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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Hylan for president in 2020. Reports of his death must surely be highly exaggerated.
  2. Worth repeating! Hylan could be talking about the not-so-invisible big business Kochroach infestation of the far-right today, proudly spearheaded by your president.
  3. Michael, your statement is so sweeping that I am breathless. I am of your generation and also in university when , Gulag Archipelago, and before that, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, hit our fuzzy ideas of Soviet Russia like a bomb and shattered them forever.I can remember no indoctrination that prevented me from understanding the evil laid bare. As many other evils were, in those woeful times.
  4. I know the answer! Roberts thinks he is someone who knows more about the Supreme Court, and lawyering and the Constitution and all that folderol, than the President does! No doubt he will be set right soon.
  5. Of course, I am doing all those things, like I always have! Too old to change now.
  6. My union decided I was worth $44.76 per hour. They knew where I went to school (University of Toronto). I think the wage is fair for my work. How about you? I hope your employers value you for what you are worth. Do they take your education into consideration? It was a condition of employment for my job.
  7. Again, just slightly inaccurate. Over and over (twice) I did ask you out of curiosity about your education (not over and over and over, thrice). Twice you have indicated that this is a sore subject with you, so I can take hint/ Formal education is no big deal anyway. The Longshoreman Philosopher is my hero, actually.
  8. Asked you first! Where do you work that they value your contribution so much? After your superior education where?My history , educational professional and a lot personal,is all here, on OL, public knowledge. yours , where was that again?
  9. **Under flag of trade war truce **--- the Laughing Cow, (Le Vachon Rit} The best populaqr cream cheese assortment in North America, would make perfect cheesevegburgers if Trump ever lays off our suffering dairymen and women!
  10. Incorrect! Many people I disagree with went to better, or at least more famous, schools than I did. They just didn't learn much there. As for your chosen lDear Leader, I do think good old St Stephen High School was a better educational institute than Elitist Reform Military School. yes sir. At least we got a vague idea of American presidential chronology, which Trump does not seem to have, even though we are not even Americans.
  11. Yes!! I have often thought of all the godless golf and carryings-on in the rooms, and can only pray that these things do not soil the Sabbath and that Bibles will soon replace sex toys in every bedside drawer. Yours in faith. Mike Pence
  12. You are right in the main, of course, but one small "Somewhat the same" quibble. Trump has in fact had his own effigy fashioned , in the form of faked Time covers, and erected, so to speak, on his own property of course.
  13. Almost right, Nostradamus! He will indeed be revered by generations - of Trumps and Kushners. And there are already monuments to him around the globe, known as Trump Hotels and golf courses. There were lots of monuments to Sadam Hussein in Iraq for a while, too. But as for future schools all being madrassas teaching his worship, I must wonder again, where you went to school. Was it a faith-based institution? In any case I recommend you re-read "Ozymandias", just for mental balance.
  14. This comes on the day of undoubtedly false reports that Trump doesn't visit troops in war zones because he doesn't want to be connected with loser wars, and besides, people want to kill him. (People wanted to kill Obama and still do, and Bush for all I know, but they went to meet their soldiers down in the bleak dark loser places. But I digress.) No doubt his Altogether Imperial Highness is too busy personally at home,fixing the technical glitches that are withholding the veterans' GIBill benefits. Now I call that courage.
  15. She definitely deserves her own sequel, and as a former brunette I am willing to act as her acting coach. The complexities of continuous changes of hair colour, or even only a few of them, or maybe only one, were probably as dramatic a million years ago as now.. - Blue Picasso, stylist to the stars
  16. Hey, cool! Now I can make up my own mind who to vote for, whoo-hoo! And if he doesn't keep his promise to give me free weed, I know how to deal with that, thanks to your helpful ad on where I can carry my gun underneath your helpful advice post! Thanks, objectionable living! -Young but wise voter (
  17. So far I have had a great one, this being Opera Day and classic movie afternoon (One Million Years BC! Why did it never win an Oscar? One quibble though, besides the injustice of sacrificing blondes to the Sun just because they were blonde, one of them, if you look carefully, is not even a natural blonde!! Talk about tough breaks in the Jurassic!) )r whenever. Anyway, as one of them, I always root for the dinosaurs. But there is no escaping from the sorrows of the world for a whole Saturday, and at the crown of it, tonight's game is in Pittsburgh. The Penguins have "stronger than hate" on their jerseys. The Toronto fans brought a huge "love is stronger" maple leaf flag. The anthem singer made me cry. Of course I am used to crying at hockey games, but that was usually because I'm a Leafs fan.
  18. How could I forget the Maine? I can see the Maine from the Window of the House! Literally.
  19. And be sure the brain which is using you is in fact your own. The rationalizations around here to make half the world's population (it varies according to the latest crisis) deadly enemies of Trump, whom he is so valiantly and cunningly battling, have become predictable corkscrews of MAGA propaganda and mental laziness proudly displayed as "thinking". I don't think so, if you will excuse the expression. When did a panorama of smart disparate humans become Donny One-Note, the Stepford divorces?
  20. I hesitate to report something kind of interesting from the hinterlands of the Winterlands. Here in NB a split down the middle between the Conservatives and Liberals has left the balance of power in the hands of the ultra right (PA)) and the Greens (self-explanatory) with 3 seats each. It will not be boring to see how the neo-traditionalists and the futurists grapple with each other and the two deadlocked opponents to keep us going into our new Irving years.,
  21. "They laughed when he sat down to play...' Well. they did.
  22. Which reminds me of the quote from a famous Bloomsburian aesthete in the Oscar Wilde mold, who was a passionate WW1 conchie. Arguing with a belligerent flag-waver who asked him what he would do if he came upon a huge German soldier trying to rape his sister, he replied in his most measured professorial tones, "I should endeavour to get between them."
  23. This is for Marc, in case he is having trouble sleeping what with all the excitement of anticipatory world domination of the Anointed One. You remember my friend Trudy? I went to see her at PC headquarters today , first time since I arrived, and announced I was ready to vote early and often. I do not think much of Greg Thompson frankly, and I think he did damn all for the veterans as minister, but I have to stand with Ford Madox Ford as many must do these days. If I am forced to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I would have the guts to betray my country. Easy for me to say. Not eligible to vote until I have been in residence for 40 days. I could have lied but --- that is the alt-right's specialty. Don't want to tread on any toes.
  24. We already have one, Canadian Boring in Politics, though alas our politics are no longer really boring. I am now in NB where there is a provincial election in a month (you can tell because they are paving yet more roads again) and when I recover from the rigours of travel I shall report. As mentioned my pal Trudy is very local conservative and the C-C-candidate is former federal vet affairs minister G. Thompson, the town is full of veterans who think he was a spineless Harper stooge who did nothing for them, so stay tuned. Needless to say I did not get this assessment from the aforementioned Trudy. My informant's impression is that the younger people (there are a few of them) favour the Lib or Green.
  25. Dear Diary/ What a kerfuffle the anti-social media have decided to cause, when the band of the Welsh Guards played "Respect" on the day of Aretha Franklin's funeral during the changing if the guard at Buck House. Dame Shirley Basseyl,being Welsh, has already claimed credit for the choice,and of course Megs is said to have asked for it, and some even have said that Aunt Anne, carried away by the eloquence of the bishop at Harry's wedding, said that it needed a musical accompinament. Grandfather was just restrained from commenting that plenty of respectable Britons were buried every day, but nobody wrote songs about them - the worst thing is that George and Charlotte now go around chanting "give me a little respect, uh-huh" until I think I will go mad. I do understand irony, we did it at Eton and again in Art Appreciation at St A's. sort of. But I do not think I can explain it to them. Ich dien, William