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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Good grief, I thought the utter perfection of Dumb and Dumber could not be in question to any rational person. Sorry I could not respond sooner but I just got outta jail eh. Your friend Bubbles
  2. Dear Daunce: you are usually not prone to categorical statements of this kind. Very few people had the luxury of an "untraumatized childhood and youth," including yours truly and (I would guess) a large majority of those who post on this site. Dear PDS, but you are being even more categorical than I was. Of course childhood and youth are full of trauma, being born being the first,(apparently it is a terrible shock to the system of the newborn) but by your own account you at least, have as an adult, the ability to have fun in groups and with friends. I was thinking of the trauma of revolution and near starvation in Rand's case. Have "very few " of us here on OL, for example, escaped early trauma so severe that we cannot enjoy ourselves except in solitary splendour?
  3. Browsing good old Oonline, I came across the latest of many posts,there beginning I"Virtually everyone..." as others have started, with" nearly everybody", "people in general", ,, even our own MSK, discussing marketing i think, brings in Susie Secretary and George the boss and so on ...Joe Public, Most People. Them. I don't and never have thought of the surrounding population like this, but as a collection of individuals belonging to various groups of shifting classification and fluid borders, all proceeding from the individuals' life and circumstances. And I'm a socialist! If this Most People attitude by professed O-typesisn't collectivist, I don't know what is.
  4. INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! MICHAEL! MICHAEL! INTRUDER ALERT! --Brant No use to raise the alarm now Brant, as Michael is my kissin' cousin and adopted brother and blood is thicker than water, except maybe in Oregon. You're stuck with me.
  5. thanks dgl, -- I did not realize that the verticality Adam proposed. meant that one must be derived from the other. I don't think I agree with that .
  6. No, it isn't, read the whole exchange/
  7. And hey Jonathan, you know my calico pinafore is always at the ready.
  8. Pretty tangentially, Brant, i too would never join a moderated forum, I just dislike the idea. Not that I think I would ever be moderated because I always post moderately. I have never been moderated by Michael/although I don't think I ever read the OL posting guidelines I am sure I would never violate them Carol A one forum woman in a million forum world
  9. And as a musician you must know that Michael. The audience at a wonderful concert share an individual ecstasy/ People having fun bantering on the internet, feed off each other's wit and enjoyment. Different kinds of pleasure. PS as a musician hiow do you rate the tiddleywinks music? I have to say that the term makes me cringe. but I know it had different lingual associations to Rand.
  10. Carol, Sure she did. Just not with humor. For example, she had her "Tiddlywink Music." You can hear some of it here: Music With An Ayn Rand Connection. I don't think my sense of having fun, is the same as your examp;le here of experiencing p;easure. To me having fun is social,as in the Fountainhead gathering. the joy in music is personal, solitary
  11. I think I have my own answer. having fun is an unavoidable part of normal untraumatized childhood and youth and she did not get to experience that.
  12. I know it's only fiction, but what a bunch of knuckleheads! Michael It's a fairly humorous passage, but somehow from it, I get the feeling that the author never had "lots of fun" in her whole life/ I wonder why is that.
  13. And it is not Melissa's fault, according to her uncle Tan Rossini tancredi, popular proprietor of Tan's Poutine Bistro and Opera Karakoe. "She's just always been clumsy," says her uncle in an exclusive interview. A" "Klutzissima, we used to call her, Melissa the Mule, always stomping..."
  14. No, I think you are right where you started.
  15. I mean, as you defined the verticality, that rights to property are not as important as rightrs to life.
  16. Bill, Thank you for the cool, refreshing, crystal shower on a hot steamy knotty day. From above, as it were.
  17. Hey, what's a little head stomping between friends? Don't worry, when US is playing anybody else but us I will like them again.
  18. Here's to little Diana Matheson, TO homegirl who won the shoulda-been-gold . on the field of Olympic glory. At the last desperate moment she kept her head, and because all her teammates about her were also keeping theirs, she got it done. The lady is a Princeton economics grad and cute as a button and tough as Rearden Metal. An overwrought Cathal kelly in the Star compared the Canadian effort with Dunkirk, but he wasn't so far wrong. The players were physically and emotionally exhausted, after being robbed of victory in one of the very best matches of the Beautiful Game ever played, by men or women. But they found the strength that does not seem to come from body or mind, and the moment found them, and they were ready. Carol still hating on that crooked Norsewoman and that uberb**** Womack
  19. Pat yourself on the back too, signore. Looking at the other O-sites,there is no doubt in my biased mind that OL is the class of the field. OL has the intellectual heavyweights in the Corners, and the freest and best commentators meditating, , expostulating,duelling, guttersniping and yes, laughing-- the "mad band of odd bods" is the creme de la creme..
  20. First of all, I see no valid reason why you should not be allowed to sell your body, or, its' parts. However, we do now agree that, "technically," each individual's body is his/her property. Good - that is a start.mehow I'm not sure it is. My body is not the same entity as my life (a series of actions in progress) or my self (my consciousness); you seem to be coming from a premise that one's life is one's primary property. You introduced the verticality...I see life and property and separate, but I think you want to consider them somehow morally indivisible.
  21. Adam, no you didn't, I should have said "life" not self. Technically I suppose my body is my property, but my rights over it are not absolute. For example, here i can't sell my kidneys not that anybody would want them. However, being extracted the kidneys would be outside my body and therefore my property, which I would not have the right to sell.
  22. That's a tautology.The self is the individual consciousness encased in the body.Property is external objects owned by that individual.
  23. Carol: Now that is an interesting semantic opposition you have stated. This is not a "trap" question, do you see property rights lower on the vertical scale of values? Would "life" be the highest/first on that vertical scale? Adam Of course life would be highest... Carol feeling trapped already