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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Adam, given your passionate opposition and loathing of Obama, I have a serious question. Like everyone at the time, I remember how i heard Kennedy was shot. I dropped into the store to look at comic books after school. The owner was remarking to a customer, "I just heard that Kennedy got what he deserved." I KNOW from knowing you, that you would not feel happy at the murder of anyone; but would his removal from office even in that way, make you feel that future evils for America had been avoided?
  2. Multiple informed sources have identified the syrup thieves as Middle Eastern with ties to the Iranian embassy. When PM Harper was informed of this, at breakfast, he reportedly exclaimed, "That's it! This is the last straw! They're outta here."
  3. I categorically deny that I said anything.
  4. As far as I know they were going after Labour Day. They were going to bring the mother to Canada for a visit on a tourist visa (he wants to persuade her to move here but she does not want to leave the rest of the family). He is a Cdn citizen, but Iran does not acknowledge dual nationality.
  5. No That was a pretty dumb question of mine eh, Still, they could have reestablished diplo relations and opened up again when I wasn't looking. I am worried about my friends and students with family in Tehran. One of them was actually going to visit there in Sept. This can't be good for them,
  6. Oh, boy; they've never forgotten who hid those Americans from Khomeini. Does the US still have an embassy in Tehran?
  7. Ah, but you would have to take the rest of Quebec with it. You would be begging all the illegal immigrants to come back from Mexico, after a few days of the gens du pays.
  8. It is the ones who are drawn to "Mixed Martial Arts" who seem to have the problems. i see them all the time on Judge Judy but I never see belted judoists or whatever.
  9. Carol: Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure is 115 over 75. Repressing the emotions is a sure way to elevate blood pressure. If you resist, it persists. Branden makes note of this constantly. Blocking emotions creates dis-ease. Adam I am glad you are ok. I was just thinking, that to continually provoke emotions, can also have ill effects.
  10. Incidentally, the media do not seem to be gasming all that much. From the few bits I watched, I liked Jill Biden's speech qua speech the best, maybe because it was the shortest and she does not say "literally" all the time like her clueless husband. She must actually love him because she spends her professional life teaching English learners things like the difference between "literally" and "figuratively".
  11. Adam, why do you torment yourself watching Obama? I am worried about your blood pressure.I know you need to keep track of what he is saying but you could just read the texts and save yourself aggro. I did that with Brian Mulroney for years. On the great Whose Line (the original Brit one) there was a song improv challenge where the comics had to sing a given title in different styles. "What is it with These Instructions?" for a befuddled DIYer was sung in "60s protest song" style {cue wimpy kumbaya type music) "OOOoooh.... This thing needs fixin' And we hate Richard Nixon... what is it , with these instructions?* Ooooh, oooh...." So, for you.... "I need a hammer And we all hate Obammer... Ooooh, oooh...." *the performer was Mike McSomeone, American, hilarious
  12. I remember reading somewhere that Rand suggests that it is natural for the feminine psyche to be dominated by a man, not to dominate. I think I disagree on this, in the real world. Perhaps this is the factor I've left out. I agree with your disagreement. Her personal values as applied to her philosophy. Not at all an integral part of Objectivism, thank god. I agree with you both. But it is a factor that helped make the Fountainhead especially, such a hot seller!
  13. Stephen, the folie (or sagesse) a deux is everything, as you and I know, and the indivisible unity that can ensue. i was thinking of Dominique and Dagny's willingness or wish to "be owned", not quite the same as Galt and Roark's wish for ownership.
  14. Do the women want to "own" the men in the same way?
  15. Not at all-- any chair of any persuasion that will support me, I will support it.
  16. In retaliation, the Chair has started its own website. It has stated, "the GOP built me".
  17. Bob, This is your opinion and pure ideology. (Or maybe just plain old not wanting to admit you are wrong.) Your distinction--that there is a difference between homo sapiens and human beings--is not backed up anywhere. Especially not in science. What silliness. Michael My opinions are grounded by scientific fact. I have little use for ideology. My ideology (if I have one) is the Facts Rule and Theories and Principles come in second. The fact is that day old infants have not got the machinery for abstract thought and formulation of intent. They have to grow it first. Which means that on day uno a homo sapien new born is not a person as we generally mean that word. But infants are so damned cute we keep them around long enough so that they become persons we can get to love. Our biologically hardwired response to Cute is one of our survival characteristics. Ba'al Chatzaf Exactly. And from day uno we do the anthromorphic thing with them ("Look, he smiled! He likes what I said!") until they grow into the persons we love, and beyond.
  18. When I got my new used computer they offered to install antivirus for $20, but I was too cheap to pay it. Now the computer tells me periodically I "may be at risk". I don't buy anything on the internet, and I only post here on OL and I never open pop ups. Should I shell out the money after all?
  19. Robert, read faster! I can't wait to see your view on Why the Parallels are Really, Really Ominous.
  20. The Separatist Party is once again in control of the Canadian province of Quebec. Their platform is, no surprise, separation , or secession, from the surrounding country and sovereignty within their own borders. This happens periodically up here but I am not aware of any Red or Blue states making the same moves in the US. Might it happen?
  21. Molyneux is a 'fulltime dad" these days btw. I don't think I will stay tuned.
  22. Of course, any sentence ever written could be used by very bad people for evil ends. But I do not believe the evil ones are any more intelligent, organized or effective than the good ones at spinning .