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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I didn't say she had no sense of humour, I said not much. So your sense of humour consists of pretending to be what you aren't. Interesting.
  2. I am just glad that there are other places in the world than Missouri. No offence to Dennis May.
  3. Probably. But I don't agree with it and niether will any true Objectivist. Probably. But I don't agree with it and niether will any true Objectivist. Maybe that's why many "true Objectivists" do not have much sense of humour. Ayn Rand didn't.
  4. Your court case may be perfectly logical. But isn't there a saying that "any idea, when taken to its logical extreme, becomes ridiculous"?
  5. Maybe you could get a commission from John Allison, and the Cato Institute could fountainhead your building and legal costs. Stranger things have happened.
  6. Michael, As reported by Jonathan Kay in the National Post (mainstream, right-wing paper up here), this story cannot be traced to any original sources, no names or photos can be found. It appears to be a hoax..But of course, the ink pileup from online sources quoting each other will mean that many people will end up believing it.
  7. Subsequent events are certainly bearing out your analysis. Barton's recent NY Times bestseller, The Jefferson Lies, has been withdrawn by its publisher. A publisher of Christian books. Maybe they reviewed the "Thou shalt not bear false witness" commandment and decided they wanted to have less to answer for come Judgment Day. Has Glenn Beck had anything to say about this? Yes - he's going to publish the book himself, "without substantive changes".
  8. Whoops! Took someone on faith. Where is your evidence that she started at that age. That makes more sense that she started at that age as she had Roark start at 10. I I was not sure of her age, but I picked 5 to draw the parallel with Mr Ben. I wanted to lead to the hurdles she had to overcome to pursue her later career. I take it on faith that you have hurdles, Ben, but what realistic plans do you have to overcome them? From two real-life examples you admire - Ayn Rand wanted to be a writer in America, so she had to go through a lot of red tape to get there, and to learn a second language. PDS wanted to be a lawyer, so he had to graduate law school where he probably had to study things he was not interested in and suffer sleep deprivation. Even Mozart once had to work for a boss who eventually kicked him bodily off the premises.
  9. Oh, those randy Brit royals'''' QE2 actually fell for Philip at age 13...maybe somebody should warn Obama?
  10. Since age 5, Ayn Rand was a writer and she wrote all her life. In her 20s she decided she wanted to be a writer in America. The requirement was, she had to learn English. Considering her talents, it was an irrational requirement, as she could surely have expressed herself better in her native language. But she was prevented from selling her writing in America, until she learned English.
  11. I never thought you were pretentious, I know you are 100% sincere. I was implying though, that the speed and passion with which we pursue our prevailing interests in childhood and adolescence, change rhythm as we enter young adulthood and are balanced with other things that we must deal with. We cannot live an adult life without transcending our younger selves.
  12. Ayn Rand was indeed bold. But she developed her philosophical ideas along with her creative work, and was a successful author before she formulated Objectivism. Carol Old and Timid
  13. The Ryan/Akin bill (essentially the same as the GOP platform plank ) would legislate forcible birth in all circumstances. It is the moral equivalent of the Chinese government policy of forcible abortion.
  14. lol, excellent. THe most serious things can also be the funniest, lucky for us.
  15. Dear Diary, Harry is my brother and I love him but sometimes he is a STUPID GIT.There I have said it and I'm not sorry. Just when things were going so well, the Olympics and I rescued a Canadian from drowning and everyone had forgotten about Bea's wedding hat, and now this. When I am King I will tell Harry where to take his vacations, I won't care how old he is. Terrible flap, Grandmama is refusing to get out of bed this morning and keeps saying she just can't cope anymore, we are all at sixes and sevens. Aunt Sarah keeps ringing with offers to pop over and help. Right now I wish they had posted me to Afghanistan. Ich dien, William
  16. Ryan's devotion to individual rights apparently includes only those individuals who cannot get pregnant, i.e. half the population.
  17. He refuses to be tossed so far, and there are plenty more like him in the basket. Do you really want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in?
  18. You may well be right. i can see this campaign going down in history, due to the Rev's potency as a symbol of the left-right gap, as aa'the War of Akin's mouth".
  19. He didn't quit! I am starting to like this guy, as a character. He never compromises his convictions, however stupid and dangerous they are, and he never listens to anybody but God, except maybe his wife. Maybe God Staffer Paul (the saint, not The Ron) told him to stay the course and finish the race.
  20. Actually X, except for the bacon of course you would love it too. How about we pencil it in after our tea with Tony in Toronto?
  21. Canadian bacon, pancakes with maple syrup, and Oka cheese omelette is the only real breakfast, Doc. Take your next vacation in la belle province and take in a Suzie LeBlanc concert.
  22. A mormon and a Catholic walked into a nondenominational chapel... And prayed to God, in his infinite mercy, to call His devout son Todd home.
  23. Tony, I cannot help thinking that discovering Rand and swallowing her whole, for the young and psychologically vulnerable, seems to often cause more harm than good for them. The agonizing mistakes, failures and losses of youth, which can only be survived if they teach us to better learn our own limitations and interact productively with others, appear to fuel many of these young people to deny that they have limitations, and attribute their pain solely to enemy "others".
  24. Really interesting! The party machine have found the one candidate they have no leverage with - Ryan even called him but so far he is not budging. Can't wait for the 5:00 deadline.