of this poster is moderated, so it only appears after I approve it. I only just now saw it. Still, it is pertinent and informative to the discussion. I'm sorry I missed this one for so long. Michael "a close read of my article shows that I never said [the crucifixions] did happen." =Ibrahim Because they didn't, and he probably wrote the original "report" in the first place or received it from his fellow propagandists. Carol close reader
  22. Like you weren't depressed enough already Ninth, on Solo LP has reprinted "Death to Islam", possibly another annual event. At least he only calls for insulting and reviling Muslims in speech, although he hints darkly that the righteous will use the sword if necessary. The rant is so wildly alliterative it would be funny, if it weren't so sad.
  23. Spital was a common term for hospital in 18th century England. Let us hope some healing ensues.
  24. I did my best to bring about a single=post outcome. But I was not attached to it.