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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I checked out FCHI ,mainly to see how close it was to North Toronto where my son nearly went, and I am gobsmacked at the list of alumni! The music program seems to be emphasized now , were you involved in that? Neve Campbell, Lorne Michaels - American network heaven!
  2. I understand you. In that you are like Ayn Rand, to whom the concept was beautiful also. And it is shiningly beautiful. The oath she took to become an American required allegiance to "liberty and justice for all". Do you really think that Donald Trump cares about freedom and impartial justice for all, including the other half of America that didn't vote for him.? I find it impossible to believe that. He has no grasp of concepts, except as transient Twitter catchwords. He has no moral compass. I don't think he is worthy of your fanhood.
  3. no! you went to DeGrassi? It is one block from my place! Seriously, was that in Forest Hill? As to his politics I don't know anything either, maybe he doesn't have any. His sponsorship hasn't helped the poor old Raptors, let alone the Blue Jays that is for sure.
  4. Just keep minding your manners and who knows, one of these days these posts are gonna gush all over click, click click....
  5. Why did you leave Drake off your lefty board? Too Canadian for you hmmmm? I have not noticed Kid Rock or Ted Nugent rocking the top 40 lately much either. You may have a point, of some kind.
  6. Er, who is this "we" you refer to? NAFTA? Too late - or maybe you have dual citizenship.
  7. Some lowlife writer was just on Beelzebub TV claiming that Trump is "the third generation of a white-collar criminal family" and his business deals are more Mafia-like than kosher -- he even wrote a book implying those treasonous things. Shouldn't he be in jail, instead of Manafort whose only crime was getting rich through being smart ,and realizing that the law is something Trump will change soon before he will have to go to jail? It only stands to reason.
  8. Could not find emoticon appropriate, but posts do provide us pleasure Sir Scherk. Respects from Jacob and Wilhelm
  9. lol sort of like his first wife Ivana?
  10. The idea I get is not that bots change votes, but just that the attempt to change votes through undisclosed advertising, or propaganda if you like, from a disguised source, is probably election interference. Since the secret ballot was introduced, straight payment for votes became unreliable on the large scale, so bots seem a logical avenue to take to reach the "hearts and minds" with the facts, alternative or not.
  11. "Richard Nixon was a sexual degenerate"?> the mind reels.
  12. Correction Marc, as of the last fed election, 49% of the people were Trump in electoral popular-vote terms, , while Trump himself was 1% of the people, in economic terms as usual. Maybe by now 0.5%.
  13. I read an article about the booming business of selling fake UTube views, which doesn't seem to be illegal but a variant of "old wine in new bottles" vanity publishing promises. Is there any connection there with the fake Twitter and Facebook accounts? Do things "go viral" solely because of goosed-juiced views by nobody?
  14. Hey, we lefties have no monopoly on neuroses. Here is what my errant cousin riffed on "West Side Story" when attending a Trump rally: I'm neurotic, So neurotic, and so fearful and cheerful and odd - so neurotic I can hardly tell the Prez from God! I feel heated, Oh so heated, It's alarming how hot it is here! It's erotic, To yell "Lock her up" when He's near!
  15. I think Michael can envision Maher "walking away" from the left over the free speech issue here , maybe a lot of the ACLU, but I don't know. ..I dislike Jones and his bullying lies, but he has the right to speak them under the Constitution. But I believe that because I believe in free speech, not because I like Jones or the alt-right any more than I ever have. Still, maybe the left has a stronger hold on individuals than important organizations and celebrities! I will stay tuned.
  16. Actually, I agree with you that these verdicts won't affect those elections. Trump majorities don't care/don't believe Trump has done anything wrong in reaching out to Russia or paying off prostititutes-- and if the payoff came out of campaign funds, it wasn't out of their hard-earned tax money, at least. Though who was so cheap or so stupid to involve the campaign fund at all? Surely the soi-disant genius IQ then-candidate and his brilliant lawyer could have figured out a way to launder the payment better. Like bills in a paper bag handed over in an airport cafe, like our late great PM Mulroney.
  17. Quick Michael, copyright that idea! When the reality show comes out you could be cut in as a producer. "Omichael: Sexual Politics"? or maybe Mikoma? They could pick up the failing Kardashian brand viewership now that the K's have all had as many babies as they could conceive during the tv cycle.
  18. lol. Sorry if my sentences are too grammatically dense for you. Note the subjects and modifiers. Maybe my variation of" non-journalist "threw you off and I should have hyphenized it. Not your fault, nobody needs to write complex conditional sentences anymore, or to comprehend them, obviously.
  19. Agree, though I do not know how perverts make associations. I read a lot of history and the destruction of glass mastepieces of thqa shape seems to have been a favourite pastime of the Puritan army, after they had emptied out the convents. Part of the Reformation. Make of it psychologicaly what you will
  20. When it happens in any church (or anywhere else it is disgusting, The incidence only goes up because of the disastrously wrong ancient decision to impose celibacy upon priests.. Easy fix -- "St Paul, you were wrong"--times have changed. Well.maybe not so easy.
  21. So does being old. make a story less true? Obviously you had no room in your head for facts, then or now. But as not a journalist you do not need to be concerned with such trifles as facts.
  22. One fine thing in the sadness of her death, is that it looks like a good film of one of the greatest concerts ever given, might now be released. the recording of her "Amazing Grace" album. I truly wish that after that definitive rendition, everybody had stopped singing it, out of respect. I am sure even John Wesley would understand. For me, I have told my sons that if that song is played at my funeral ,I will haunt them to the end of their own days.
  23. Talk about ain't that too bad? When you can sing as good as Rita, then start whining.She needed those doughnuts. She even helped harvest the Nova Scotia cannabis crop (although not wilingly) but what have you done to advance the natlon''s well-being? As a Maritimer I demand an apology!