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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Hail Baal! I could not acquire any suitable offering to feed into your fiery maw, but happy birthday anyway.
  2. It did exist on Sky news who received it from a third party , they removed it as they could not verify it. The video also has no provenance except the word of WND. I looked at WND and they make the Blaze look like the Daily Worker.
  3. "Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, while ignorant armies clash by night", this is what is really going on! A little too long maybe, not punchy. The hat is taking over her brain...soon she will be stalking Toronto in search of Hockey players for the Maple sad... Hey, I been doing that for years. Caught me a couple, too.
  4. "Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, while ignorant armies clash by night", this is what is really going on! A little too long maybe, not punchy.
  5. IThe Great Society resulted in an acceleration of history and the last four years is doing the same. It's all off the same statist bread and circus and security foundation. --Brant About the bread. The non-statistist, taxcutters were all rich men who inherited wealth - I refer to the Bushes, Mitt & Paul (who inherited wealth by the standards of the non-wealthy). They say that the bread is running out, and are finger-wagging that the poor eat too much bread that they did not earn. Even the now Real Republican symbol Todd "Legit" Akin has worked, studied and lived off the family, and then the government , payroll all his life.
  6. Carol: It is probably a vicious slur on the peaceful religion of Islam as expressed by its advocates and followers in Egypt... I mean its not like the Egyptians during this beautiful Arab Spring engaged in any activity like this in the prior year... I mean its not like there were serial rapes of white western women...oops Never mind. Or it could be someone who wants to kill the Egyptian tourist industry for good! I will take that as a joke because it certainly is not an argument unless you have been fitted with a Jerry-helmet which sees conspiracies in corners and plots in pantries... Did he send you one of these? He told me it was the latest style in widow's caps! Carol I'll never learn
  7. Carol: It is probably a vicious slur on the peaceful religion of Islam as expressed by its advocates and followers in Egypt... I mean its not like the Egyptians during this beautiful Arab Spring engaged in any activity like this in the prior year... I mean its not like there were serial rapes of white western women...oops Never mind. Or it could be someone who wants to kill the Egyptian tourist industry for good!
  8. Michael, I know that the MSM has no reputation for trustworthiness with you. Maybe I should have said, "News orgs that are more credible than blogs to enough people that they can stay in business". Maybe the multiple sources who relayed, but did not originate, this particular report, are more trustworthy and credible than SkyArabia, but I have no way of evaluating that, and SkyArabia itself says it was not the originator. So we are stuck, so far, with no source. As to the framing story synonym, I'm on the case.
  9. Yep, Cheney is the essence of evil... I mean he is even supportive of Gay and Lesbian rights,,,who could be more evil than that!!! Was he na outspoken supporter while VP? Good for him, Thanks, it drives me nuts when I am in a rush on a tittle and I do not do a serious proofreading of it. Keep forgetting that only the almighty forum commander can change those But we know what you meant. "An", once you correct the typo on her name, was pretty rational.
  10. Update - no new facts, but Kay's article has been picked up all over the place, so I guess he has a scoop of sorts. I hadn't seen any reports, except as aforementioned on the net, about this here until I read Kay's article, and then I remembered MSK had started a topic on it, which I did not want to read for fear it might be true and I am squeamish. Have there been any anywhere, except on blogs? When did this apparently happen?
  11. And what if Ryan turns into a Cheney? Oh man, I am getting waaay too interested in this election;;;;I should go back to soap operas, they are more believable.
  12. Times change, though. I don't think this hard core is willing to have this thrown away. And all Presidents want to get reelected.
  13. Certainly, there is that. But reputable news orgs try not to run "unconfirmed reports" unless they decide there is a high probability of their proving true (massacres in Syria right now, eg). The immediate image of crucifixions in front of the presidential palace, as Kay points out, is like hearing there was a lynching in front of the White House , and professional s woulld surely wait for more confirmation before reporting it. They would rather lose a scoop than be a hoax victim.
  14. Say he wins and the Reps get their majority and the bill gets passed as proposed in the platform. We know Romney does not personally support a no-exceptions abortion ban. Is he going to use a presidential veto on it and enrage the social conservatives who have been working towards this for thirty years? I don't think Mitt is the man to do that. First of all, he would. Second, as the Supreme Court is currently constituted, it would not stand up to Constitutional muster. Thirdly, if it were to pass all those hurdles, it would represent the will of the American people and become law. Adam OK, I feel a little better for my American sisters now.
  15. Of course I don't want it to be true! I do not want anybody to have been crucified!
  16. I certainly am. I would assume that SkyArabia and other reputable news organizations are on the ground looking for the facts, not on the net quoting each other. At least Glenn Beck mentioned that he had not inde[pendently checked the sources of the story (one for you, Glenn!) , but that only one person bothered to contact SkyArabia to get independent confirmation is staggering. (That one person was of course, from You Know Where)
  17. I certainly am. I would assume that SkyArabia and other reputable news organizations are on the ground looking for the facts, not on the net quoting each other. At least Glenn Beck mentioned that he had not inde[pendently checked the sources of the story (one for you, Glenn!) , but that only one person bothered to contact SkyArabia to get independent confirmation is staggering.
  18. Say he wins and the Reps get their majority and the bill gets passed as proposed in the platform. We know Romney does not personally support a no-exceptions abortion ban. Is he going to use a presidential veto on it and enrage the social conservatives who have been working towards this for thirty years? I don't think Mitt is the man to do that.
  19. I know that, but they express the aims of the predominant members of the party. They are endorsed by the presidential candidate, and if he wins they are dreams he has pledged to make come true.
  20. Tony, I wrote in an old post about a book I read once, by a woman doctor. about her work in an abortion clinic. Its title was, "In Necessity and Sorrow."
  21. Kay seems to be the only journalist who actually fact checked the story.
  22. SkyNews says they took down the report, because it came from a third party and none of their correspondents could independently confirm it; and that the photo also came from a third party and was unidentifiable.
  23. Adam, to ban federal funding for abortions would presumably not allow any medical facility that received federal funds toperform them, wouldn't it? Or any patient who only had government health insurance to get an abortion? How is that different from making abortion illegal? As to the ethical question, this is an issue so deeply complex, and does indeed concern everyone because it is about human life and society. I do not believe I have a special authority to make decisions for others because I am female or have had children. Maybe sometime I will explain my thinking. but not now. I will just say that when my best friend had an abortion I tried to talk her out of it. I was surprised at myself. I believed the abortion was her right. This was before I got pregnant for the first time.I am instinctively "pro-life" and assume most people are; we repel at the thought of ending a life that has begun. I have often been sorry I did that as it must have made things harder for her. I went to the clinic with her for the procedure and supported her as best I could. I believed then as now that it was not my right, nor the government's, nor anyone's to take away her choice. If the father wants the child born while the mother doesn't, they must try to work it out as a couple, but if they can't, her will s should prevail.
  24. I'll take your word Brant. I only know her from her writings.