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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Lott proved in a few locales, various crimes decreased for a limited time after an NRA victory. Any alternate reasons for a decrease, like criminals forced to move operations, or local political pressure, are discounted. Lott said zero about number of firearms actually out in population before or after/
  2. Brant, you were correct. I was simplistic, and I do believe, at base, fewer opportunities equal fewer successes, in access to murder weapons. Simplicity is for....yes, control. If it were possible I would be for abolition. And I am a rifle owner, remember.
  3. And O sly! No, my contention is more control equals fewer kills. You must compare to a similar population in a more weapon controlled place. You almost fooled me!
  4. If you can enumerate # of firearms actually located in said city, please do so. It is not a city well known for law conformity.
  5. As you say, to carry a firearm to a party is uncalled for, as it would be to carry to work or university or a store or a picnic or to mass or to anyplace in civil life. Killers are uncalled for, and as fewer weapons available for killers to own, fewer are killed.
  6. True, it does not. And so, you do not project your own experience of self-defence as any indicator of self-defensive action in principle? If youd carried a firearm and not a knife, would you be now a killer or just a wounder? You still would be self-saved from rape. You would be justified. Does even an attempted rapist deserve to die immediately?
  7. No score after one. Yawn. But nails will be bitten before 60:00!
  8. Yes, I know. But mere display saved no lives in Florida, did it? Was it even tried? Armed citizens are not soldiers, as you note. An armed citizenry is a cross section , and equally armed will unequally kill and wound. Unarmmed, kills would be fewer, as knives, cars, blankets etc are less efficient at murder.
  9. To be clear, I do not speak of civil order, or crime prevention, or property protection or real estate values raised or lowered. but of life, individual life, mine, yours, its, and yes, Trayvon Martins.
  10. I believe your burden is one of disproof. I cannot find any data of a location of most firearms, yet least bullet wounds or kills. I do not speak of crime decrease collectively, and please do not trot out Lott one more time.
  11. I mean, manufactured as weapons, intended for only one use, as Ayn Rand said.
  12. Automobiles are not intended as murder weapons, and a firearm does not know if a user is bad or not. You evade my very simple point.
  13. Brant, you know my conclusions. More firearms existent and available, lawfully or not, = more corpses and wounded.Deliberately or accidentally.
  14. And Darryl Sutter looks like a pretty smart replacement now. Daccord, it is make or break for NJ. Fairly dull final so far, play-wise--lets see some fireworks over Tinseltown tonite!
  15. And in Victoria, B.C. ,a lawfully owned firearm was lawfully returned by police to its lawful owner, after lawful application. (Police seized it after owner was detained for mental assessment) Owner later killed two people w/ rifle.It was available.
  16. In related news, Canadian Psyco was arrested in a Berlin internet cafe. I wonder if Xray is a Berliner? Maybe our keeneyed friend nabbed a murderer? Scarboro seems a bad place to be raised in. Look at Paul Bernardo and now Icepick Boy.
  17. So do you think the shooting in the Eaton Centre the other day would have happened if we had less gun control laws? So do you think the shooting in the Eaton Centre the other day would have happened if we had less gun control laws? ???? Of course it would, many times more.
  18. Oh, I made it up. I may have heard it long ago, in a galaxy far, far away. It's stylistically derived from the speech of the Grand Inquisitor in the Bros. K. --Brant Patent it now, it is brilliant.
  19. No, no, not at all... I mean yes, I see... or not...O, jeez.
  20. I just came across it -- wonderful idea. I cannot conceive of anybody able to make Roark believable but many could do Rs sex appeal Dominique ---well, Jolie. Ayn Rand in a bad mood? Anyone else?
  21. You would not want a respectable Frau to crossdress and sport Tyrolean attire would you?
  22. Only in Bavaria... and at yodellers conventions.