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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. It occurs to me, LBJ made similar advances in American life and society as president. But do any American women (or minorities) spontaneously feel and reason about LBJ, as I did about Pearson?
  2. M, you are correct, it is silly. But truly it is instructive, and fun.I did not know dates, but Cases take looots of time to be tried, and story is really about news manaement and [policy,and emloyee-employer relations, always a topic of supreme interest. I would welcome a similar story of facts vs spin on any medium, anytime.
  3. I must say it is no fun so see Bruce McConmans fat face all smiles now. Edmonton will remember forever Brucie boy, dont venture too far from your parole officer.
  4. TY Adam I will try. You are aware I know about 26 letters, correct? Even in nanny state Canada we need to know it to work as instructors. I lack letters 4 and 5: and punctuation marks at end of row, , colon and semicolon, quotation marks and apostrope
  5. jts, I salute you. For one time, your snakes bellies and canine extremities yield a tasty nutritious stew. Fox : We will tell you wat news is! Florida: to falsify news for broadcast is lawful. (A new fact for me) Yum, yum, yum. Merci mille fois, and I mean it sincerely. Carol
  6. On a national weekend I am all patriotic and invite you to learn about one reason. Take a look at Lester Pearson on Wiki. I could say , Lester Pearson built my life. Because of Pearsons actions of medicare, bilinualism and womens commissions, CPP and national emblem, I paid for my education (and eventually paidoff loan!), speak franlais, and now receive a nice sum because of past extensive Canadian employment and elderliness. I increased Canadas population at no cost to my family and was so well treated I overcame postpartum depression. I could say, Lester Pearson built my life, but of course we only build our own lives. I will say, Mike Pearson knew of a possible or probable me. And so Ive lived in equal opportunity and freedom. Wavin a Maple Leaf. I dont know about Pearsons abilities on keyboards , but because of sports predominance, our preeminent diplomat ranks as a stellar Canadian PM - and only in 5 years and never a majority!
  7. REAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR NATIONAL LEADER, US VS CANADA Extensive study of voter trust in a President or PM yields consistent statistical results: To be elected President, candidate must 1. Be a believer in an official sect 2. Support traditional family, preferably propped by spouse and kids 3. Um, know a lot about Constitution and be a reckless optimist about future To be elected PM a candidate must 1. Speak and understand 2 official doublespeak dialects. 2.Be elected as an MP and just wait till party wins power 3.. Demonstrate proper reverence for sacred national ice sport 4.. Be musical. Play an instrument well or truly love some musical form #4 is not mandatory. Trudeau for example did not play an instrument as far as I know. But PET truly loved classical cellist Liona Boyds musical form, and enjoyed Rostropovic too.
  8. I would love to know Laureens private comments. Apparently offrecord Mrs Steve is very drily witty and can be deliciously funny.
  9. I am so stymied! Cannot see free livestream due to absent consonants (cannot sin in). Cannot attend pub due to absent money (it is Victoria Day weekend). Must locate live blo.
  10. I don’t bet on these things, and how long does a horse race take anyway? It’s nothing like sitting through a baseball game. Or hockey for that matter. I don’t bet on these things, and how long does a horse race take anyway? It’s nothing like sitting through a baseball game. Or hockey for that matter. I don’t bet on these things, and how long does a horse race take anyway? It’s nothing like sitting through a baseball game. Or hockey for that matter. I am relieved to know it. Now about my ride to Persepolis 440 BCE and my order for PeterPremises model 1699.....
  11. Winners never bet and bettors never win. Cease your wastrel ways ND! Your job at ARI Sense of Life store is at risk. A Concerned Friend
  12. I reserved.TARDIS for 1999 and it is yet to arrive. So you are aloiter at racetrack, ..Time Lord! Time waster more like.
  13. Yes....ever read ..Afraid of Beowulf? btw (callout to NDoc too) it is a comedic masterpiece.
  14. Carol: I must admit, this is one bizarre story...wonder if William, or someone else, can find a picture of the total painting on-line? Why is he surrounded by headless figures as has been alluded to in the stories? Why the dog? I thought O'bama and Romney had dibs on dog memes? Adam Carol: I must admit, this is one bizarre story...wonder if William, or someone else, can find a picture of the total painting on-line? Why is he surrounded by headless figures as has been alluded to in the stories? Why the dog? I thought O'bama and Romney had dibs on dog memes? Adam Likely facelessness refers to PMs well-known iron control over all public utterances by Conservative parliamentarians- Ive written about it before. As to canine I am stumped, as PM spokesman said, everyone is aware PM is a cat person.
  15. Timmys protests portrait also. a server wd never flip coffee lid for a nude customer - scald possibility, safety violation. Not allowed in totalitarian Canada!
  16. Agreed. Rangers are still not out of the woods yet. Your guys would have to have a plane crash with the entire team aboard to lose this one up 3-0, but stranger events have occurred. And worse alas - remember Yaroslavl Lokomotiv disaster of 2011. Some in Canada still mourn.
  17. no supercede is correct, it is supersede. Sorry. Cranky due to my absent consonants.
  18. I never wore torture footwear, despite my not so stemlike stems . Actually I dislike footwear and prefer bare feet. But I must consider sensibilities of involuntary viewers/
  19. Two excellent teams. Riled and ready. Could be classic.
  20. Playoff at 12 noon--only in LA! Arena will open up at 9am and offer fans free coffee and donuts - nice! In Canada we yell and plead at locked entrance until last possible minute before puck drop and warm $20 beer.