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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. But Tony, does not some of this arise from the uncompromising nature of the philosophy's foundations? " A cannot be non-A"===and the numerous black-white alternatives Rand made in her own aphoristic statements? Food or poison (or dirt, I forget which) selfish or altruistic, liberty lover or liberty hater -- this comes down in the minds of such as Valliant, that there can only be a good, and an opposite evil, and good and evil cannot coexist in one human being. It's all or nothing.
  2. In addition, extramarital affairs and coverups are flaws which many geniuses have exhibited. Plagiarism is not a flaw but a specific act of fraud, and geniuses hardly need to indulge in it.M cElroy will have to find a sturdier comparison for her rationalizations ,
  3. But Phil's preachings were at least on behalf of himself and his own vision of ideal Objectivist behaviour. Miovas is a zealous disciple of the Word of Peikoff which is the only Path to True Objectivism. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way... At least you must have the guilty pleasure of knowing you're sending him round the twist.
  4. ND, Kudos to your yeoman service in checking the premises of the Unmioved Miover. I see that most recently he has combined backpedalling with further lobs of misinformation, such as predating Pope Leonard's "End Enemy States" bull by ten years. Yours is a lonely, thankless job, but someone's got to do it. It is heartening to see however, that he would not have imprisoned "all people of Japanese decent" in camps in WWII. Ah so! All people of Japanese indecent go to jail must have would put! In randomly related news, our old friend Seymour, who as we know delights in urging everyone to read the entire oeuvres of top writers as defined by top experts such as herself, recently recommended the works of John Fowles to Soloists. His best novel, she says, was Daniel Deronda. At this rate, there might soon come another week worth have a Best Of.
  5. How is the Toronto winning streak going... How is the Toronto winning streak going... Oh, how could you...Did you not find any beggars to kick today? No homeless to jeer at? Young Holtby is really something though isn't he? He also in on something of a streak, 25 games where he has never lost two in a row... which means likely he is due to do so, but you are the oddsmaker. How do you think he will hold up (as opposed to hope)? In other goalie news, did you hear the rumour that Tea Party Tim Thomas is set to retire and run for office? I hear he has already lined up soon-to-be-ex-Sgt Stein as his Communications Director, and commissioned research from the Cato Institute that shows he is already assured of .03% of the vote, from the demographic of the electorate known technically as the Perpetually Confused, who think they will be voting for Tim Tebow.
  6. Heh. I was not thinking of that classy little episode, but of his long-stated assertion that he has outgrown hockey and wishes to display his unique specialness in other fields (nobody has angled for a reality show harder than he has). This casting of Our Game as a mere stepping stone in his fascinating life, is what outrages the devotees of this most hallowed sport. And the players, even more than pro footballers or baseballers, despise showboating unless it's on the ice, winning games. Avery regularly headed every formal and informal Unopularity poll in the NHL in his peak playing years. I haven't read anything about his relationship with Tortorella but I can't imagine much harmony there. I see your Ranger's win streak is, uh, OVEr geddit? Couldn't resist.
  7. Bloomington and Tucson do not sound like Respectable Places at all.
  8. So far a bicoastal final, the American TV network's nightmare, looks possible! Adam, your Blueshirts' only fear is the gnawing dread that you are only 15 or 16 healthy players away from having to recall Sean Avery.
  9. I'm tempted to call WSS 'Bill the Bard' from now on. I'm tempted to call WSS 'Bill the Bard' from now on. I'm tempted to call WSS 'Bill the Bard' from now on. I'm tempted to call WSS 'Bill the Bard' from now on. ( Or the Venerable Bard. The swallow flying through the hall is a nod to the Venerable Bede.(I remember a lot more of him than I do of relentless Beowulf from Early English 202)
  10. It isn't that I want to do something. But if I want to learn about something, such as complex intellectual or political issues, a "celebrity expert" (a person who turns "esoteric concepts" into "concrete deliverables") is not where I would turn. I don't believe that everything complex can be presented as simple, without distortion or omission.
  11. Take heart, Carol. You are joining a noble and historic cause. St. Louis will soon change its nickname to the Black & Blues. Seventeen years later, we shall take our revenge for stealing our beloved Rams. We will show no mercy. They will rue the day. So Saturday's the day. I shall wave pompoms for LA with a whole heart, since our latest OL visitor from Missouri did not make a good impression on me. Folks often display their worst side when faced with imminent doom. The Kings won 3 out of 4 of the regular season.match-ups. Local paper says the wingers must produce. I'll second that (whatever that means). No doubt all that cheering from up north will be an inspiration for our guys. Thanks for doing your part. LA has waited a long time for this. Who says revenge does not taste sweet??? Take heart, Carol. You are joining a noble and historic cause. St. Louis will soon change its nickname to the Black & Blues. Seventeen years later, we shall take our revenge for stealing our beloved Rams. We will show no mercy. They will rue the day. So Saturday's the day. I shall wave pompoms for LA with a whole heart, since our latest OL visitor from Missouri did not make a good impression on me. Folks often display their worst side when faced with imminent doom. The Kings won 3 out of 4 of the regular season.match-ups. Local paper says the wingers must produce. I'll second that (whatever that means). No doubt all that cheering from up north will be an inspiration for our guys. Thanks for doing your part. LA has waited a long time for this. Who says revenge does not taste sweet??? It means that if you have a star centre forward who has done most of the scoring, his linemates have to step up and try to score also, more than ever, as should the defencemen and the goalie if he gets the chance. Washington won their series on a defenceman's goal. Ward, a Toronto homie. As you can imagine there is no joy in Iceville about an all-American Stanley Cup. Most fans without a #2 favourite left standing, are just going for whichever team has the most Cdn players. I don't know which one that would be. Enjoy the sweet taste of anticipated revenge against St Louis. No victory if it happens will be as perfect as the pre-savouring of it.
  12. How soon you forget! I at least have referred to you as the Doctor, in verse no less! Welcome to OL Dan. If you can manage truckers I'm sure you can manage OLers. We are a a mangy yowling delightful bunch, really. Carol Floret
  13. Yes, they have advanced. Congrats. This is the best playoffs ao far I have seen in years. Sob, sob. The criminal case in my view is ambulance chasing on the part of the lawyer but at least it will point up the damage of head shots.
  14. I watched twice, and considering the age of the players and the level of play I would not call it a head shot.. If the offender thinks trying head shots is a good route to the NHL however, I hope this will deter him. As you know there has never been any need for this egregious play even in the days before helmets. I think something similar happened in basketball (!!!) and it brings to mind the "bounty" for injuries in football. These vicioujs intentional hits are not the hockey I know or that most players play. They have to be stopped at whatever cost.
  15. Well, Michael, you have done the research. I'm sure you know the territory. But tell me, who is the celebrity expert I find I need to fill my file folders? I haven't found one yet. And I read a lot.
  16. A 12 year old was arrested here yesterday for having a gun in his backpack. When my son was 12, he picked up his brother's backpack by mistake and took it to school. In it was a huge sharp scary looking Scout hunting knife. He arrived home shaking in relief that it had not been discovered. Innocent times in Toronto.
  17. Michael, Adding popular appeal to an important intellectual message - is this the job of a think tank? Aren't Glenn Beck & Co. already doing the zip department - or do you think there is a middle ground between scholarly research and analysis, and PR?
  18. Baal, I fail to understand your comment. Of course emperors and dictators have always demanded personal loyalty explicitly or implicity. But the guidelines of the American military about following orders are fairly clear. Do you support Sgt. Stein's action?
  19. Take heart, Carol. You are joining a noble and historic cause. St. Louis will soon change its nickname to the Black & Blues. Seventeen years later, we shall take our revenge for stealing our beloved Rams. We will show no mercy. They will rue the day. Take heart, Carol. You are joining a noble and historic cause. St. Louis will soon change its nickname to the Black & Blues. Seventeen years later, we shall take our revenge for stealing our beloved Rams. We will show no mercy. They will rue the day. So Saturday's the day. I shall wave pompoms for LA with a whole heart, since our latest OL visitor from Missouri did not make a good impression on me.
  20. Shame on you Boston fans. It;s sad to see that Southie racism endures.
  21. Washington have ousted Tim Thomas and defending champion Bruins! Oh, that evil Washington...destroying the Good...mutters Tim Thomas as he plays table hockey in his rec room, with the radio tuned to Rush and Glenn.
  22. Does the McCaskey flap relate to this question in any way? Was the Logical Leap an attempt at scientific justification for Rand's philosophical basics?
  23. "translating esoteric concepts into concrete deliverables" : talking down to the dumb public until they vote Republican? spin, spin, spin.
  24. Quote is still duping - but that post was worth reading twice.