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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I will definitely read this. Freud deserves to be bashed, especially for his "theory" that girls experience anxiety at lacking penises as they grow up. Most girls would tell you they would feel much more anxiety at suddenly acquiring one. Even before I had a clear idea of what a penis is (and you would be shocked at how old I was when that happened) I knew that this idea was fantastically ridiculous.
  2. How does the reported dissension among the Emirates figure into the messy mix? The destruction of Yemen can't please all of the Arabs, all of the time.
  3. This is funny! but not traditionally a joke, as you say. It is more like an opening scene for a sitcom. I can see Halle Berry as the female lead .
  4. Well, although a leftist, I only understand punchline as the point of a joke--why this photo? Do you suggest that black or lesbian comics are militant antiestablishmentarians? So finish the joke, to make your point.. it has a lot of comic possibilities. Just want to hear the rest of your opening of a classic setup
  5. Something tells me that it was not that good of a joke. it still might have been funny. Finish it up, then - If you are afraid of those who would not laugh at it if it is truly funny, those in utter darkness and divorced from their full humanness, well so am I ,very afraid of them. But I always like to hear a new joke.
  6. Wrong Jonathan, it is a good joke whoever is s the butt of it, jokes are jokes. They are their own reality, ie humanity. they survive in places of death and despair and can be as dark as life gets dark, but they still can be funny and only the most hopeless and most despairing are unable to laugh. Or those, perhaps, who have never been able to laugh at themselves. Which one are you, I wonder.
  7. Gosh, I had no idea the Saudi regime was so thoughtful and caring! Saving our extremities from being cut off and all. Thanks for the 411! It might seem funny to you, but we are pretty protective of our extremities up here.
  8. Yes, those Saudis and their money sure showed America a great sumptuous welcome to Trump, nearly as stunning a show as they pulled off on 9/11, with TV ratings through the roof! Now they have shown our obscure ambassador the door. To reach wildly from the old Henry Clay quote, "I'd rather be right than president", perhaps our diplomats reflect that we would rather prefer the door, if it leads somewhere back to democracy.
  9. Yes, thank you. Her thoughtful analyses were these: Peter Fonda is worse than Roseanne Barr, so people should concentrate on Fonda's badness. LeBron James is against the American military personnel, and people who love the military should hate James. Well, I had not read much of her thinking before . But the samples you quoted me don't excite much admiration. I did not"despise her for some reason" since I genuinely knew practically nothing of her writings before, but if this is the depth and the breadth of her thinking, yes, it is kind of despicable. And sycophantic.
  10. Dear Diary, Wonderful Mustique, sea, sand, freedom, only a few in-laws around--dearest K and I quite agreed, lying in lovely solitude in our lagoon-front cabana, that we could hear the faint clinking of Great-Aunt Margo's cocktail glasses! This morning on the beach, as I was watching Charlotte and George playfully try to drown each other under Maria's eagle eye, I espied Harry, of all people, walking towards us! I had never seen him up at such an early hour before on vacation. Or indeed, at any other time when not strictly on duty. In his hand he bore, not a can of Carib Lager which I thought at first, but some rolled-up paper. -"Hullo" I cried, "Why such an early bird? The missus kick you out already?" which I accompanied with appropriate gestures. When he let me up from the headlock, we settled ourselves in the sand, and he told me he had given it a lot of thought, and consulted with experts, and decided he felt he should write his own speeches from now on. I was, well, speechless. "But Harry," was the first thought that came to me. "You can''t put Clive and Ffiona-Elspeth and Vikram and Kevin all out of work just so you can go all jolly literary....." "Hoy! Anybody in charge of these kids? Get them away from my bloody JetSki or I'm calling the authorities!" Oh no, oh dear, ich dien, W
  11. I cannot find any quotes from her on LeBron James' criticism of Trump , or Trump's response to it,or of Roseanne Barr's controversial firing - two subjects which you would think more meaty for a black conservaqtive pundit than just piling on some unimportant writer like Sarah Jeong. What if anything has Candace said about these recent real news stories?
  12. I watched this infomercial, up until after the T-shirt ads, to the video and book shilling, but after that my usually fairly open mind just closed. If this is a sample of where Jonathan gets his talking points, I guess I can see how he could call me a racist--hey Lebron! You abandoned Toronto too soon - you might need the underground railroad again, and bring Kaepernick with you. The CFL is way more fun, all things considered.
  13. Well, why wouldn't you be black? You never said you weren't. You have talked about how hilarious it is for white people to make judgments about black people's political choices -- if you are a black Minnesotan like Dustin Byfuglien and Kyle Oksposo you should be very proud. Jake Gardiner too, though he is not very black, and we will have to see what kind of season he has.
  14. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I thought the son-of-a-bitch above WAS black! And I never hated him, or anybody much, until I was named a hater by him a couple months ago-- I swear ! Newbie hater but only on an individual basis, Carol
  15. No one except Trump , who is amply documented for saying those things as have his spokespeopl;e, in his name. .That's it for now, but not to worry, I'm sure more enthusiastic Trump corroborators will be along soon..
  16. So rhia is what you were talking about, when you said I quoted you when you referenced him and so on---god! I couldn't think what you meant by that? I don't know if they ever co-starred. but Saville was much more downmarket and all-lads-together and the Fringe much more cultishand Oxford Unionish, so I would doubt it. Savile was a big fan of Margaret Thatcher, and she of him.She tried to get him knighted multiplw times, but was blocked -- maybe by people who knew what he was up to. None of my beloved Fringers committed any heinous crimes, except maybe against the Establishment as it was then, as far as I know.
  17. I just read this again. Surely you saw Trump mocking a handicapped reporter- it was a big hit with his audience, maybe helped get him elected - or call Mexicans rapists? These were the takeaways from his tweets and sound bites we all saw before his election and after. He has never apologized for them. The implications are pretty clear. They are not "reports"but his own words.
  18. Just do not start accusing the geese! Some of us do not forget! #stop the Avian Order #justice for Thomas
  19. We do get it, you know J, your point, your one and only point these days. It is only acceptable to be outraged about lies, slurs or disrespect of Trump. or his favoured few at the time. Everyone else can be trashed and ridiculed - war heroes, Gold Star mothers,ex-presidents, honoured public servants. dead elementary school students and their classmates who mourn them, everyone except Donald J. Trump. They can be lied about and ridiculed but it would be unpatriotic to care about them.They are probably not real people at all, just Deep State fantasies fuelled by the fake media. God save America from such greatness.
  20. Where did I quote anything about Jimmy Savile? I don't remember ever even mentioning that vile creature, I can't even stand to think about him... I can't imagine why I would ever talk about him, may he rest in hell. If I quoted him I must be really losing it.
  21. It ix a great feeling to get ones' biases confirmed, but there is confirmation and --not much confirmation, The smoke here is nothing but the second, third and forth-hand gossip of the websites this poor soul quotes. Do you really believe he had any first hand knowledge or even observation of the bigwigs he accuses of horrible perversities? How could you describe him as a "second-tier actor",unless you mean there are only two tiers of actors, those who make a living from acting and those who don't? His last acting job was seven years ago, and if he does die soon which I sincerely hope not, looking at his photo makes me think it might be rather of malnutrition than foul play. Yes, there is smoke and some comes from fire, and in the era of Great Again America, some comes from mirrors. Why Michael, why and when did you decide that to be one of the mirrors was the right thing to do?
  22. You are probably too young to be familiar with the brilliant British improv troupe, Beyond the Fringe(precursors of Monty Python). Your ceaseless optimism that mass executions and suicides are imminent, reminds me of cheerful cult leader in the classic skit, "The End of the World", whose tagline was "Never mind lads, same time tomorrow. We must get a winner some day".