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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Brant, that ws exactly my thought, and exactly the image that came to mind. Also the Kuwaiti preemies torn from their incubators by Iraqis. The lack of evidence of this story will appear to many to be evidence itself - even Michael can construct a theory of why there is no evidence - and most people do not evaluate such stories, they either believe them or not without thinking. This story has done its work, embedding the most potent symbol of Christianity outraged possible into minds ready to receive it. I can think of many historical PR experts who would be proud of it.
  2. Carol, You mean like the ones who have posted the photos of Logan's rape and identified her rapists? Being that the rapists must surely be serving time by now, convicted by the testimony of all those "sources (and reporters)," especially seeing as how they did it in front of a crowd? And the perpetrators were caught on many cameras to boot? Heh. The way I see it, if something like crucifixion did happen, maybe the ones who saw it aren't too keen about being next. To our Western eyes and ears, crucifixion is "such an atrocity" and a gigantic step backward. To a mentality that accepts rape in the middle of a crowd as something you better not comment on when you see it, ditto for public stoning and so forth, crucifixion is merely a small step. It's a perspective thing. And that makes it plausible for me. I learned a lot about cultural perspective by living in a different one for over 30 years. Michael In that culture, an assault on a woman may not have attracted alarmed notice, A public assault on men in such an unusual manner as crucifixion. to my mind would have attracted more. Especially from associates or survivors of the victims. So to me, it still is implausible. I too hope there are hungry journalists out there.
  3. When it to God's will, i DO know what I'm talkin about! Have fun dancin around your golden calf in the rain in Tampa, ye Unrighteous! Hee-hee. Todd Akin
  4. I believe Logan too, of course. But in this story there is no Logan. There is only Fr. Carl, whose protectiveness of his sources is commendable. However, too many sources (and reporters) have proven that they are willing to face death in Egypt in order to bear witness and have the truth be known, for me to believethat no one would come forward to verify such an atrocity.
  5. Dear Diary, Bea and Eug have come round to ask me for advice, they said.How could they get jobs. They do not want to be a burden on Uncle Andy since he has lost his job as trade envoy. And the Slim Down Monarchy has taken away their security detail except for official duties and they do not have any official duties, and now when they go to parties sometimes they do not have anybody to dance with. I was stumped. Normally I would ask Kate but she has not had any jobs. Finally I came up with, the Armed Forces have many opportunities if you are interested, I find it a rewarding career. And Grandpapa's Trust, I am fairly sure, provides young people with job advice about staying off the dole. And they could get married, they are jolly attractive girls, even Bea's eyes do not pop as much as they used to. I just did my best as I always try to do, but they did not seem too enthusiastic. I think I should take advice from Papa about it, in case the question comes up again. Ich dien, William
  6. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO LOCAL 13 ALERT SOUTHERN SECTOR Op 31 of the Secret Plan is a go! All agents to deploy at convention centre. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson costumes measured to fit Brother Adam. When he wins, you all know what to do with the non vice presidential candidate, it can be blamed on weather conditions, we are good at that. ISS Nnanook acting for Gord The time is NOW, Phase I begins! This means everybody, this is no time to worry about Vinny!Get your butts down there.
  7. lolol You are clearly up to both challenges, and many more. Adam for president!
  8. Considering the weather reports, I am starting to wonder how God feels about Republicans.
  9. That seems contradictory Carol. I think he was referring to prior to his being on the moon, not after...correct? I don't know, "dream about" to me, connoted actual nighttime dreams, so I took it to mean after - but you are probably right.
  10. Could be a dietary issue. Follow Mistress Michelle's advice and eat more roughage, or else!</p><a href=" obama/dumbnubzz/michelle-obama-hideous.jpg?o=15" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a> OkOK OK Yes maam! just put down the whip. These are organic peanuts, honest. Locally sourced!
  11. When I followed the trail to the Blaze, I found I could not read the article, or anything else, for more than a few seconds at a time because a newsletter subscription ad kept popping up, obscuring the whole screen. I would click "no thanks" but it would come back after a few seconds, very frustrating. Is the Blaze not interested in browsing traffic, or is this some marketing thing I don't understand? Just wondering Carol
  12. Thank you Brant!I also read all yours. But I cannot make the same claim about understanding "most". It depends on the subject. I will just say, that matters of physics and detrminism currently under discussion, have made my brain hurt to the point wherte I had to retreat into reruns of the Trailer Park Boys.
  13. Adam, I meant Peter's name! I should have said, signature. Check your possessive pronouns and quit ruining my jokes! Ouch - my sincere apology ,,, certainly misread and responded to my true thoughts in my head about the Missourian Moron... My apology to Mr. Taylor also, if he took offense. Adam cleaning his lenses as we type... Adam, I meant Peter's name! I should have said, signature. Check your possessive pronouns and quit ruining my jokes! Ouch - my sincere apology ,,, certainly misread and responded to my true thoughts in my head about the Missourian Moron... My apology to Mr. Taylor also, if he took offense. Adam cleaning his lenses as we type... I forgive you, of course, as I am sure will peter if he noticed it. I am shocked and saddened however, to learn that apparently you do not read each and every one of my posts, however many they may be, at least twice, the second time to fully absorb and appreciate the message and the style in which it is delivered. I certainly do with all of yours. Downcast. carol
  14. Adam, I meant Peter's name! I should have said, signature. Check your possessive pronouns and quit ruining my jokes!
  15. I hope you prefaced your name with "Saint" when you wrote him, to best get his attention.
  16. Apparently Luci Baines Johnson was quite the handful, and I believe Susan Ford had some tales to tell. Not the Nixon girls, though.
  17. Logically, the GOP should disband and form two new parties, the socioreligious conservatives and the individualist fiscal conservatives.
  18. Certainly, there is that. But reputable news orgs try not to run "unconfirmed reports" unless they decide there is a high probability of their proving true (massacres in Syria right now, eg). They would rather lose a scoop than be a hoax victim. I have no preconceptions of who or what is "reputable" in news gathering. They all tread a fine line between being first, and being accurate: none want to be disreputable. They'd lose credibility - and lose their market. The only distinctions are differing editorial policies, which might, or might not, influence any single news report, on any given day. For the rest, WE are the market: it is we who demand to be titillated and angered - and oh yes...informed - by news. When I say "reader beware", I also mean let the reader search his mind for what he secretly desires to be true, or not true. And ask himself why? Ultimately, media networks feed us what they have established we 'want'. The infotainment explosion is another issue. Old-style tabs like the Enquirer, check their facts. They confirm from multiple sources. They make witnesses take polygraph tests. TMZ is similarly rigorous. This is how they survive most of their libel suits.
  19. Dear Diary, We got her out of bed finally, but breakfast (very late) was quite fraught as she would not talk so of course we could not talk either except to the servants. Papa was quite sharp to the footman who brought him the wrong kind of honey for his toast. Afterwards we gave her the good news, that the British public does not care about Harry's cavortings, and still think he is a fine prince. "What is the world coming to" she said. Afterwards papa said to me, it is a nine days wonder and they will be back to staring at Kate's waistline again. That again! Sometimes I want to scream I AM DOING MY BEST. I Would not add that I have been told that my best is jolly good. But I would think it. Ich dien William
  20. Akin is going the way he wants to go, his own individual way, and the devil take the hindmost. He cares only for God and his own god-given rights to control the bodies of others. He never has cared for anything elsel/ Why should he change now? His ideological supporters control the Republican party. What does he have to lose?