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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Well, well said. We were not born of fiery ideal, but of compassionate compromise, and so continue.
  2. Incorrect artist, sorry. I meant Alex Colville.
  3. An equine dream, Andrew W. dreamed it first. Will Diana ever board , or only run beside ?
  4. I cant be so optimistic. To love to see a sport played, I feel you need to know visceral joy of playin it - badly or well - not just observation. Even if only briefly as a kid.An opportunity most Americans miss --no winter, no ice. Indeed for Canadians, costs prevent early involvement. Even so,, as Ive observed, once played, it becomes addictive.
  5. Brennan, I meant to write. Laura and 1812 ever live in memory of medical professionals of Ontario!
  6. More, merrier. est-ce pas? Well, maybe not Janet is not one of our jolliest companions. For some true crossborder pujnacity let me recommend to you Duellin Doctors of Simcoe, in Toronto Star today in an article by Ricard rennan. Sorry not to link but I cant. I can barely type on my wretced contraption. Anyway it is a terrific article, please reproduce if you can.
  7. O lory days! It was my party and I cried plenty. But never was music so potent. You dont want to know about Commencement party at lake =Jim Morrison-- bliss was it to be alive...and to be not old was very Non=Inferno
  8. For you at Election Party, a Stars and Stripes mural is commissioned, lots of firearms featured. For me and WSS a rainbow very misty and indistinct.
  9. You are correct. It was brilliant especially for defence , an exercise in discipline and skill,
  10. OK, not Cdn team but O6. NY for Eastern Conf victors. But I promised Dennis to support LA if none of our Cdn teams were in final, so if it comes to Battle of Titans, expect mayem.
  11. Newsweek and Time are desperate to reclaim audience and stay viable. To a Canadian, Barack O. just looks sort of normal.
  12. It is not suffisant, to be a freelancer,syndicated in backwaters, now you must put me in dead topic ? Restore me to my proper place or my fans will be aux armes. Soil will be watered , blood involved,, need I say more? Affronte. Emile
  13. as amed to admit limits of my internet abilities, but $14 I could probably do. Will seek locally. TY to Milords
  14. Emile, mon ami, I am proud Quebecois in Florida wit motel, I trow rats for Panteres. But now no Canadian or Florida team is in playoffs, for o do I ope? Duel in Desert winner is easy. Coyotes were proud Manitoba Jets until sold down de river.River all dried up now. Now still most Canadian players. But NY and NJ, I see no difference. Please aidez-moi Emile, I need to educate tourists and explain to say TV in restaurant only receives CBC. Mille remerciements Maurice R. Vineault
  15. My miserable computer is on its last extremities and recently lost responsivity in keyboard, specifically letters from f to j, luckily I know a lot of synonyms but do not expect a lot of creativity from me anytime soon. At least it is just consonants so far and not vowels. I am mad because I was all ready to slaAdam an NY joke /riddle and now cant. It would fit ice sports section. Also you will assume I lost mastery of verb tenses I always use, not to mention spellin. Aaaarjjjjj
  16. Ambrose Bierce was out driving one day and turned into a bar. For all we know.
  17. It is not on my TV so I have to follow live blog. I don't dare go to the pub again in case there is another marathon OT.
  18. Michael, forgive me, but for an Objectivist a simple answer should be possible, although I think even Ayn Rand would have twisted and turned inside out on this question."The other side does it" is not a response, if you are on the moral, the right side. To distort or misrepresent facts of reality, in order to "funnel" people to reality... is this justifiable?
  19. Michael, Your informed and objective analysis of the Blaze (which I have never read actually) really impresses me. I know how intensively you have studied internet markets and thought about the aims and tactics. What I would like to know is, in this area of influencing ideas and voted, do the ends justify the means?
  20. I learned from William Jefferson in a way, it was the American custom... I learned from William Jefferson in a way, it was the American custom... Well, that is the last time I accept arbitrary assertion. though the sight of your militia troupe all demonstrating the position, was retty persuasive.
  21. I should also acknowledge my other grandfather, who served in the American Army 1917-18. He did not see any action but did survive the flu epidemic. He also learned to drive, to the future terror of his family and neighbours and an unknown number of East Coast motorists.
  22. It was in the Mail, a British paper. I have not noticed any backlash in Canadian media. The reputation gained at such cost by our Canadian soldiers in WWI, and enhanced in WWII, remains among the highest in the world today among other military professionals. I am very proud of the grandfather I never knew, who fought from 1916 to 1918, and my father who fought fro 40-45. And grateful beyond words that they both survived to be veterans!