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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. wHAT'S nORTHERN aRIZONA uNIVERSITY got to do with it? Oh,'s Brant! He will really bomb us...things are worse than i thought.
  2. Yes, OO is more youthful and entry level. OL is more like a grad lounge or - I like WSS's metaphor better - a friendly saloon with Michael and Kat in benign control. Newcomers are always welcome and the few who become unwelcome, seldom have to manhandled off the premises. They mostly just drink up and leave. Which remnds me, whatever happened to That Guy at the corner of the bar--who only drank his Objectivism "neat," whilst on his favorite linoleum stool only slightly torn at the edge--constantly hectoring other patrons about civility? I hope he didn't drive into a ditch somewhere. If he did, I'm sure it was volitionally. Carol Still not improiving at table hockey
  3. and what's with the "our guns"? Are you expecting the DHS to invade Canada? This would be a nice symbolic year for it, I guess.
  4. Yes, OO is more youthful and entry level. OL is more like a grad lounge or - I like WSS's metaphor better - a friendly saloon with Michael and Kat in benign control. Newcomers are always welcome and the few who become unwelcome, seldom have to manhandled off the premises. They mostly just drink up and leave.
  5. Two Senegalese bartenders walked into a Tabernacle....
  6. Bloody life,it just keeps on happening doesn't it. We'll do our best here to try and cheer you up.
  7. OStephen. When my parents delivered me to my dorm room at university, the moment I had longed and wished for, afterwards I experoenced the most crushing and and awful homeskickness and lonelinessl, such as I had never felt before or since, I got through it by the first and maybe strongest efforts of will I ever exerted on myself. My father was brought up by a stepmother much as you were/ Maybe there is something in the Jungian stuff .. where is Ellen when you need her?
  8. I am guessing that you would define yourself roughly as middle class, if you had to .
  9. ps you think my hide is impenetrable: Have you met my fellow Canadian jts? And his is a lot hairier, no spas ijnvolved!
  10. Ive been there and I am back thanks. my poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling "from earth to heaven and heaven to earth again" lit on the fridge which was full of "air.y nothing" so I got some pork chops from next door .Philosopher kings are leftists like Donal Trump is an ephebe.
  11. When I read George's post, my reaction was, "Huh? What's George talking about? Sure, my screen name is just "Jonathan," but I've identified myself by my full name many times, and long ago I updated my OL profile to include my surname. WTF?" Then I looked at my profile page and saw that I was still just "Jonathan." Oops! But I've updated it now. Not that "Jonathan Smith" sounds any more real, but whatever. (Maybe I should go by "Nate Smith." That might be less generic, no? Or maybe "J. Ronald Smith"? My birth father's last name was Larson, So I could go with Larson Smith. That kind of has a nice, uppity-intellectual, artsy sound to it, doesn't it? "Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Mr. Larson Smith and his Laser Hologram Smell-O-Vision Radio Show!" What do ya think?) J Oh I think Psmith would do quite nicely, - Aunt Agatha, Lady Rubbleheap
  12. Get to your kennel, pedagogue!
  13. Rand's worldview definitely implies a class system, with the philosophers and wealth producers at the top, and everybody else...well, they better know their place.
  14. Sorry, correction. I was thinking of Class by Paul Fussell. The Lasch book was Culture of Narcissism, I read them both about the same time,
  15. Another really good analysis. I remember reading a book by Christopher Lasch about class in America, written in the 70s or 80s. I really enjoyed it. I must look it up and see if it still has relevance now.
  16. Laura Secord to you, Laura Secord to you, Happy 1812 bicentennial dear Branty Laura Secord to you
  17. On a paleo diet? --Brant or did you just comment on her diet? Sure did, as well as her sexuality and sense of life - girl is way, way too tense, condescending and controlling. On a paleo diet? --Brant or did you just comment on her diet? Sure did, as well as her sexuality and sense of life - girl is way, way too tense, condescending and controlling. Just your type, eh Adam? Honestly, you guys! It is a Monday morning for heavens sakes, this is a respectable forum.
  18. KD is full of protein. As the BNL classic says, "If I had a million dollars I wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner But I would anyway"
  19. MEM, that was an excellent post, which confirms my preexistent biases on this subject. Many thanks!
  20. That poor girl is always sick. She is not much of an advertisement for Free Enterprise medicine. Forget the adrenal supplements. What she needs is a good helping of Kraft Dinner.
  21. In preparation for the great Election Party Knees-Up and karaoke here on OL in Novemb er, I have been reading more political stuff than usual. I know that middle class is an economic term although it has social connotations, and its meaning probably depends a lot on location and personal circumstances. ?But I am interested, do you consider that you or your family are middle-class? Do you think of mainstream America as middle-class? All the politicians agree that the middle class is the real America and must be this reasonable?
  22. Who cares who starts wars? In the 20th century it was the armaments industry, enabling and igniting the touchy nationalism of Europe,to the tune of 20 million lives, and it was WWI that caused WWII and so on. It is preventing wars that human beings should be about, not drooling over their rights and wrongs.
  23. Hey, wow I just noticed... I thought I might have built some writing renown on OL, Quantity not Quality being my motto...But I had no idea George was interested in hockey!