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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. But surely, licensing laws rest ultimately on the principle of individual right to life, in that they aim to protect individuals from potential death or harm . I know you think that they should just protect themselves...but you have taken yourself into the setting of the law as it is interpreted currently in the US. Not an area I know much about.
  2. And he might have trouble filling the war chest.
  3. Like Old Nokomis you make it with the outside skinside, make it with the skinside outside...
  4. What if they choose to think about the right to life of your potential client, who could reasonably expect to be safe in a house built by an architect? What if they see his right as superseding your right to practise architecture? Analogies are a slippery slope but...,, if you are best, deftest, safest driver in the world, do you have a right to drive without bothering to get a license? Does the state have a right to fine or jail you if you do, even though you never cause an accident? Believe me, I see your passion. In most trades there are nonaccredited individuals with more skill and talent than the course graduates. I know English teachers who are better than I, they work as volunteers or private tutors because the school boards can't hire them without the right certification.
  5. Query, if has to drop out of the Senate race, can he still keep his Congress job? I can see how replacing him would hurt the Dems. His supporters will have to put their votes somewhere.
  6. Is it a fair understanding of your case that you challenge the constitionality of professional architectural organizations?
  7. The bad apple looked pretty juicy to Ryan not too long ago,and was considered a good bet to win. He held the same views then as he does now.
  8. This just in. Akin refused to quit the Senate race, so the national GOP told him they will not fund his campaign. I saw on a blog that even if he wanted to quit, his wife would not let him, "She makes Todd look like the reasonable one in the family." tAnd that he doesn't help other local Reps with fundraising, so they are unlikely to help him now. Looks like he will have no legs left to run on. Too bad in a way. That is one race I would watch with interest.
  9. MrB, you do need to consider that clients will not commission you if they think you are mentally unbalanced. Mania in others makes people nervous,
  10. There is no difference. Maybe the rich feel that "wealthy" sounds more genteel than "rich". Haha! Rich strongly tends to money when talking about people. Wealth doesn't have to encompass money but usually does. It's a broader concept. You can say "You're a rich man," meaning more than money, but that's a particular literary usage, very delimited. There is also, such as, "That's rich!" One doesn't say "That's wealthy!" --Brant English, the world's greatest language--nothing else is even close There is no difference. Maybe the rich feel that "wealthy" sounds more genteel than "rich". Haha! Rich strongly tends to money when talking about people. Wealth doesn't have to encompass money but usually does. It's a broader concept. You can say "You're a rich man," meaning more than money, but that's a particular literary usage, very delimited. There is also, such as, "That's rich!" One doesn't say "That's wealthy!" --Brant English, the world's greatest language--nothing else is even close Yes, and don't "strike it wealthy" or come up with "get-wealthy-quick" schemes, or have a "nouveau-wealthy" class.
  11. I can only say, from the many family members I know who joined the service, they were instinctively following their own highest values, and allowed the government to make use of them. I am glad that I did not grow up in a time of war. If I have to stand up still for more than a few minutes i tend to faint. I would never have made it through basic training,. (Maybe it is the whalebone stays)
  12. I can't find my old thread Best of the Week, but I just came across a screed on Solo by Kyrel Z calledLong and Dull. which is worth inclusion. It is a fairly long dull post about second rate hacks. At the end he says it is hard to provide examples of these long dull hacks. Obviously it was to too hard for him as he does not provide any. Priceless.
  13. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO :LOCAL 13 Office of the Treasurer Dear Brother Adam, Best wishes from the entire Brotherhood on your birthday. It has come to our attention however, that this is the twelfth 66th birthday you appear to have had. You know that it is only the Ladies Auxiliary that is allowed to lie about their ages. There is a certain matter of the seniors discount at the Ice House Pub and grill, so straightenn it out eh. ISS Nanook Acting Treasurer
  14. Todd Akins. How bad do you need him to swell a Republican Senate?
  15. Onwards and upwards bro! One more 6 and you will truly have the Number of the Beast. Seriously, you should take a birthday break from from saving the Republic and unwind a little bit. You are too shy and buttoned up. Thanks for your great company on OL, warm wishes from the frozen Northland for many, many more.
  16. There's something about Ryan's eyes, though. In the photos I've seen, there is just not much life in them...maybe it's just me. Carol astigmatic
  17. For me, empathy comes first, before judgement. It acts as a lens that brings in information and feeds understanding before judgments are made. In fact, I would say putting judgement before empathy is the cause of a lot of disconnection and problems in our culture, and is a major factor in what Barbara once called "Objectivist Rage." In my life, when there is a sense of a safe space and connection, I experience an opening and deepening of mutual empathy, creating a shared space. When I experience a sense of danger and coldness, or when I experience perception manipulation, power games or attempts at codependent ploys, I experience a closing and withdrawing of empathy. This is a protective, though not defensive, mechanism that has taken shape over my lifetime at the level of conditioning rather than thinking. While it works at the level of conditioning rather than thinking, I do see it and understand it conceptually so I have the power to shape my own conditioning, to shape my own unconscious flow around empathy. It works for me. . What a fine insight. For some reason it makes me think of Aristotle's description of friendship as a high value.
  18. You're welcome, very welcome. But know that the space in which you live and create is provided to you by others, anonymous or known to you, who care for you or don't, according to their values and not yours.
  19. But how can it be valid to use neutral terms such as selfish as symptoms for diseases? Also, I've actually been studying Objectivism for about a year and a half. I made a point to understand the entire Fountainhead speech and the John Galt speech and I understand them both now with the exception of minor details in the Galt speech which I'm working out now. I've made mistakes but I'm ironing them out. What made you think I was new to Rand? I've always been enthusiastic about philosophical truth, I'm suprised I didn't stumble upon her before researching for my case. Medical terms are not about precise semantics but about observable symptom patterns.m In medical context they serve as shorthand for these patterns. It is philosophy that seeks to rightly define, or redefine words. I repeat, Rand was a philosopher with little interest or knowledge in medicine. The speeches in her novels were about philosophy, and somewhat about economics and aesthetics. Not about medical science. But would a psychiatrist not need proper terminology of symptoms in order to properly diagnose? Philosophy applies to everthing in existence as the laws of logic apply to everything in existence; Objectivism is based on reason and the laws of logic and axioms. For instance selfishness, a neutral term, is used as a symptom of anti-social personality disorder also called psychosis. The first man who discovered how to create fire was selfish and so is a burglar. Thomas Edison was selfish and so was Ted Bundy (It was in his interest, as a psycho, to kill). Psychosis, I strongly believe (not in pertaining to faith), was a term invented for dubious purposes. But how can it be valid to use neutral terms such as selfish as symptoms for diseases? Also, I've actually been studying Objectivism for about a year and a half. I made a point to understand the entire Fountainhead speech and the John Galt speech and I understand them both now with the exception of minor details in the Galt speech which I'm working out now. I've made mistakes but I'm ironing them out. What made you think I was new to Rand? I've always been enthusiastic about philosophical truth, I'm suprised I didn't stumble upon her before researching for my case. Medical terms are not about precise semantics but about observable symptom patterns.m In medical context they serve as shorthand for these patterns. It is philosophy that seeks to rightly define, or redefine words. I repeat, Rand was a philosopher with little interest or knowledge in medicine. The speeches in her novels were about philosophy, and somewhat about economics and aesthetics. Not about medical science. But would a psychiatrist not need proper terminology of symptoms in order to properly diagnose? Philosophy applies to everthing in existence as the laws of logic apply to everything in existence; Objectivism is based on reason and the laws of logic and axioms. For instance selfishness, a neutral term, is used as a symptom of anti-social personality disorder also called psychosis. The first man who discovered how to create fire was selfish and so is a burglar. Thomas Edison was selfish and so was Ted Bundy (It was in his interest, as a psycho, to kill). Psychosis, I strongly believe (not in pertaining to faith), was a term invented for dubious purposes. You are all over the place here intellectually.l Selfish is a term used in many contexts. It has a specific philosophical meaning in Objectivist philosophy.. Rand specifically tried to redefine it. Psychopath is a term invented, I think, by psychiatrists, and used by criminologists for a certain type of criminal.
  20. Yes. Ritalin at the age of six I think. It was the worst feeling. I was hyper concentrated on unimportant things such as unimportant minor details and concepts completely unrelated to that which I wanted and had to do to sustain my life and my work. Due to ritalin I had nervous ticks. I was forced to take it in school so I devised the means to make it appear as if I had swallowed it, which only worked sometimes. I'm prescribed to concerta and vivance though I don't take them; just as with ritalin, I stay up for nights on end and can't focus on that which is important: that which I must do to achieve and sustain my life and my values. My first psychologist tried to prescribe me to a manic pill which she said, upon my asking, would harness my thinking to a degree and relax my mind. I regard anything that does that to be monstrously contemptible. I've been diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder (due to my selfishness, egoism, "grandeoise" sense of self worth (Dad compared my ego to Louis XIV and he actually believed that pretentious man had an ego), and my not having any friends till college and my inability to follow "social norms". Do you think anti-social personality disorder is a valid disorder and why? I'm curious as you're not an Objectivist. (In case it's not clear I am an avid Objectivist and a civilized person capable of having a respectful disagreement) I don't know anything of psychology diagnoses or personality disorders. I do know quite a lot about pretending taking pills and not taking themI, in the context os psychiatric disorders.I do know you are very capable of respectful disagreement and a very intelligent, creative person.
  21. Have you ever been prescribed any medication?
  22. But you are not a non-fiction human equivalent of the Good, either. At some psychological point you will have to deal with them, sooner or later.
  23. Mozart got along very well with his parents and his sister.He loved and honoured them. He was inexxtricably close to them. They weree part of who he was.
  24. I've mentioned elsewhere that Ryan's Washington insider experience is a big plus. As VP he could be effective in liaising betweentthe executive and legislataive branches, already having the contacts.He could help get bills passed and achieve the presidential aims. The downside is on the campaign where the other side will note that he wants to cut the government payroll which has been his sole source of professional income. "Pull up the ladder, I've got mine.?"
  25. Sorry, edit .. I meant ALWAYS want to be working on them, not never... Freudian slip? Carol Slothful