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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I know they do. But I did not notice any ballparks or emphases here, or anyone latching on to do bad things. just a discussion such as I expect on OL. I do not notice any very bad people either.
  2. Now you two are arguing about nothing. Baal you said you were not interested in labels. Michael you say Baal is trying to label newborns with the label subhuman, which clearly he has not. The descriptions both of you have given of the developing human being are to the reader (me) exactly the same, and perfectly rational.
  3. Amen and amen. I am reminded that Damascus is the oldest continuously-inhabited capital city in the world. It has been Jerusalem and Carthage and Rome and Moscow, and Washington and Ottawa. It has grown anew from fields and streets sown with blood, time and time again, Although all blood is shed in vain, let us hope that there will be a spring when the killing is spent, when a few flowers from that ancient soil can bloom in hopeful splendour.
  4. It is Stefan Molyneux. He's a local small entrepreneur. Plenty of him to Google.
  5. I do not have the impression that Baal is arguing for or against anything. he is just being scientifically descriptive.
  6. Not even the cat? Especially not the cat. I've got the scratch marks to prove it.
  7. Needs can be natural, but what what rights are "natural"? isn't the notion of "right" a construction of the human mind? I think you naturally have a right to that which is yours and no one else's naturally. Your ability to use your brain is a right that is yours naturally. I have made these posts so others can check my premises. The premise I wanted checked in particular is my explaining rights as an ability (the ability to use and dispose of, offer to trade and give away that which is yours and no one else's without permission). I wonder if there's a better word than ability to use. I am certain that rights protect your ability to "use and dispose of, offer to trade and give away that which is yours and no one else's with no one else's permission", I merely wonder whether rights themselves ARE that specific ability: the ability to "use and dispose of, offer to trade and give away that which is yours and no one else's with no one else's permission". Ability is either an inherent fitness for a certain task, or the enabling of that task by others. I have the ability to learn the role of Queen of the Night for example, and to sing it. But I don't have the ability to get anybody to listen to me beyond the first few notes.
  8. Ninth, I will take the first part of your post as black comedy and answer your question. I did not exactly propose. I just mentioned to him about a month after we met, that someday he would want to marry me. And I was right, as usual. He proposed in correct fashion, bended knee (no ring, I never wanted a diamond and neither of us had jobs) about 4 months after that.
  9. Dan - for reference on Metaphysical Moochers thread.
  10. So, you are 40 - and life begins! Have a great one, Carol
  11. George, My comment followed more from my first one, than from the forensics of What Really Happened in the Elevator. The hysterical side-taking that ensued in the Skeptical world seemed largely to revolve around Watson's credibility, based on how many guys would really want to come onto her. For the record, I do not think anyone at OL is doing this, and I have no sexist stereotypes of anyone here. I have not found anyone to be a misogynist, and as you know I enjoy the intergenderal banter very much. Personally I have never assumed a man had a carnal interest in me until he explicitly expressed it. Maybe I project this by assuming most women feel the same; I have heard enough "Does he like me or not?" to have plenty of evidence. Moreover I am old school and unlike today's young women I would never make the first move except in an extreme circumstance, such as when I proposed to my husband.
  12. Hey, I'm not an accountant. Just work it out with Gaetan, Yvon and Petit Pierre when they arrive with the truck.It'll be after midnight.
  13. So has everybody had a good look now and made up their minds? About whether they would proposition her or not of course. That's the important thing isn't it?
  14. Done, I will send a truck and a cheque. Er, you know that figure in my first post was a typo right? It's #3/lb. What are a few zeros between friends eh?
  15. Why do you keep posting this stuff? Griffin's conspiracy theories are no more effective than his Laetrile.
  16. CND$3000/lb? What store do they sell it in? --Brant CND$3000/lb? What store do they sell it in? --Brant That is the black market price now.
  17. The panic has started already. I hurriedly tied on my bonnet and went to the corner store, but the syrup was all sold out and two bikers were fighting with a large Korean matriarch over the last jar of BillybeeHoney.
  18. Just when I was starting to feel safe... Last week two(2) members of Prime Minister Harper's own Conservative government introduced him as "The Prime Minister of Cannibal." One of them was Environment Minister Peter Kent, (a former journalist!!). This came after Culture Minister Bev Oda had made a reference to Canada's "nutrititious children." Coincidence? I don't think so. If you don't hear from me again you will know why. Carol Very, very afraid for my country
  19. Nice. how do those who claim that religion, especially Islam, is the fount of misogyny explain this attitude of "humanists"?
  20. This is the 'human interest" which makes these sagas so fascinating to onlookers. While investigating something for another topic, I found out that even the Anti-Jihadist conspiracy theorists are always fighting with each other. There's none sae queer as folk.
  21. In the most Canadian heist since a Moosehead truck was hijacked to Mexico, thieves have stolen 10,000 lbs. of maple syrup (CDN$30,000,000 worth) from a Quebec warehouse. This unprecedented crime could affect the entire industry and potentially damage the whole Canadian economy. According to the NatPost, police are searching for a large gooey man with pancake traces on his chin.
  22. Yet you are born. a parasite. subsisting solely through others, by your definition. Do parasites have rights?