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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Maybe things make the German newspapers that aren't particularly remarkable in other places. Other, er....whereabouts you from? Just reason....
  2. In fact dogs can be very helpful in a cat fight. One Who Knows
  3. Tony, Thank you for your as ever thoughtful and insightful post (I don't dare quote as you would find yourself cloned ,due to my wonky quote function and nonexistent Edit. It was certainly not too long, but a fine exposition of the best that Objectivists can seek, and find, in their philosophy. As you know I never could start the journey; something in me can never feel that my A is your A. But it is always a pleasure to meet in the grey zone which shimmers with so many beautiful tones of silver, opal , smoke and the occasional misty mirror, through whose glass I see darkly, but you see crystal clear.
  4. Miovas is simply sweeping the noms as he continues to enlighten and delight the readers of Oonline with his panoramic and insightful knowledge of history. Recently he asserted that the Islamic Renaissance, aka Golden Age, was a minor brief episode, caused by three philosophers, one of whom he thought was named Ibn, but he wasn't sure. When informed that the minor episode lasted longer than the United States has to date, he sagely replied, "I would have to confirm that."
  5. Yeah Adam, I know us leftists miss the dazzling certainty of rightist reasoning... but how would leftism make us miss the intelligence of babies? I even noticed some in my own, and they are no geniuses, believe me.
  6. Officiant: Do you Frederick take this woman..... Groom: Only if I know that deep down she really wants to be taken! Then yeah, sure!
  7. Rand was a novelist, not a poet, a Romantic but in my view, not romantic enough for a wedding. I think PDS's suggestion to kill the two birds with one stone is excellent. There are many beautiful passages in the Bible that are perfectly compatible with Objectivism. Check out the Song of Solomon.
  8. My guess is that the original source was a German newspaper, maybe der Spiegel. Over the years I have noticed many similar items picked up from German papers which firmly convinced me that those Teutonics are the kinkiest people in Europe, maybe the world. I would fuess their reports come straight from the police blotter and the courts. If the unnamed lady is our own XRay I am sure she has a reasonable explanation. As we know she has a keen interest in criminology and psychology, maybe she was just doing research. (Hope her husband would find that explanation reasonable!)
  9. caroljane

    No Fun Cities

    Well as you know, my reaction to the grossly unethical elements of society would not be to shoot them. Lots of people think doctors who remove embryos, and fetuses, should be shot, and some of them have gone ahead and shot them. It's a slippery slope. I know how you loathe socialized medicine but I cannot forbear from mentioning that no doctor in our health care system would have been able to do such a thing. Maybe somebody can sue that medical disgrace on behalf of those 14 kids for wrongful birth. Meanwhile he should be exiled to whichever Top 10 Sad Cities would be least congenial to him.
  10. caroljane

    No Fun Cities

    I had a fairly funny rebound for that, but I lost the heart for banter when I saw what that poor deranged girl has been reduced to. What a grotesque byproduct of liberty and the pursuit of happiness she is.
  11. caroljane

    No Fun Cities

    MSK please note my last post says Edited but should say Attempted to be Edited, since I tried to delete the quadrupes but it did not work. I am starting to feel like the Octomom, I will just Reply from now on.
  12. caroljane

    No Fun Cities

    lol. I happen to have anecdotal evidence that Las Vegas at least, is no place for a thirsty man. My husband went to a conference there, taking a meagre entertainment allowance. He was no gambler but hoped to enjoy some shows or hang out in the lounges. Well, he tried, but reported that it is impossible to get a drink in Vegas without gambling in some form. Of course he lost all his money the first day, but it was not his fault, That was his story anyway.
  13. See, Adam? It is the power of Hockey. Dr Hardin glances not at a babes gallery, and scorns any bulging chests that are not bulging with boalie underpads. Now you know why Canadian women are so nervy and snappy all winter.
  14. Long may you wave the foamies, Dennis. LA is becoming something of a fave with the sportswriters up here, with headlines like "Playing Like Royalty." Bet you are glad the owners lured Daryl Sutter away from his ranch.
  15. Michael, my attempt to hold off judgment is exactly the same as yours. This is why I have avoided this thread lately, trying not even to read it, but I have no self-discipline - anyway, I had come to that same conclusion which is why I hope that the police, the prosecutors and defence have integrity and facts at trial. I admire you for realizing and admitting that you wanted Zimmerman to be innocent because you hated his media opponents and agenda opportunists.. That takes real self-knowledge and if only more on both sides had it-- if only. Btw one of the few times I have admired Leonard Peikoff was when he admitted that he had spoken in support of Kobe Bryant without knowing any facts of the case, because he hated Bryant's opponents who "try to destroy men of achievement" . As to the pre-judgers, let's just look at is an epic case of confirmation bias.
  16. However pernicious the media are, saying "OK" is not conclusive proof that Zimmerman did in fact stop following Martin, anyjmore than his injuries can be conclusively proven to have been inflicted by Martin. This case looks dreadfully susceptible to OJ-type antics when it comes to court and I hope there is some chance that verifiable facts will be produced.
  17. I do not even want to consider the sickness embedded in that gender feminist cannibalistic display!!!! Lioncold...Koro... I do not even want to consider the sickness embedded in that gender feminist cannibalistic display!!!! Lioncold...Koro... What's with the gender sickness? I'm just a regular hockey fan. You should see my collection of voodoo iceman dolls that I started as an adolescent. Occasionally I give Pocklington another spearing in the nether regions just for old times' sake.
  18. caroljane

    No Fun Cities

    Men's Health Mag jhas compiled a fun (well, sort of ) list of America's 10 Saddest Cities based on suicide rates, antidepressant use, crime and unemployment rates. Brace yourself, Las Vegas: Fun City is No.1. Sad news for Ninth, and Floridians in general, Miami and two other gloomy corners of the Sunshine State grace the list. Memphis for crying out loud, has a lot of Heartbreak Hotels. And Detroit carries the mournful honours for the Northeast. So everybody from everywhere else can cheer up; things really aren't that bad in the miserable burg you are stuck in, honest !
  19. Good choice! Dennis could shrink 100 heads for her to use as hatstands. I fear he would tire, however, of a steady background diet of Jessica Simpson's Greatest Hits.
  20. Carol: Yes. One of the great games in Ranger history. Longest since 1939. You need to go to the pub on ladies drink for free night, or ditch the Pilgrim garb and go with senior sexy! Carol: Yes. One of the great games in Ranger history. Longest since 1939. You need to go to the pub on ladies drink for free night, or ditch the Pilgrim garb and go with senior sexy! lol. Adam, this is a Scottish pub, nobody drinks free. I might leave off the widows cap next time though, it looks a little weird with my Habs jersey. On the ladies note, you and Dennis will doubtless be interested to know that the Nashville Predators ice girls are universally acknowledged as the best looking in the league (with a minority vote for Detroit whose ice crew are mostly male). The girl who picked up the catfish barehanded is getting a lot of appreciation.
  21. Fantastic game for the whole six periods and five hours! Goalies unbelievable, Congrats NY. Wish I had not gone to watch it at the pub however. Carol Hungover and broke
  22. Adam! Control yourself. You made me spill my Earl Grey all over my Aubusson I was so startled. Jeez, that isn't Paulina Gretzky is it?
  23. And you tell me to lift my mind from the gutter! It is no use your getting accreditation from "Objectivist Living Sports and Recreation" or even Reason Magazine. You are on the blacklist along with Sean Avery.and his expired Vogue press pass. Wait for the Swimsuit issue of the Hockey News like everybody else.
  24. Alert Jonathan! Phil has sneaked back on OL and is impersonating him, complaining that other people are wasting time on subjects not of interest to him and would be more usefully employed in discussing the subjects that are.... Start your own thread, "J", entltled How Not to Get Into the Playoffs like the Wild didn't despite Leading the League at One Point. Civilly, Carol