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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Sixty offers little pain If a pension comes in train, But even if it be not so, Because youve lived too far below. Your treasure lies in Land of O and love you live in. Vive le roi du pays! Many many returns dear cousin, Carol
  2. MSK, I believe it is fanaticism WSS detests. I am sure our friend is sneakily sentimentally fond of certain forms of irrational belief, like Canadian C of Eism, or Canucks fandom, even as Reason scoffs.
  3. It seems to be permanently so. jts, please post directly in Rants in future.
  4. me too. First two were dull, dull, dull... only yesterdays 3rd period yielded any fireworks. Saturday will be more do or die so I expect skill plus desperation to equal Wow!
  5. Only teen boys too slow to learn at correct time, ten years earlier between 2 and 4.
  6. Well done Devils. Toronto riot is postponed.
  7. No score after 2 - Quick sublime and Ole Man Brodeur stalwart...
  8. This won't do. You start with Islam and segue to Muslim. --Brant I do not start so. I start by Muslims. Baal et al start by Koranic words. Jesus said, Donate all your money and leave all your stuff and follow me. Some Xtians do it, after 2000 years, even many, but not most.
  9. OK Dennis, if I must. But our local patrollers are bicycle cops - can I just maybe douse w/ extra spicy curry, maybe? (leftover from takeout, I cant take spicy)
  10. Puck drop soon -- number four--Excelsior!
  11. But Muslims are not a collective, to my mind. Maybe our OP sees it differently.
  12. Which previous views? The 14% margin of victory for O'bama and the unions in 2008? Or, the 5% margin for Walker in 2010? Or, the 6% margin for Walker in 2011 A 19 to 20% swing in three (3) years does not sound like the Wisconsin voters retained their previous views of 2008...looks to me like there was a significant change in opinion despite Walker being outspent in 2010. Seems that your "argument" lacks any rhyme, reason or rational progression. Adamnce Was Walker outspent in 2011 and recently in 2012? My impression is private outside financial support is lots more for Walker, not a lot more for unions, since 2010.
  13. I absololutely believe. It is meant. I am for LA, but a Stanley Cup final sweep...not best fun for fans except, of course, natives of Sweep City. I do love tradition of Cup presentation directly to winner ream captain, and all winnner playes -not to suits.And custody all year to players and staff.
  14. 14% of any electorate may be influenced more by expensive reiteration, yes. I do not say it is a debate position. Most people in Wisconsin, already bitterly divided, probably retained previous views.
  15. I read amounts more disparate - but in Canadian media ($50million for Walker). Not sources to be trusted I suppose . Real verifiable totals would be of use. SuperPacs are a lawful and (to me) awful fact in America, and data on voter imPACts is of interest to our Conservatives in Canada I am sure!
  16. Arbitrary assertion. You assume Islam is a collective. It's a collective of collectives just as monotheistic religions are an even bigger collective of collectives. Then, the ultimate collective of such collectives: religion. . --Brant It is a collection of beliefs, professed by billions of individuals in different ways.
  17. No, not controlled, but if one voice is twice as loud and constant, its words will be absorbed more.
  18. Arbitrary assertion. You assume Islam is a collective.
  19. True, apparently we like our pointy objects up close and personal.
  20. Mikee, I too know and work w/ many Muslims. My best friend is an Ismaili Muslim, and we are so similar. \asim is from Tanzania, totally different backstory, but we connect because common individuality trumps tradition, every time.
  21. The right to bear arms as per the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is not a primary right. The primary right is the right to self defense. If the 2nd was primary then criminals would have the right to bear arms--to commit criminal acts. That's one reason some libertarians have problems with the idea of I've got a right to have a nuclear bomb ready to go in my garage. No, you don't. --Brant Yes, ! if Foundin Dads could speak , I believe it would be sensibly about differences between an 18tcentury citizenry at war, and descendants and circumstances. Basic principle would still obtain.