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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I hate to admit it Michael, but I do kind of like dueillng talking points about a politician I don't like. Try to keep tongue firmly in mouth. kissing as ever, cousin C
  2. It is odd to me, that after the 10 plus years I have been on this site, when I thought I ha read most of your posts because I usually found them interesting. Obviously you read none of mine, know nothing of my work, my best friends, my neighbours or my knowledge about living every day with those who do not look like me and I sure hope, not like you.
  3. I agree that Trump is not an ideologue. He fixes problems and he built. But now?What does he fix and build? He is the president now, and the problems he fixes are those he is used to fixing, by suing, firing, and refusing to accept any liability for anything until his opponents are worn down and out by his financial bullying. The problems are his perceived personal enemies. International coevals will just have to learn, it's his way or the Trans=Siberian highway. And what has he built? Two years is not a lot of time, but he must have made a tremendous material, financial impact on the average American's life. He has said he has, and his fans at his fund-raising tent revivals know in their hearts he has saved them from penury and raised them into prosperity. Or at least, he has reduced to penury those who did not deserve prosperity., not being born God's Americans such as themselves. That seems to be enough for" 'the base'".
  4. Jules I do not know the circumstances, but that is just the age when boys need their father the most. I am glad that my sons' father lived at least, until his youngest was eighteen, though as years ensued I knew how much he needed his dad later. He has said that Dad waited until he was 18, to die. Before that, he brought his latest soccer championship trophy to the hospital room , four days before, and we could see the happiness it made. Every minute we have with our children is etched in their hearts, somewhere.
  5. Huh? Well, if you say so. But what it is for sure, your Dear leader of the Republic exercises power just because he can, upon his own whim,to an unprecedented extent for presidents, ..the executive orders, the revocations, the firings of those who can be fired, the pardons - everything for which he couldn't' get the approval of Congress . He needs to be in total control. as he has for all his working life since he outlived the despotism of his own father, and does not see his present job as any different from his previous one, or as requiring any more consent or agreement from "enemies" (ie 51% of the US voting populace} than he did did the City of New York, or the hapless gulls who enrolled in his "university".
  6. They could be knowledgeable enough in real history, as to support no one else.
  7. Shoe taunts are just the best. I have never watched BB, but the variety of my kid's soccer coaches were worthy of their own reality show, before there were reality shows. Most of them were European guys once removed or not,, One of our favourites was Flavio, whose gameday strategy was to mock his opposing coaches' couture. "My shoes cost more than your whole outfit"! He sneered to his opposite number, an amiable soccer dad dressed in a tracksuit. And of course, they had.
  8. lol, i f she's all you've got you can beat her for her bad PR.
  9. At risk of being called a racist yet again by Multicultural Specialist Jonathan, I have alwayst hought Omarosa a total phoney from since first seeing her on the Apprentice (did she win that season? I can't remember).Maybe Trump had a fellow feeling for her as the narcissistic opportunist she is, which is why he hired her into the White House, who knows-- but I'm sure she doesn't know anything about him that isn't already common knowledge. I kind of hope her book tanks, but can't realistically think it will. Trump should just ignore her now ,as her unimportance calls for.
  10. Good for Trump for cancelling his military parade. No matter what the cost, it would have been an unnecessary cost. Now if he could just be persuaded of the same thing about the Wall....
  11. Good for YouTube and NZ. This hypocritcal creep has already done enough damage in his "career".
  12. lol, Jane Austen put it more genteelly - "What are we for, but to make sport for our neighbours, and to be entertained by them in our turn?"
  13. Don't you mean, that's why he became one himself? The usual response, to become bigger and bullier,and no doubt he hates other bullies. They might beat him up again.
  14. Oh, yes and yes. I myself am kind of scared of him. But as his good friend wrote of him, and others, they "left the vivid air signed with their honour."
  15. From what I have seen of Alex Jones' own bullying, it is about time he was bullied himself, and as Rhett Butler said, by someone who knows how.
  16. Now there is a state of emergency in BC where the wildfires rage, and it is permanently indecently furnacelike in the Great White North - maybe the Apocolypsters are right. "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire, I'd be inclined to favour fire But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice is also great, And will suffice." -Robert Frost
  17. ok, but like Stone, I did not notice it was an analogy! I was thinking, intended or not the nazi crazies would take it as a covert symbol. and speculated (again I thought I was being quippy!) that there might have been other symbols there ....aaaargh! Wilde's apocryphal last words, as he turned his face to the wall of his boarding-house deathbed - "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
  18. sorry! It was I who brought in pedo symbols to muddy the waters in a (I thought) humorous fashion, in my original post. Those people I know nothing about. I was not trying to draw any analogies.
  19. Giving William a break, Michael, don't you think he was just being mischievous and recalling the pedo-symbolism awfulness that Letendre has introduced on OL? I did (without asking him to verify) when I replied in the light way I did - I I am glad Roger Stone hates Nazis ! So do I. But covert signalling does appeal to lots of sick people, who vote, and like Trump's famous "good people on both sides" quote, cannot be entirely dismissed I don't think you need to go any slower here.
  20. wow and wow again. Where is our resident symbol interpreter when you need him? All of those people have children - who knows what other cryptic images are being signalled? Or perhaps, a false flag we are all too dumb to perceive.
  21. Go Gary! I said he would have been Ayn Rand's choice as president, though I haven't seen what his opponent looks like yet, her libertarian prejudice might have reared its weird head about a Senate race .....
  22. Watch it Brant - some of us Know what You Did Last Summer- not respectable ! nonjudgmentally, Carol
  23. I had not heard of Jordan Peterson, that is to say I had not read of him (and still haven't) except here from you, although the name rings a dim bell (insert joke here,my dear fans). I can assure you that my reaction to the Crews' review had nothing to do with indirectly attacking Peterson, and everything to do with my own reaction to Freud;s theories and the rarefied middle-class Viennese social incubator in which he formulated them. He assumed HerrS. and Fraulein C. were examples of he timeless father and daughter relations - yet he never touches on actual incest, or actual pedophilia,, - which perhaps, never occurred except in fantasy, in his time and place,
  24. Just follow the Pied Piper. Marc. Soon all of us second-handers will be begging you to come back out from the gulch and lead us -- well, maybe not the KKK Trump supporters of Charlottesville, and we could do without a few of the more heavily-armed Russians, and Rudy Giuliani may be past his best -- but I am sure worthy successors will be found to folloiw in their footsteps and make America even greater.
  25. Is there anywhere you go, where the people who disagree with you don't lie to you? Is everyone else on earth a liar, except you? I can;t except Trump,because we all know his relationship with verifiable facts.