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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Hey, I thought yon meant Tessa on the Young and the Restless! But this is pretty good too.
  2. I did not realize that McCain was born with a silver professional spoon in his mouth and only had a wealth-and-influence- powered early advantage in his career. And here I thought the military was a meritocracy. And what a terrible academic record! How he was retained in the military I can't comprehend. Thank God the days are past when some war heroes could have hardly any education at all! Your sharp-eyed classmate was no doubt a far more successful and accomplished military man. Maybe even a real hero.
  3. All that we have left when we die,is our own individual honour -some would call it a soul. All of us, everyone. You Brant have done deeds of valour for you country, and if you say John McCain had nothing left except being anti-someone, you are doing yourself a disservice, as well as him .
  4. Snap. I love Clavell's sagas, though I found the Tai-pan series tedious at times, but I thought King Rat was hist best-written, with Shogun a good second. The movie was pretty good too. But for me no POW story could surpass that bridge on the River Kwai.I also thought Empire of theSun was brilliant. Changi was unspeakable. One of my husband's uhildhood neighbours died three.One of the survivors came to visit the family after the war. Not Clavell but equally a hero. What a hard job to tell the truth to mourners, but probably not the whole truth.
  5. Yes indeed, like a larger parasite cutting off the smaller one.
  6. but I bet your kicked-in teeth and steamy ears will be repaired by your employers; insurance , and any shortfall would be picked up by us -- yes, I pay taxes too. Not as much as you, of course. I do not understand economics but on the face of it a flat tax seems reasonable.
  7. Notice to all our co-ligators: our counsel is taking a needed break after the McCain verdict, which case Advocate Cohn assured us was a "shoo-in" whatever that may be, but which he now assures us is a , temporary set-back. He says many knowledgeable souls consultants will be here soon to overturn St Peter and discredit Captured John, who will not enjoy the many mansions or the fields of the Lord much longer.
  8. You are becoming used to bowing down to a President, though ....?
  9. Well jeez, she was in his way! Maybe he was late for a golf game!You know what Ayn Rand said about people in her way.....
  10. "The elements so in him mixed, that Nature might stand up and say to all the world. This was a man."
  11. You are right, of course. Your taxes paid for my lifesaving cancer surgery, and countless other blessings for welfare cases like me. No words to say thank you. Maybe that is why Canadians tend to be so nice to each other,even in these times, and refuse to be divided by ideology.
  12. Good ole Jules did not mention the benefits we get from our higher taxes FREE health care and despite the rightist propaganda, really good health care, and really good public schools. I have wondered why Canucks Marc and Jules were so political;y different from me and WSS, I thought maybe they were private school products, maybe even disciples of Lord B;ack at UCC - but not Marc at least . 'Tis a puzzlemenl
  13. Very wise of Q to get vague. It worked for Nostradamus and Jeane Dixon - what? You don't remember her? She predicted the whole 20th century in the National Enquirer...sounds like a good fit for Q if his people could work out a deal.
  14. Somehow I don't think you would really like it all that much, and worse, what if HRH did like it? Our top grade Canadian ground meat is too good for him anyway. But sure, run for PM. I will vote for you at a discount!
  15. I never said OL was about being loathsome, just that Jon Letendre is all about being loathsome. I do have comments about his "allegations" obviously. Off the wall is a very polite way of putting it. Goldwater was a real gent. Obviously you have given up on gentility, or integrity, among Republicans, Brant.
  16. Language! Respectable Liberal Progressively offended, Mrs Lynam age 213
  17. You need serious help. This dancing on graves, and anticipated graves, is beyond loathsome.
  18. It breaks my heart! - to see us part, so sad....
  19. Is the pedophilia evidence as weighty as the Russia evidence, on the scale so far? Over time, you say, but if it has all happened already.. The Russia meetings were just 2 years ago and are fairly well attested. Why should widespread pedophilia take more time to prove?
  20. Just breaking my heart back again in my tween years, watching good love go bad.
  21. Renee walks away - Dionne walks on by - but the divine Everlys in harmony walk right back.
  22. That is true. Trump supporters are hyper-intuitive and always know exactly what he means, especially when he doesn't know himself.
  23. Tony. this made me flashback to a book I read decades ago, before Bill Clinton even, wish I could remember the name or author. Its thesis was that politicians by their very nature are hypersexual, and thus must be hypocritical faithful family men.... which no longer obtains obviously, Except for Mike Pence who dares go nowhere without his wife for fear , I guess , of what even Jimmy Carter confessed to as "lust in his heart." AT, those were innocent days.