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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Dgl, I don't think that property is theft, but I don't think it is sacred either,.Property rights are not equal to the right to life.
  2. Poets kmow/how life doth flow/how thought behind/in woe doth go
  3. Hey, no argument here. "But I don't think of you" was kind of rude, too. And how about "Get the hell out of my way!", when all they want is for him to be dictator? Hmm, that's all I can think of off-hand. Ugh, I've been spending way too much time on Objectivist stuff this week. I should have been an Epicurean. But you are an epicurean; labels are so epidermal ...
  4. There is a lot of twisty Randian psych here, which I admit I do not know well. But the impression that I have,,is that to laugh at someone is to harm them, and to laugh at yourself, is to harm yourself ,.. and that is just so wrong; to laugh is to dissolve barriers, to make insane fun leaps, to forgive and to enjoy common humanity. To dissect humour is to invite tears, in my humble O. As a comic, in all seriousness, Carol Bittman (Mrs)
  5. Well 9Doc, apparently now you hate the good for being good, according to Covert who has scampered safely back to OO.Is there no end to your iniquities/ Not from what I recall from Planet OX13000.....
  6. An oxymoron. Contradiction in terms. A figment of a philosophical imagination gone awry. An oxymoron. Contradiction in terms. A figment of a philosophical imagination gone awry. Ay, and a living breathing reality.
  7. Michael, I think you are right on the money here. Newcomers to the shining world of Rand heroes must long to emulate those highly unreal beings. How many are still waiting for somebody to ask"What do you think of me?" I understand this, because I am still waiting for somebody to complain to me that there is a conspiracy of silence against them, and what should they do about it. But I will probably wait all my life.
  8. Thank you, we do not see people with money as evil, in fact we like them a lot, and except in France I do not think we have a lot of problems. Carol\ Well meaning socialist
  9. So would it be fair to say you think of Peikoff and ARI as dogmatists and spend time bashing them? Yes, I do think so and no, I don't spend any time bashing them.
  10. Hey hi, Overt! Welcome to OL, where bashing has gradations undreamt of in your philosophy. No need for a welcome. I'm only here because I couldn't get an answer to my question while on OO. Hey hi, Overt! Welcome to OL, where bashing has gradations undreamt of in your philosophy. No need for a welcome. I'm only here because I couldn't get an answer to my question while on OO. Oh, OK, I'll retract it then. I understand. There are a lot of things you can't get on OO.
  11. Hey hi, Overt! Welcome to OL, where bashing has gradations undreamt of in your philosophy.
  12. Um, while you guys are here, is there any way I can increase the type size on my new old computer? Surely you have noticed I regained my consonants. But there is no helpful Zoom on the bottomthere and Chrome says I am already at maximum. Yours faithfulloy, Carol J Magoo
  13. Don't be so sure. Ronnie had some wild times when he was an FBI informant, with J Edgar and the Carmen Miranda hat gang
  14. Good work 9th. Like Stephen I do not often click on videos but yours was worth clicking on, and I hope you got as much fun as frustration out of creating it... still like the parrot better though
  15. I just something on Oonline that made me mad, "Obama vs my grandfather", saying there is an enormous difference between people who think build create etc and those who do not. This simplistic them-us view seems to be what OOers crave but it just does not hold up in today's world, if it ever did. Argh.
  16. There speaks a connoisseur of harsh mistresses...
  17. Feeling better now, Bonzo? Now lie back down on your bed of nails and enjoy your nice snack of raw worms,
  18. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Brother Tony, Hope you enjoyed the shout-out we gave you from the Weather Manipulation workshop at the Sweat Lodge! ISS, Nanook
  19. Thank you for knowing, Stephen. I think of you as a neo-Metaphysical poet, and I can't really follow the cerebral serenity of your verse, but it speaks to me of beauty. We scattered Eddie's ashes, his brother and sons and I, as per his wish, on the soccer field where most lately he had run that lifelong necessary joy. Andy complained later that I marched forward like I was strewing birdseed (those weren't his exact words but i got the idea). Probably I did not cut a very elegant figure. but I don't thinki Eddie would have minded. We are lucky, with our not really lost ones at play in the fields of the lord., leaving us such legacies.
  20. It's a noble ideal and he used to say similar things to his younger teams. But he was a soccer realist. You can't take the game out of the hands of the refs, even of the likes of that unspeakable Scand.who robbed us for the benefit of the Americans... it is enough to make a person believe in conspiracy theories...up her kilt wi' a wire brush... what was the question again?"
  21. "This too, is a statement of a 'sense of life'. I know all about fatalistic Jewish angst, please believe me. With some dour Scots mixed in, I'm way ahead of you. (Snowing here in Jo'burg, one-degree Cent at mid-day, so I'm in a Northern frame of mind. It is fun, though!)" O god how I envy you. Having just survived another day of the ten-tonne boiling sauna that passes for air here, I would kill for a snowflake. Angstily and Dourly, Carol
  22. Thanks Mikee. Don't blame the officials of the other sports for this one. It is down to bloody FIFA, so corrupt and inept it makes the NHL look like the management team at Rearden Metal.
  23. lol. but even in 2012 as in 1712, there is no rush to colonize Antarctica...
  24. No question USA is the best women's team in the world. But WE BEAT THEM except for that inexcusable bad call. It hurts worse than when Sale and Pelletier were robbed of their gold a Salt Lake City by the cheating judges, because this time there will be no redress.They are divorced now and she has remarried, what else, a retired hockey player.
  25. Here's an example: PLAYBOY: What about Nabokov? RAND: I have read only one book of his and a half -- the half was Lolita, which I couldn't finish. He is a brilliant stylist, he writes beautifully, but his subjects, his sense of life, his view of man, are so evil that no amount of artistic skill can justify them. Interesting. A novelist decides that novelistic skill is less important than sense of life and view of man...what is to be done with the evil novel then? Sounds positively Platonic. Plato is said to have destroyed his own poetry and plays,in service of his higher views, I think Rand generally over-used "evil," except she was a first-class polemicist. I'd have used "bad" here instead of "evil." --Brant polemicist third-class I think you evade the issue though. Plato rejected art that excited the senses without reference to morality , and so did Rand,