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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Was that the philosophical background from which the two old dears in the hilarious comedy Arsenic and Old Lace were operating when they spiked their homemade elderberry wine with "arsenic, strychnine and just pinch of cyanide" and served it to their guests? Where in the Ayn Rand Lexicon do you see that we have a right to know what is in the food we eat? http://aynrandlexico...ual_rights.html Where in your Constit Was that the philosophical background from which the two old dears in the hilarious comedy Arsenic and Old Lace were operating when they spiked their homemade elderberry wine with "arsenic, strychnine and just pinch of cyanide" and served it to their guests? Where in the Ayn Rand Lexicon do you see that we have a right to know what is in the food we eat? http://aynrandlexico...ual_rights.html Where in our Constitution does it say you have no right to take samples of the food and analyse it six ways to Sunday for every ingredient under the Vitamin-D filled sun?
  2. Is that the one where he shouts jubilantly "And I'm the son of a sea cook!"? Gorgeous comedy.
  3. Yes, thanks. It wasn't a sarcastic question either - I really was curious. I guess devotees to anything have thoses similarities.Think Perigo and his value swoons, argh.
  4. Not so fast... Game 7 on Saturday. What an incredible series. Young Holtby is Drydenesque in the net.
  5. Query, Adam... did Ford Hall or NBI audiences of Ayn Rand , look so very different?
  6. And before long, Anarchia would probably develop administrative structures fulfilling functions that no private agency could perform effectively. Just think of e. g. such essentials as a police force to ensure order. Anarchists may cringe at the mere mention of the term 'police', but can anyone image countless "privately hired agencies" performing the job of e. g. patrolling the streets and highways without any central coordinating institution? Who would hire and pay them for providing these public safety services? And before long, Anarchia would probably develop administrative structures fulfilling functions that no private agency could perform effectively. Just think of e. g. such essentials as a police force to ensure order. Anarchists may cringe at the mere mention of the term 'police', but can anyone image countless "privately hired agencies" performing the job of e. g. patrolling the streets and highways without any central coordinating institution? Who would hire and pay them for providing these public safety services? And before long, Anarchia would probably develop administrative structures fulfilling functions that no private agency could perform effectively. Just think of e. g. such essentials as a police force to ensure order. Anarchists may cringe at the mere mention of the term 'police', but can anyone image countless "privately hired agencies" performing the job of e. g. patrolling the streets and highways without any central coordinating institution? Who would hire and pay them for providing these public safety services? And before long, Anarchia would probably develop administrative structures fulfilling functions that no private agency could perform effectively. Just think of e. g. such essentials as a police force to ensure order. Anarchists may cringe at the mere mention of the term 'police', but can anyone image countless "privately hired agencies" performing the job of e. g. patrolling the streets and highways without any central coordinating institution? Who would hire and pay them for providing these public safety services? This situation is addressed in the anarchist manifesto, "Old Nicks Guide to Happiness". Essentially, society would be regulated by insurance companies, because every reasonable person would insure himself against every possible eventuality. from the birth of a disabled child to the intrusions of a neighbour who lowers property values by littering and painting his house glitter pink. A reasonable person should be prepared for any eventuality,
  7. Adam, if "Bund" is your reference to German fascism, is it your position that Obama is both a Nazi and a Communist? The Germans chose Hitler because they thought he would protect them from communism and indeed he did - until he found it expedient to make friends in 1941. Is Obama an incipient Hitler , or Stalin or both? Please elucidate.
  8. I should clarify that, in spite of my preemptive defence, I never thought that the lady in question could be our Angela. She could not have fitted it into her schedule. She has a job, a family, and the 24/7 responsibility of keeping you guys on your logical toes, without the aid of restraining devices.
  9. Especially if they are taped to DVDs of Atlas Shrugged Part I
  10. If any kittens are thrown on the ice I will know who is to blame.
  11. Good point Brant. We live in the universe with its many emanations, natural and manmade, and we have generally adapted to them. I write as one who was raised to believe fervently in Vitamin D, or as I knew it, cod liver oil. I was forced to ingest it until the age of 17 when I rebelled. a was right, though. As I write I have a bottle of Vitamin D at my elbow. At least I think it's the Vitamin D, I can't read the label too clearly.
  12. Mikkel, do you work in airport security by any chance?
  13. jts, if you want to get your scientific information from a retired general, or your dietary information from a retired neurosurgeon, and you know people are going to be skeptical of your sources. putting them all in the Humour Section in sarcastic acknowledgement of this, is not really funny. Some of us will still think your health bulletins belong in the garbage pile.
  14. Beaux-esprits, hey? Must say, there is a singular increase in French here, lately, and I'm all for it. I love the language, and wouldnt mind increasing my schoolboy knowledge. Which reminds me about the "esprit" of my old French master who has been 'pfff' -ing in the back of my head since I wrote here the other day : "...comme Napoleon a dit, blah blah.." I have the feeling it should have been "...comme a dit Napoleon - etc". I can't decide. What say you William, PDS, Carol, Robert, or anyone 'expert en francais'? It's a small thing, but at least Prof Keene will rest easy. Beaux-esprits, hey? Must say, there is a singular increase in French here, lately, and I'm all for it. I love the language, and wouldnt mind increasing my schoolboy knowledge. Which reminds me about the "esprit" of my old French master who has been 'pfff' -ing in the back of my head since I wrote here the other day : "...comme Napoleon a dit, blah blah.." I have the feeling it should have been "...comme a dit Napoleon - etc". I can't decide. What say you William, PDS, Carol, Robert, or anyone 'expert en francais'? It's a small thing, but at least Prof Keene will rest easy. To my ear it sounds fine - it's a conversational choice, "As Napoleon said" not "so said Napoleon" - but I have not looked it up. I await input from other enthusiasts of la belle langue.
  15. This equation of family with state responsibility is entirely specious. It negates the choices of the elderly involved.
  16. Uh-oh--- you think the Kings will sweep the Yotes? Those homeless nothing-to-lose-if they-don t -get -sold-to quebec -everybody will-hate -them? Beware of desperate men on skates with sticks.
  17. I can't imagine that gentle genius being phobic about anything human. When he followed his creative bent to translate the world into comedy, he never approached the black , unlike Waugh and other brilliant contemporaries. Maybe he just did not have enough bile in him.
  18. You gotme 9th, and I am delighted to be got. Also to be perusing PHW shortly which I have indeed not read. It's the Empress of course; how i mpertinent of me to mistake her rank. My only excuse is, as part of the Will & Kate Pregnancy Watch I have got duchesses on the brain.
  19. That is what my Edinburgh-born husband told me. He was obsessive about being on the curb side. He added that in his youth they were still throwing things out the windows, not all of them inanimate. Ah, defenestration? --Brant a fav That is what my Edinburgh-born husband told me. He was obsessive about being on the curb side. He added that in his youth they were still throwing things out the windows, not all of them inanimate. Ah, defenestration? --Brant a fav Oh just the usual - the odd cat, rent collector, brother-in-law....
  20. That is what my Edinburgh-born husband told me. He was obsessive about being on the curb side. He added that in his youth they were still throwing things out the windows, not all of them inanimate.
  21. For me, jts is an enigma, maybe a skeptic. Evidently a bright fellow; like my dad used to say "Too clever, by half". Has it ever seemed to you that sustaining a bleak universal view requires hugely more work, and high mental prowess? Convoluted and complicated. Though Einstein differed: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." Simplicity is a pleasant relief. Tony the Lazy. For me, jts is an enigma, maybe a skeptic. Evidently a bright fellow; like my dad used to say "Too clever, by half". Has it ever seemed to you that sustaining a bleak universal view requires hugely more work, and high mental prowess? Convoluted and complicated. Though Einstein differed: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." Simplicity is a pleasant relief. Tony the Lazy. I am sure that maintaining skepticism (much less total rejection) of most information input from the universe around us is beyond tiring, more so than mere critical thinking. I remember a poster on Oonline saying that thinking was "exhausting"; and consistently negative thinking must be unrelenting effort. It goes against the tendency of normal human psychology, which is to be slightly, irrationally optiimistic. And crusaders who are driven by hatred of their opponents, more than by love of their own cause, I believe harm themselves as much as they do their ideological enemies. They may be happy warriors but righteous anger can be intoxocating, and unleavened as a constant diet can be lethal, Look at Andrew Breitbart. Carol the Lazier
  22. I think it can fairly be said that most plagiarism is unconscious. That, however, doesn't acquit you of your crimes, Dear Daunce. Just be glad you are beyond the reaches of our fair jurisdictions down here, although I would consider a pro bono effort on your behalf if you were not. The problem with pro bono, alas, is that you get what you pay for, proving once again the inherent virtue of life in Galt's Gulch. Oh, I think I could retain you, as cross-border defenders have precedents. Eminent barrister Eddie Greenspan defended our ex-own Conrad Black in Chicago and look how well that worked out - he only got six years in Coleman. UIn fact in case the worst happens I shall disclose now in confidence that although I don't remember ever reading PHW I did read Blandings Castle , featuring the Duchess of Blandings. Twice.
  23. A fair cop ! she should have at least had them search for the witch marks first.