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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Thanks, we aim to please. But only to please those who consent to be pleased, naturally.
  2. Whenever I see "basic training" I remember the silly, sublimely funny Stripes. So remember Aristo, you're an airman! An American airman! Your ancestors have been kicked out of every decent country in the world!
  3. Or alternatively, you could go out and party your head off.
  4. On the slim chance that he might become the dumbest plagiarist etc President to ever occupy it? Anyway, being a chucklehead doesn't necessarily make a man a bad husband. Maybe he's a good cook.
  5. Mr. B: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: I have stopped accepting the Canadian widow's body scans. Adam CAD member in good standing Be like that. Those scans were sent by a former associate who is just jealous and bitter. So there.
  6. Well done, congrats! Airborne cryptolinguist is the coolest job title ever
  7. And on the actual subject, a defence agency stocks up on ammunition. Maybe there was a bulk sales national discount available, and budget time was coming up.
  8. Nice regular brisk walks to the garbage pile in good company are healthy, anyway.
  9. Are you sure? Maybe they were envious of the talent and confidence with which you wielded the hammer. J lol I cannot descry the motives of the Haters at this distance in time. I do know that my parent the Evil Carpenter did not leave any hammers lying around the backyard after that.
  10. I don't know presidential history except sketchily, but I do think of Lincoln for example, as highly and deeply intelligent, though not of as an intellectual.
  11. Hey, no argument. I never said Biden was smart, I said I liked him. He shows us again how human nature triumphs over reason. As to presidents, being intellectual does not seem to help in the job. Who was the most intellectual one (founding fathers excepted?_ Wilson maybe?
  12. That is a nice song, but Carmina Burana (any song in it) is better. I don't like it more than the selections you mentioned, or the millions of "the rest of the lot." I'm with you on the Chopin though, I just don't get him.
  13. I guess Giuliani is too young to remember Dan Quayle Spiro Agnew was no notable genius either.
  14. This is appalling. What kind of monster hates a 5 year old child? I would guess that many members here were creative at an early age. MSK with his musical talent for a prime example. I used to make up stories and poems from about 5, I am sure many more did the same. I got some laughs and sneers from my "audience", sure, and I certainly was not praised to the skies, but never did I feel hated for my efforts. When I hit another kid on the head with a hammer in a sandbox at that age, I was hated and deservedly, but it had nothing to do with anybody's talent or confidence. It was about somebody's toy truck.
  15. No, not much sense frankly. I actually started a thread called Most People, loosely about the relationship between thinking and believing. Maybe you might check it out.
  16. Were they burlap? J Hey, Snap! I was just going to ask you if I could promote my upcoming anthology, "C>J> Stuart: the Wastebasket Collection" }on your radio show. I was thinking I could wear my avatar outfit for both appearances... I think your wardrobe people would like the matchup...what say?. The other appearance would be a guest host spot on Philosophy in Action if poor Ethel continues poorly. my People are negotiating with her People. Fingers crossed!
  17. Michaels both, I don't thinki MSK's response to jts is just about the content, as the incredibly annoying way he presents his posts, always screeching that he knows we won't beliueve him and aw'shucksing that he knows we won't listen to his message,... it really is annoying, and he won't be reasoned or ridiculed out of it. I do indeed say lots of stuff that nobody believes or agrees with, but I try to present it in a respectful or appropriate manner, and if I try to be funny at least sometimes I succeed.
  18. Being a wearer of couture must be a rigorous life. I have been fitted exactly twice in my life, for a bridesmaid dress and a wedding dress, and that was more than enough. No wonder rich women are all anorexic.
  19. Mbj, please let me apologize. I did not read your post and just made a lame wisecrack off it in a self-centred way. I am well known here as a dowdy old lady who is too cheap and lazy to ever buy new clothes, I would look ridiculous in couture, but you could not know that.. You did not ask me but of course no, I don't think you are presumptuous and you obviously have created.
  20. I might look good in the middle one. Does it come in size 12?
  21. I knew I could count on you for more points! 25. His wife is hotter than Biden's. 26. He f___in bow hunts!!! 27. He actually knows there is a second amendment and a first amendment, in fact, he knows we have a Constitution that needs to be re-applied! 28. He has a hot wife...oops... 28. He has 6 or 8 % body fat whereas Biden just has brain fat. 29. He sleeps on his couch in his Congressional Office, he has not tax payer paid "apartment." Biden's wife is smarter, though. Admittedly in the Biden family she would have to be... I like Joe. He is living proof that brains are a minor requirement for a successful American politician.
  22. Nothing. Don't be too sure - they might be in the conspiracy too.