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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Hey Ninth! I just saw on Yahoo that a Miami accountant has become a football player and been signed by the Dolphins! Is this the plotline for the 2014 series of Dr you know Who?
  2. Canada lost one of its rich citizens for much the same principles Hudgins mentions - the government did not appreciate him. and he had bigger fish to fry. He renounced his citizenship to go fishing, and has been a co-Floridan of yours, Ninth, for some six years now. He'll be getting out of prison next month, and since he owns property here I suppose they will let him come rejoin the wife and dogs in the mortgaged mansion. But Conrad is no Canadian and I speak for many when I say, we don't want him back.
  3. There was no Objectivist philosophy when she wrote that novel, especially the apropos parts. Again, she initiated no force. She wrote a novel. --Brant Yes, she did with Fountainhead. But with Atlas Shrugged she sweated blood for years, to ensure that her heroes acted out the philosophy/ And Dagny shot the guard. Please read me a little more closely. Ayn Rand did not initiate force. Roark did--at least for the sake of this discussion. --Brant Tendentious. She had the choice to shoot or not, and her life was not in danger.
  4. Woo hoo! Only one quote for one quote push! The Force is with me again!
  5. There was no Objectivist philosophy when she wrote that novel, especially the apropos parts. Again, she initiated no force. She wrote a novel. --Brant Yes, she did with Fountainhead. But with Atlas Shrugged she sweated blood for years, to ensure that her heroes acted out the philosophy/ And Dagny shot the guard.
  6. There is no sure fire resolution. If people are allowed to kill to defend themselves, then some people will make bloody murder look like self defense. As Heinlein said: An armed society is a polite society. Ba'al Chatzaf There is no sure fire resolution. If people are allowed to kill to defend themselves, then some people will make bloody murder look like self defense. As Heinlein said: An armed society is a polite society. Ba'al Chatzaf He did not add, it's also a paranoid, hypocritical society. Canada is a polite society, in the main, without the implicit threat that anyone who finds an individual discourteous can shoot him dead.
  7. My memory is rotten, but I comfort myself it is not old age since it has always been rotten, except for names and text. I have been losing my glasses since I was 16 and first got them, and in fact right now I can't remember where I last left them.
  8. I missed the zany banter...though if it was long ago it is certain I have forgotten it. The advantage of a poor memory is I can re-read my favorite books every couple of years with the same enjoyment. I've forgotten if there are any other advantages. When I saw the "19 words" article the first thing that popped into my head was "daunce could make a sentence out of all these words and it would actually make sense". I didn't expect anyone else to even try. You have crazy word meister skills. Best wishes to you and your lucky students. BTW: Martial arts training includes weapons. It also includes character building. A weapon in the hands of a good person does not make that person a bad person. I missed the zany banter...though if it was long ago it is certain I have forgotten it. The advantage of a poor memory is I can re-read my favorite books every couple of years with the same enjoyment. I've forgotten if there are any other advantages. When I saw the "19 words" article the first thing that popped into my head was "daunce could make a sentence out of all these words and it would actually make sense". I didn't expect anyone else to even try. You have crazy word meister skills. Best wishes to you and your lucky students. BTW: Martial arts training includes weapons. It also includes character building. A weapon in the hands of a good person does not make that person a bad person. Thx Mikee. I am not against weapons. As I mentioned elsewhere, I am a rifle owner. I am against handguns and do not believe private citizens in Canada should be allowed to carry them, as I do not wish to live amongst an armed citizenry. I know it is different in the US, I believe I now have a thorough understanding of the rationale, though I will never agree with it.
  9. Canucks - Senators - fingernails - holding on -
  10. I have nothing against the valiant Chuck, in factI admire him for using his physical skills and not weaponry to be a force for good (if I am thinking of the right Chuck.) I was just adding onto a zany banter line that MSK started long ago on SOLO and quoted here somewhere.
  11. I left out one word part but the coelacanth will not let me edit a post anymore, as I have wailed on other threads.
  12. Just arseling around, having been jabbled up by the coelacanth for 2 weeks, to the point of faunching and burking at one's own muzzle-wittedness and the impossibility of mugging up enough or even slugging beyond one's arky tech capabilities, one comes across this whoopensacker of a thread, wherein one finds not only a larruping hockey taunt from one whose team obviously has lost its jasm, perhaps from a surfeit of wapatuli or too many snuggies, and may soon subside into the snirt, but also the mention of "winning" something , although the something is not detailed and one hopes the judges of winners are neither too snoopy nor to chinchy-- this was a slatchy moment in the day of a bufflehead.
  13. I haven't seen it, but it looks as if it is Season 6 Episode 20. J I haven't seen it, but it looks as if it is Season 6 Episode 20. J Hey thanks, I loved that show but I never saw that episode. Trying to imagine the philosophical observations of Sgt. Fish on this incident.
  14. Sens lose, Canucks on the verge of elimination at the manicured hands of LA... there is a curse upon the land!! But what about those Panthers- best game of the playoffs so far for my money. Coming back from 3-0 to win.
  15. Whenever you;re ready, Mr. R. This is quite a cast we are assembling. I hear that a hot new part-Brazilian is the new Francisco - with an Irish-Scottish name though.
  16. Cheers Mike E! with a pint of Screech. The Squid-Jigging Grounds is a tune I had not even thought of since my childhood but immediately sprang to mind when you wrote "Shrigging". OL is a wonderful place.
  17. To heck with skill, has he got a martyr complex? Does he like to burn himself with matches, hang from the rafters by his fingernails, or, better yet, play toss with kitchen knives? “Damn, son,” said the hockey coach. “I just saw you dive head first through that glass door and then walk back out again, just for the excitement. How are you on skates?” To heck with skill, has he got a martyr complex? Does he like to burn himself with matches, hang from the rafters by his fingernails, or, better yet, play toss with kitchen knives? “Damn, son,” said the hockey coach. “I just saw you dive head first through that glass door and then walk back out again, just for the excitement. How are you on skates?” You want martyr complex? Dryden was GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs!!! Then he went into politics, where the public scrutiny and abuse are probably less.
  18. Dryden was the same as a student athlete, excelling academically at (I think) Boston U and going on to become a lawyer and author. And then politician ..though a liberal one. Maybe Thomas will follow his pattern. Although goalies don't like to follow anybody else's pattern except their own.
  19. Close, the Canadian word is Squigged, short for squid-jigged as in the Newfoundland classic, "the Squid-Jigging Grounds". Who knew John Galt was into the seafood, b'y?
  20. Don't you understand "getting into character", you philistine? Stay out of my way Lilian
  21. OK, if neither Ottawa nor Van get through, I will help expedite the psychic crisis by supporting the lotuslanders. You are right about goalies. It is firmly believed by coaches that there is a "goalie personality" - probably this is as provable as "cops can tell when somebody's lying", but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence. Hockey has the most conservative culture of all pro sports, and the team mentality is so strong even amongst the showboats, yet the keeper must perforce be an individualist out there. Jacques Plante incurred revulsion and contempt (except from me and my father, who admired him) by adopting the face mask back in the days when to have any teeth or fewer than 40 seams and scars on your face, was the mark of the girly-man in hockey. And Tim Thomas certainly defied the unwritten code recently. In soccer, my husband would routinely reject kids with great physical goalie skills because they didn't have the "personality".Of course he as a millwright sports psychologist was an expert. But if you had known as many 9 to 13 year old goalies as I did, you would start to think he was onto something. My alltime great goaltender hero was Ken Dryden, Mr. Imperturbable. The images of him leaning on his stick between plays, demonstrably keeping his head when all about him (the all being the entire population of Canada) had long since lost theirs, are indelible.
  22. Look at that! It is happening every damn time. I only pushed quote once but it keeps quoting twice.
  23. Then go to the edit function and edit out the dup. to see what happens. --Brant Then go to the edit function and edit out the dup. to see what happens. --Brant I did that - I said I edited out the extras. But nothing happened.