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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. That is too bad, but could you unglue yourself from those silly American networks who do not even care if Canada was robbed by the ref in womens soccer? Life is not so rosy here either like you care, and Gaetan adN his brothers Benoit "the BrUTE" and Olivier "(it's Over") send their regards, so step up the diplomatic negotiations will you. The mayor of Toronto is also on the table. Big, strong table haha.
  2. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO LOCAL 13 Office of the Grand Shaman CONFIDENTIAL EYES ONLY THIS MEANS YOU TOO NANOOK Dear Brother Adam, We have just got word that the negotiations about the Trade have broke down over that chimp in Edmonton. We have had big problems in the Satellite Hut and not got proper communications , it is all the fault of Granpa McAloon but I will not go into that now except to say that Granma McAloon is not the lady I thought she was, but back to the point, it is imperative that you get things back on track. What is your problem down there? who would not want a chimp who can talk never mind what he says, it must be an asset to the land of the free enterpriser and anyway, we offered to take BOTH Clintons plus their flaky son in law and he even wants to come! I do not like to lean on a Brother but we do not forget that poor Vinny is still imprisoned down in Florida with those floozies and you do not seem to have made much effort to free him, even though the season opens in a few months, and remember I am on the budget committee of the Secret Plan Discretionary Fund and this Trade is a vital part of our strategy! ISS Gord Assistant Shaman PS We are all fine up here except for the McAloons as mentioned, Claudine sends regards and thanks for your wardrobe tips for her Ottawa slutwalk. Your dues are late again and Gaetan at the Icehouse Pub & Grill keeps hinting I should pay your tab. Well, I'm not going to. Nanook
  3. Here's an example: PLAYBOY: What about Nabokov? RAND: I have read only one book of his and a half -- the half was Lolita, which I couldn't finish. He is a brilliant stylist, he writes beautifully, but his subjects, his sense of life, his view of man, are so evil that no amount of artistic skill can justify them. Interesting. A novelist decides that novelistic skill is less important than sense of life and view of man...what is to be done with the evil novel then? Sounds positively Platonic. Plato is said to have destroyed his own poetry and plays,in service of his higher views,
  4. And good old Alex Jones uses it as a psyop whatever that is, for an excuse to rail at gun banners. Another six corpses, another ratings spike. Enjoy your grisly meal, you ghouls.
  5. "These folks" being rightfully-armed citizens with mass-murderin' on their minds.
  6. crazy indeed. This particular mother apparently did raise her boy to be a soldier. The more fool her.
  7. Is that a drawing of our George or of George Lucas? Carol not very visual
  8. Love must be pursued, but it can't be earned, it is only found. When it is mutual and lasting, of course the lovers try to deserve the great gift, but they are always paying it backward. "The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of," I think Ayn Rnd knew this deep down, but so deep down she would never admit it.
  9. OMG - this makes me shudder! That's the type of 'material' Hemingway could have used for a short story (I've recently reread "The Killers" and the impression still lingers ...) You really lucked out!! OMG - this makes me shudder! That's the type of 'material' Hemingway could have used for a short story (I've recently reread "The Killers" and the impression still lingers ...) You really lucked out!! Double shudder - why on earth would anybody want to kill a lovable guy like Brant?
  10. And on the tears of laughter side, how hilarious were those badminton players trying to lose the game to each other?
  11. Well, it appears they have free rein to decide what gets published. But again, by whose authority? Straight from Peikioff, or what?
  12. Oh, my goodness, I did not see the whole scene just a few seconds clip. there are tears in my eyes, thank you Mikee.
  13. All I can say is after all this I bought some chicken parts that were already dead and fried them myself, I know I should have baked them skinless but I just wanted fried.
  14. I don't expect them to respect me, but to respect reality. The sad thing is that not only do some of these people -- starting with Hsieh and spreading to those who follow her lead -- think that they can do aesthetics with no knowledge of its history, but they also seem to believe that they can speak intelligently and in the name of Objectivism without even bothering to look up Rand's thoughts on the subject at hand. That said, the only person who I'd be willing to sunbonnet up for is this Eiuol idiot. As far as I'm concerned, there's no crime in anyone at OO misunderstand Rand's ideas, or even in their opposing them when they think they're defending them. But when someone takes an action to prevent others' ideas from being heard, I lose all respect for him. It's intellectually dishonest and weak. J Euoil is indeed a puffed-up self-important ignoramus. But who knows who he takes his orders from? Unlike OL, Oonline seems to be owned by nobody and everybody.
  15. I don't know if you saw it in the US, it was a vignette from 1992. A British runner, whose name I forget, suffered an injury in his Olympic heat and collapsed. His father charged through security and onto the track and helped him across the finish line. I thought, that is Eddie, If either of his sons had come to that situation, he would have done exactly the same thing. His son's facebook recently, shout outed to fathers who are fathers and not just baby daddys. he said he hopes to be a father like his own someday. I think he will be.
  16. Beginning to understand? The schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church of Objectivism and the Western Reformed Branch happened in 1968. Ghs These schisms are all, always, about personalities. In every one we see the triumph of individualism. "Individualism" doesn't have to be rational. Even every baby born represents that "triumph." Objectivism has yet to represent it by the use of it, generally speaking. The real triumph of individualism is using cognition rationally for rationality cannot be farmed out in the basic sense of it. There is no group think and irrationality may come with bad results. Good results and bad results can happen anyway because of acts of God or outlier events--that sort of thing. In 1973 my brain told me it would be rational to go to LA if I could. I couldn't. If I had I'd be dead today. Never mind the details. --Brant Never mind the details??? How can you know you would be dead if you had gone to LA in 1973? Was there an earthquake or something? Carol I mind the details If I could have died when I wanted to be dead, I would surely be dead
  17. That's it then, you'll have to disarm outside the Sacred Igloo like everyione else from now on, No more diplomatic immunity.
  18. Well, I can certainly understand that. My gentile mind has been unspeakably stupid in its time. I am just lucky that I have not had to display its bewilderment on the world stage like poor Mittens.
  19. Brant, I thought I was a pretty thorough fatalist, but you have got me beat.
  20. No, it can't be said often enough and thanks for keeping on saying it. It has been proven that to the committed, contrary evidence of one's beliefs only harden them and increase the suspicion and paranoia towards one's opponents. Haters will find channels for their hate, and religion per se is only one of them. Just back from church and a knees-up at the Lodge with Adam, .. happy Day of Rest to all!
  21. Beginning to understand? The schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church of Objectivism and the Western Reformed Branch happened in 1968. Ghs These schisms are all, always, about personalities. In every one we see the triumph of individualism.
  22. Michael, maybe you could split off the last few posts from the This Column...Obama thread and add them on here? They would fit better I think,
  23. Stephen, I do concede that, gladly. It is true. But where I diverge is from the notion that the individual trade exchange is primary in human interaction; I can only see it as a small vital cog in the great wheel of life and society, not a prime mover which should govern them in a hierarchy.