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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. O Adam, adoption makes it worse.
  2. caroljane


    "While incest is not my cup of tea what two consenting people do is none of my business." Right. Nothing controversial here. -Mike E. also a Heinlein fan. "While incest is not my cup of tea what two consenting people do is none of my business." Right. Nothing controversial here. -Mike E. also a Heinlein fan. Oy! Just because I forcibly adopted several sibs on OL does not mean I want to abuse anybody! Usually. Carol Easily offended
  3. Well, Emily in Our Town expressed it all, really. O life, you are too beautiful for anyone to realize you.
  4. But O, to live in eternal Today, full of our best of joy and interest----
  5. And boring also. Uttelrly boring, I agree. Nothing to discuss and debate anymore because all questions would have been answered. No conflicts of interest either because paradise is boringly confictless. The strive to continually improve onself and one's insights (the continuous challenge which has given me so much fulfillment in life) - no more need to become active there. Yawn! I too would feel 'doomed to eternal existence'. X, I feel X-actly same. As a kid I found it difficult to fall asleep, and at Xmas (no pun intended) impossible. Well, you would too if put to bed at 6:30 winter or summer. Anyway, as I pondered it w/ my Sunday Scool lessons of eternal life, I decided maybe if I was very, very dutiful, I would ask Lord to just let me sleep/die .
  6. Will it ever be over? Spouses of pedos are usually, I feel, also victims and unaware - wilfully blind, in some cases, but usually unaware. But not Dottie Sandusky. Dottie lied. I was a wife of a coac# and our place was full of kids 8-13 for years. No way would my spouse s#ower w/ kids (even own sons) - or initiate contact beyond occasional normal tussles; no way would I notve seen or sensed an undercurrent of fear or sullenness or over-interest , No way. Jury is out, and do not know Jers own son is now an accuser..
  7. Eek! Mine looked like a cross between Mariette Hartley and Lee Remick. J But my dad looked a bit like Elvis, Presley., not Costello.
  8. O, tell a kid of a self-described very, very fru@al mama about pre-owned outfits. List to my tale of a perfectly fine real Scots kilt, via cousins Beverly, Betty and Patsy, and its not so fine waist strap, sawed by senility. Said strap snapped, said kilt dropped, as I stood to answer a question in class-- luckily it was a time of slips - but I did not feel so lucky antan.
  9. Dennis, It is dreadful you suffered abuse. I am so sorry. As Sanduskys trial ends, may justice be stern.
  10. OSU fired Dr Skeptic because OSU can. Academics lead miserable insecure work lives unless a tenure track jackpot kicks in. OSU will not provide a reason, because OSU isnt required to. In solidarity, Carol
  11. PDS, its just you. My dear Ma looked more like Marjorie Main. I wonder if WSS like me was not allowed to pick out own outfits until advanced puberty. Fess up Bill, did you don yon sweater of your own accord? It is in impeccable taste.
  12. I am back in my barn after a delicious pasture session, and just saw a new piece of litter from a primate on Compost Pile......jts to be exact. It occurs to me.a difference between us cows and said primate , on OL, is: we consume our ideas and afterwards masticate, and process in our two (2) stomacs. Primate merely swallows, and transmits. Must be painful.
  13. Oh well, win some, lose some ... I do not know if I should apologize to Dennis Hardin, but in the meantime I have to figure out how to respond to a warning from Youtube. Apparently someone was upset by their personal information being made public in the video. According to the complaint I received,** privacy was violated at 0.09, 0:28, 0:51, and at 2:09. Though the Youtube note explaining is expansive, it isn't clear just how I can fix the issue. Yes, you see this problem with people who come from the liberal mindset. Whether we get around to fleshing this out, who knows? But I appreciate the alert. I would like to think that I am better than just a troll who makes weird troll videos to feed his vanity, but maybe I am not much better than that troll. I mean, here is a video, a dud, a stinker, a video that raises the problem you have seen (whatever it is) in people who come from the liberal mindset, and on top of that, the weird troll video has likely violated some poor person's vanity, er, privacy, so, I am not so sure I do not resemble that implicated 'troll' ... Still, the issues are important to me, such as they are. Having highlighted the Fainting Spell that afflicted Dennis once Monical Pignotti was on hand to explain her disenchantment with Callahan's claims for the 5 Minute Cure and TFT and VT (on evidentiary grounds, as detailed in the thread referenced earlier), and having counselled Brant that he was not, after all, pure unvarnished evil like me (according to Dennis), and having underlined my contempt for vituperation delivered without associated discussion, I can and should compare my attempted goal with the goal actually reached. Did I achieve my aim? Should I worry about the liberal mindset? Should I worry about murky put-downs? Probably the best think I can do is acknowledge error ("Mistakes were made"), express sorrow ("I am sorry you feel that way, Janet") and go replace the privacy-invasive images in the video with more appropriate images. Althought the images at the timecode in the Youtube warning do not actually correspond, I think the problem (derived from a leftist mindset) is the picture of a Fountainhead cover with Dennis's avatar inserted over Roark's face. Now, Youtube privacy policy is extensive. It first of all tries to shield personal information so that no noisome or possibly dangerous people contact or harass a person identified in videos. Of course, that the image planted over the fictional Roark's face is an avatar, a public avatar, and the Youtube warning tells me 'tags, avatar names and address information in which the individual is not named" are exempt from removal. This could mean that an avatar itself is exempt, especially when the avatar is not exactly correspondent to reality. However, it is to be considered that Youtube is determined to protect privacy. If the video remains as is, it is possible that Youtube's review (after 48 hours) will find the the individual is uniquely identifiable by "image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address)." Finally, I have to consider whether Youtube, when deciding if my video has violated privacy and needs to be removed, will account for "public interest, newsworthiness, and consent." I could ask for consent and wrap this up, I suppose. Dennis, may I have your consent to use the following image mash-up in the video, please? If you say no, no, no, it violates my privacy, I will take down the video immediately, and then go to my room without dinner. ________________ ** PS -- After spending time in my room without dinner thinking about what I have done, and the liberal mindset, I will revise the video so that it causes no more fainting spells or complaints, at least complaints that are articulated to Youtube. At OL, I always expect complaints. It's a problem I see coming from people who are in the non-liberal mindset, sadly. I note that I received one note of support backchannel. The privacy-invasive Avatar+Roark mashup image, it is said, contains an image that may not actually be Dennis Hardin. We do not know who the image actually represents. The note included a link to a real picture of Dennis Hardin, a picture that invades his privacy deeply, while being posted at a public website celebrating the novel "The Living Image." This privacy-destroying image, then, may be the real Dennis Hardin, and the avatar I pasted on the fictional Roark face, that may be a fiction, too. Who knows? Who dares discover? See: PPS -- If the murky reference to mommy was made in reference to the late Marcia Damon (née Enwright), ouch. Oof, even. Here is a picture of me and my mommy in 1964, during a glamourous shopping trip. My mother used me as a pack mule on her expeditions to downtown Vancouver, and also used the Electric Photographer to document her outfits and her spoils, as well as my socialist bondage. I wonder if this is where the liberal mindset began to firm up. Hmmm. I will think about that in my room without dinner. I may still be in bondage. Look at my face in the picture. Surely a glimmer of anticipation, incipient awareness of the Mindset firming up like wet plaster in my brain, of the next horror-show at Sweet Sixteen fashions. "Do you like this dress?" mummy would ask, repeatedly. I would answer Yes, Yes, Yes, anything to escape the torture. But then she would say "What was wrong with the first one?" -- surely a question no six-year-old should be tasked with. Yes, that is where it all began, methinks. O, que la mere est belle! O,que le fils est beau.
  14. If you start a new monot-cult today, it takes less time to calm down-- look at Mormonism.
  15. Judaism started 3000 years before Islam ; underwent internal evolution because of (or sometimes independent of) relentless persecution. Detoxification takes time as .Xtianity (at mere 2000 yrs) demonstrates..
  16. Brant, I bet you only found it because you perceived Oism to be a contraction.
  17. wonderful! Maybe Sutter even cracked a smile.
  18. Define productive. It seems to me that what you mean by "productive" is: "The quickest way for Muslims to know what I think of Islam and its founder." I think it's crucial to realize that Muslims are constantly redefining what Islam means to them and how they view the prophet. I don't believe it's important to focus on historical accuracy as much as it is on the values and principles people uphold today. Even if Islam started off as a bloodthirsty war manifesto against humanity and Muslims have come to redefine it as a tolerant, peace-loving religion, then you will have to take their new impression into account. Trying to prove that Islam is hateful will lead to harsh cognitive dissonance because it would seem that you're talking about a completely different religion and your discussion with Muslims will lead nowhere (i.e. won't be productive, in the traditional meaning of the word). I would be more interested in engaging with people in discussion on how they understand the world, what role scripture has in understanding human nature and ethics, how they view violence, how they associate with others of different faiths, etc. Discussing specific issues that matter to us here and now. You will notice that many Muslims will make claims about how Islam is a peaceful religion that's compatible with science and consistent with reason, but when you get to specifics, they will advocate actions or beliefs that conflict with this claim. I am aware of this contradiction. However, this is fertile ground for Muslims to change their views on the specifics, rather than abandon science and reason. The point isn't to prove Islam as bloodthirsty, but to help Muslims embrace a better, more humane understanding of their religion. Exactly my viewpoint, but better expressed. You are a boon to OL.
  19. I suffer fro psittacodeopobia and you exacerbate it.
  20. I repeat, on OL we prefer to discuss our own ideas in our own words, and cite sources as appropriate. We also recommend sources we particularly admire. Once.
  21. Or vice versa. --Brant Or vice versa. --Brant Sir!I do not partake in vice, only in versa.
  22. Did you see2-yrs-old Madison Quick steal LAKs press conference? Move over Paulina!
  23. Fine,Baal, yet dislike of a 1400-years-dead leader,does not aid a lot in discussion today. Even Jeb B.says Saint Ronald R. was a master of compromise, and USA today is dysfunctional due to ideo=polarization.
  24. Adam, 3 is a crowd. Or in your case I suppose, a usual Tuesday.
  25. C'mon now! Was that real??? You enjoyed yourself so much, I figured I must have been dreaming. . . Nice save , dear. Now it is time for you to start fulfilment of prenup conditions ii.(b) - seek out and pay reverence to Stanley Cup at any and all LA locations ii,© - find name of Beliveau and say prayer or appropriate quote from Ayn Rand at your discretion ii,(d) - find names of Toronto Maple Leafs and weep bitter tears