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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. You are the bard who sings in the warm well lit hall of the sparrow that swoops in from the dark and blindly, bravely out again into another dark.
  2. PS Please convey my commiserations about the Canucks to Gary at Macs, if he is feeling well enough to open up the store
  3. I can't believe you didn't make that up. Maybe you should have been on hand with the blush brush for Danielle Smith. Just when I was going to take the scissors to my atlas, those silly voters in Alberta who had evaded or lied to the pollsters, acted what passes there for Canadian. My favourite moment so far is savouring the recent words of one Gerry Nicholls, a rightwing flack and former employee of Harper's at the National Citizens Coalition, who confidently predicted the Wildrose win. Based on no knowledge, he hastened to assure the reader, but solely on his "political instincts" and the seemingly boundless willingness of the National Post to publish the likes of him.
  4. Interesting! Since the only means of measurement would be subjective (people with different philosophies reporting their levels of happiness, etc., and attributing the happiness to right philosophy), it would seem that falsification cannot apply.Perhaps we must leave it to intellectual market forces and just count heads as the knowledge seekers vote with their feet.
  5. Reading Atlas Shrugged is a powerful experience, one I did not like, and the only soundtrack I can think of that associates is Strauss, Also Sprach Zarathustra.
  6. So it has come to this. I must now fulfill my vow and support the Kings against whomever next comes their way in the Western Conference. O god O Vancouver! Well, it is no use pretending they were an original 6 or anything. Michael Buble is probably sobbing on-key into his lambswool Canucks blankie and drumming his Louboutins into the marble floor...but its just the West Coast, after all
  7. The time has come. Alberta might just as well join the US, taking Ezra Levant and I only wish Stephen Harper, but leaving the Oilers and the Flames and Calgary intact with its mayor.
  8. WSS, the Salmon Bellies are indeed the best team name in minor, major, junior or extraterrestrial hockey. Even up against LoBraico & Flynn Happy Teeth (OK, it was our dentist who sponsored the team) or East York Easi-Waste. I expect soon that Saeed's Halal Chicken Wings (bock bock baaawwk) and Mr Yummy's (home made Gummys) will enter the fray.
  9. I am watching "Man of a Thousand Faces" which I have never seen before. I did not know much about Lon Chaney except his name (I got him mixed up with Bela Lugosi), so I looked him up. What an extraordinary artist, and man he was. Good movie too, so far.
  10. In Canadian politics, even in Alberta you're nobody till some Bodhi loves you.
  11. Ah Bill, you're pretty fatalistic aren't you? I like that in a man. As I spend most of my life amongst the Rajs/Garies I feel for you. (I remember the nice photo last year of the just-arrived immigrant family in Vancouver, wearing their Canucks jerseys and waving their Maple Leaves, relief, hope and utter bewilderment in their eyes}. My fave RG is one Fathima, a research chemist from Sri Lanka, who has now taken my academic writing course three times. She says she keeps learning more and improving her writing ( although I never teach anything new) but I suspect it is so that we can expostulate over hockey. ( I explain this to the rest of the class as an example of "Canadian small talk" which provides good listening practice). Her children like mine tend to roll their eyes and grab the channel changer as we enthuse, so we have to vent in other venues. In Canada hockey is our greatness, and being the collectivists we are, we thrust it upon not just a few but everyone. I have been giving some thought to my costume for the Election Night Party. My usual attire could be easily adapted for Laura Secord, but perhaps that would be untactful. As a neutral international observer, I should not adopt American dress I suppose. But if I did - how about a Stars and Stripes sarong, maybe with goalie pads and a helmet, as Barbara Frietchie: "Shoot if you must (at) this old grey head/but spare our country's flag!" she said.
  12. No, you're not the only one. #6 is the tipoff for me - to be oppressed by all of human intellectual history is to be oppressed indeed! Sdk navigates the fine line between fact and satire with great flair. A pleasure to read.
  13. Pretty goofy name, huh? Sounds like inaction, as no action going on here! I suppose “The Saucy Philosopher” would have been worse. http://forum.objecti...showtopic=22337 Inaction is right. Only the name is new and the format is the same cumbersome/confusing one as before. No general "new comments" just a tedious list of Open Threads (how enticing) and endless categories of Hsieh minutiae. I thought Dr Mrs Dr was supposed to be a web designer. I award her 3 Snakes in the Snakes & Ladders Objectivist Career Watch. Henceforth I will rely on you and wss to keep me updated on anything noteworthy that emanates from this site, especially the health updates. Also any good new bacon recipes.
  14. Fabulous net pyrotechnics from Craig Anderson and Jose Theodore. I am hoping it will be Ottawa vs. Florida in the next round because Panthers have been the underrats, everyone was predicting the Devils would sweep them.
  15. Uh, Senators 2 Rangers 0 Wings are fried. just saying.
  16. Now, on to Ragnar. Or does he not appear till part 3? Nevermind, it never hurts to be forehanded. Ideal casting would be a liberty loving modern pirate type who is intellectually opposed to government monopolies and copyright laws and stuff.... Arrr, that be mighty like Cap'n Smith of the good ship Chastiseur, updated for modern audiences as the Pride of Bloomington!
  17. XRay -Jonathan as Francisco...hmm, no, a wholesome Minnesota boy, however artistic, just would not have that edge. My sources indicate that insiders are pegging Adam Selene as the best bet. His reps say he has "the combination of New York toughness, Northern Italian suavity and polymorphous perversity the part demands. Also, he carries that damn Rand book around with him everywhere." Other reports say he is so eager to be part of the movie, he has offered to double as one of John Galt's torturers in the film's climactic scenes.
  18. Don't be modest Dennis -- we've all heard the rumours of how you nailed the part of "respectable-seeming but sinister Dr Floyd Ferris"
  19. Well, at least I am only getting double quotes now and not quadruples. Meanwhile edit is still not working.
  20. I basically came up with it on my own. As a kid my so-called peers didn't treat me very well, nor each other, and I knew that was wrong. I had rights, as understood by libertarians, basically figured out by the age of 13, long before Rand hit my fan. I was very smart but not smart enough not to integrate my individual self with the state which I mixed up with being an American. The United States and America have gone their separate ways. Now one exists as an entity and the other only as an idea. --Brant But it has always been only an idea - a gleam in the eyes of the founding fathers. Not quite. At one time calling this country "The United States of America" wasn't a lie. This is now The United States, period. --Brant When was this time? March 27, 1944--the day before I was born. --Brant I ruined everything Ah, that explains it. Canada's descent began on March 27, 1984, the day before my son Andy was born. He was supposed to arrive on April 1 but did not wish to appear foolish. The decline of the West is all the fault of you damn Aries!
  21. I basically came up with it on my own. As a kid my so-called peers didn't treat me very well, nor each other, and I knew that was wrong. I had rights, as understood by libertarians, basically figured out by the age of 13, long before Rand hit my fan. I was very smart but not smart enough not to integrate my individual self with the state which I mixed up with being an American. The United States and America have gone their separate ways. Now one exists as an entity and the other only as an idea. --Brant But it has always been only an idea - a gleam in the eyes of the founding fathers. Not quite. At one time calling this country "The United States of America" wasn't a lie. This is now The United States, period. --Brant When was this time?
  22. When do you expect this to happen? Why hasn't it happened already? Ba'al Chatzaf Why hasn't the life destroying asteroid hit us yet? The problem is uniformity of seed stock and the necessity of buying new seed each year for the plant is not reproducible. It was the genetic uniformity of the Irish potato that was the main cause of its blight, Irish mass starvation in the early 19th C. and the big impetus for Irish immigration to this country. --Brant Correct, but it should be noted that the lethally foolish policy of encouraging the Irish to grow only potatoes, expecting one crop to sustain a population, ensured that the famine would be so devastating.
  23. I basically came up with it on my own. As a kid my so-called peers didn't treat me very well, nor each other, and I knew that was wrong. I had rights, as understood by libertarians, basically figured out by the age of 13, long before Rand hit my fan. I was very smart but not smart enough not to integrate my individual self with the state which I mixed up with being an American. The United States and America have gone their separate ways. Now one exists as an entity and the other only as an idea. --Brant But it has always been only an idea - a gleam in the eyes of the founding fathers. When was there ever a time when true individual freedom existed for all Americans?
  24. Michael, I am completely spooked from quoting now. You know I know how to do it correctly, --and I swear, I haven't developed any kind of repetitive hand syndrome. My wretched computer now will not register edits either. I am starting to get superstitious. If I just disappear altogether, I won't be surprised.