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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Damn! Maybe I can do some of the rehearsals as a stand in. --Brant don't get between a dog and his bone You deserve that part, Brant. That guy obviously did not earn those medals he is wearing. Meanwhile I will continue my campaign to get cast as Aunt Pittypat in the GWTW remake. The world needs my rendition of this unerappreciated character. I will dare to faint!
  2. They make Gibbs and Carney look like moral giants. Being fair to them, here is what they had to work with. Stephen Harper hates the press, especially the free press. He hates talking to the press and will do anything to avoid it. He especially hates the CBC, the public broadcaster, and takes every occasion to mention that he doesn't watch it. How he gets his hockey fix I don't know. He made a point of doing a cameo role on "Murdoch Mysteries" on the rival CTV network. He does not allow any of his ministers or MPs to say anything to the press that he has not personally approved. Maintaining media relations on behalf of such a national leader is a task that would render nearly anyone pathetic, and indeed I feel pity and terror for those who attempt such a job. Edit: the latest ex-DirComm, Angelo Perschilli, was known around the Hill as "the invisible man". Few of the Parliamentary reporters ever saw him, much less had any communication with him.
  3. I have had my weekly look at Solo, and I see that that fool Seymour asked you to pass on a message to me. Sensibly you seem to have ignored her. Again with the dressed up dogs! I don't know what is going on in her weird head, but what I deduce is this: She found someone on Facebook with a name similar to mine, and that person has now locked her facebook page, and S calls this "a dead giveaway", of what I don't know. My concern is this: Possibly that unknown lady (who sounds like a nice person) locked the page because Janet went on there and insulted her, thinking (or pretending to think) that she was me. I do not like to think some innocent person was harassed by the harridan because of me and would apologize and explain to her if I knew how. Can you - or anybodyelse reading - help me out with this? Thanks.
  4. Accurate? Actually, you have to be dead to be Beatified also. I was just messing with you. Accurate? Actually, you have to be dead to be Beatified also. I was just messing with you. Haha, of course I knew that, you quite overcome me with your raillery Sir! I am sure that you do not wish the soon to be Blessed William to be translated to the higher spheres , the sooner to achieve Cloud Suite 9 in the Many Mansions. Or for yourself to be similarly translated. Your friend, Carol I have connections If you had the connections that matter, you would know what came of WSS. Aaaaah..he is still amongst us....I sense his presence.... Seriously, I think he spends a lot of time in the man-made hell of Syria just now . and other Mideast sites of anguish and fearful hope.
  5. Some may think that I have a prejudice against overweight men, not so. It is troughing and double dipping, concretised, that I dislike, and cronyism which enables it. Such as the outrageous proceedings of the enquiry into the mismanagement of the Pickton murders by the police.. The general counsel of said enquiry appointed his best friend to "executively manage" the enquiry, and he has micromanaged it back into the pigsty . Good on the National Post for doing the job of journalists on this one. Shame on the RCMP as they cover their porky posteriors. Again, it is not their fatness I deplore, it is what they fatten on. In this case it is the twice-desecrated graves of women, Le Sang des Autres.
  6. Once again, you missed the point. Geraldo is not black. Geraldo was explaining that if you are going to dress like a thug, whether you are oriental, white, Latino, or black, and you are skulking around a neighborhood, you will attract attention. If Trayvon was in a sweatshirt, or a tee shirt and windbreaker, he would have not drawn as much suspicion as the "hoodie.' This is reality. O Adam, you missed my point. (And btw Geraldo I think is not even Geraldo but originally a Gerald, until being Geraldo sounded better career-wise)) He was explaining nothing i did not already know. What nobody wishes to discuss or explain is why anyone should die, because of the subjective assumptions/fears of another person.
  7. Accurate? Actually, you have to be dead to be Beatified also. I was just messing with you. Accurate? Actually, you have to be dead to be Beatified also. I was just messing with you. Haha, of course I knew that, you quite overcome me with your raillery Sir! I am sure that you do not wish the soon to be Blessed William to be translated to the higher spheres , the sooner to achieve Cloud Suite 9 in the Many Mansions. Or for yourself to be similarly translated. Your friend, Carol I have connections
  8. Dear god. Don't go around wearing hoodies, don't go around doing anything that others might interpret as being threatening to them, don't be black if you can help it, don't don't don't... is this individual rights in the land of the free?
  9. Bill Dear is the investigator saying he knows Jason Simpson was the killer. No known relation to the Blessed William of Vancouver (and note that he's not yet achieved sainthood, though they say he's on the fast-track). I can't get interested enough to follow up on this. I saw it on the Fox News site, so I thought I'd put in the link. I didn't watch the show. You are accurate as always. I have double checked the Canadian Sainthood regulations, and talked to my cousin the archdeacon of Carbonear, N,L., and I am pretty sure he will get to be a saint without having to die first. Fingers crossed.
  10. If he is the Bill Dear you are referencing, he had nothing to do with those murders and we strongly resent such insinuations! That man is a saint. Impartially, Scherk Fan Club
  11. Besides which, France needs Mormons, as we used to say, like fish need bicycles.
  12. Carol: Damn, good one, and it works for Mittens Romney also... Adam Yup, like all good ones it is fundamentally true. Canadians are basically centrists. Witness the current leaders of our two opposition parties, the Liberals and the NDP. The leader of the NDP is a former Liberal and the leader of the Liberals is a former NDP leader.Winston Churchill comes to mind. It is hard for me to dislike Mittens R. as much as you do, because of his centricism. I dislike him for lying about his experience as a Mormon missionary however. I lived a block down from a Mormon missionary centre for 20 years, and let me tell you, they lived in comfort in Toronto, and I believe they lived luxe in France.
  13. Your reasoning seems to be: 1. It has a genetic cause. 2. Therefore it has no other cause. I say #2 does not follow from #1. Probably everything has a genetic component. Even lifestyle doctors (those who advocate health by healthful living) believe in the genetic component. Dr. Shelton even devoted a whole article to the genetic component, explaining why achieving and maintaining health is more difficult for some people than for others. Dr. Tilden (another lifestyle doctor) was a great believer in the genetic component as evidenced in his book "Cursed Before Birth". Anyone who studies causes of health problems knows that it is common for diseases to have multiple cause factors. So to me, that autism has a genetic component is to be expected. Why does it need to be proved? I would be surprised if autism did not have a genetic component. So I don't know what the big deal is, a study proves that there is a genetic component. Let's imagine that a study comes out that proves that strength of bones has a genetic component. Would this put a stake thru the theory that broken bones are caused by slipping on ice? If the genetic component is the only cause factor of autism, then that would imply that the gene that causes it increased 78% in the last 10 years. Is that possible? Did people with autism produce 78% more children than average in 10 years? 78 percent increase in childhood autism rates over past decade You make a good point. I suspect part of the increase is due to assortive mating. Since Autistics are not likely to succeed in courting neurotypical types they are more likely to mate with other autistics. The other part is change of definition of the condition so that more people fit. Since there is no clear marker for the condition the count will always be a bit dicey and sloppy. Long before Herr Doktor Asperger gave the high functioning variety of Autism its name, Nerds have always been part a parcel of the human race. I suspect it was some Aspy Nerd who painted the animals on the cave walls in France 30,000 years ago. While his neuro typical tribal mates were busy chanting songs together the clan Nerd was back in the caves painting away. Think of this as the first time a Nerd has designed a CGI. Archimedes was probably a Nerd. When a Roman soldier got in the way of his geometrical drawings he did the Nerd thing: He said get out of my light, I am proving a theorem. That cost him. Ba'al Chatzaf Totally right. We are all on the genetic spectrum and what wonders it has produced. And you are one of them Baal though sometimes I wonder what on earth you are tallking about. Carol inherently physics and chess incapable
  14. Btw guys, surely you know the classic Canadian joke (it's only moderately funny of course, but out of patriotism I laughed so hard the first time I heard it, I kicked the slats out of my crib). Why did the Canadian cross the road?
  15. Remarkable. People aren't brought in if they're in a bloody mess. As for the beating I believe: -ABC presented the no-head trauma video 'evidence' -then the beating story was told (or retold) -ABC presented a sheepish explanation, a lot of justification, and digitally remastered evidence completely contradicting their first report Beg to differ. Look at a few mugshots. Bloody messes are eager to have their defensive wounds photographed at the first opportunity, unless the inflicters of those wounds (usually the police) forcibly get them cleaned up.
  16. Remarkable. People aren't brought in if they're in a bloody mess. As for the beating I believe: -ABC presented the no-head trauma video 'evidence' -then the beating story was told (or retold) -ABC presented a sheepish explanation, a lot of justification, and digitally remastered evidence completely contradicting their first report
  17. Canada is the Kinder, Gentler America. Ba'al Chatzaf And some of us look quite fetching in our mullets. Even if they were inflicted by Crazy Cousin Tracey during a Dog Day Afternoon at the Maple Leaf Salon. We forgive her.
  18. Neither of us know that the young man would not have killed Zimmerman. Apparently, from the eye witnesses, he was doing his best to kill him. And, apparently, Zimmerman stated that the young man hollered that, "You will die tonight." "False alternative, my friend," of course, but well within the bounds of argumentation. This case is fascinating in how quickly the rush to judgment began. Are you aware of NBC's doctoring of the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was a "racist?" As soon as the excuse for a President opened his incompetent, ill informed mouth about this, I knew, instinctively that the racial agenda whores were engaged. Are you aware that the New Black Panther Party publicly announced a bounty on Zimmerman? White House...SILENT. Department of Justice ...SILENT. Congressional Black Caucus...SILENT. Get the picture? Adam Zimmerman looked remarkably unscathed and was walking without help when he turned himself in, whereas Martin is dead. I'm not interested in the racial spins being put on this by the various bandwagoners. For me it's the handgun thing - I know, I know, I will never, ever get an American to look at them differently. But sometimes I just have to drag the dead horse to the water, and shut the stable door again. Phil has left us, so somebody has to do that stuff once in a while. Guns are to us what hockey is to you all. And almost as violent. You just keep your mitts off our guns, Daunce... I know it. Entwined in the national heart, between the auricle and the ventricle, clenched in the cold dead hand wrapped around the stick handle. As I think you know, I want nothing more than to keep your guns out of our mitts, and have no wish to take yours away from you. Just keep them out of our arenas! Having Zdeno Chara running loose is dangerous enough/
  19. Well, the Marxist liar looked a lot better in the photos than our portly PM. From the side ole Helmet Head looks 10 months pregnant. It's probably all those political enemies and ex-staffers he has devoured. His Communications Directors usually last only a few months. The latest one just quit saying, essentially, "I'm too old for this".. he aged about 40 years in 6 months.
  20. Neither of us know that the young man would not have killed Zimmerman. Apparently, from the eye witnesses, he was doing his best to kill him. And, apparently, Zimmerman stated that the young man hollered that, "You will die tonight." "False alternative, my friend," of course, but well within the bounds of argumentation. This case is fascinating in how quickly the rush to judgment began. Are you aware of NBC's doctoring of the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was a "racist?" As soon as the excuse for a President opened his incompetent, ill informed mouth about this, I knew, instinctively that the racial agenda whores were engaged. Are you aware that the New Black Panther Party publicly announced a bounty on Zimmerman? White House...SILENT. Department of Justice ...SILENT. Congressional Black Caucus...SILENT. Get the picture? Adam Zimmerman looked remarkably unscathed and was walking without help when he turned himself in, whereas Martin is dead. I'm not interested in the racial spins being put on this by the various bandwagoners. For me it's the handgun thing - I know, I know, I will never, ever get an American to look at them differently. But sometimes I just have to drag the dead horse to the water, and shut the stable door again. Phil has left us, so somebody has to do that stuff once in a while.
  21. Apparently, it substitutes for "fore play!" Or is that golf? I am so confused by Canadian culture... Our dominatrices are normally fingered, but often wear hockey gloves as the one depicted.
  22. The whole case gives the Stand Your Ground law a bad name, which it deserves. I hope it can be exploited to the max to prevent more states from adopting "Shoot first, justify later, walk free" legislation. Ah, so you would have preferred that Zimmerman die that night rather than his alleged attacker? Got it. False alternative, my friend. I, and I am sure you, would prefer that neither of them had died, and if neither of them had had a handgun which he felt legally empowered to use, they would probably both be alive.( Maybe) beaten up but alive
  23. The whole case gives the Stand Your Ground law a bad name, which it deserves. I hope it can be exploited to the max to prevent more states from adopting "Shoot first, justify later, walk free" legislation.
  24. I assume it was 99 cents Canadian. I know this remark makes no sense, but I needed a segue to the following story: Around ten years ago I was invited to speak at a Liberty Youth Camp (or something like that) near Toronto. The drive from Bloomington to Toronto is quite long, but my future ex-wife and I shared the driving duties and made the trip without any lengthy stops. I needed to convert $100 U.S. into Canadian currency, so we stopped at a bank shortly after entering Toronto. I was wearing jeans, a tee-shirt, and sandals. I hadn't shaved for over a day, and I probably looked disheveled in other respects, so I apparently didn't meet the high standards expected of customers in Toronto banks. I say this because of the conversation I had with a female bank teller. It went exactly like this: "Can I convert U.S. currency here?" "Why? Do you have some?" I wasn't in a good mood when I entered the bank, given the long and virtually nonstop trip, so this bit of sarcasm nearly set me off. My tongue can easily outrun my brain, so I almost said, No, lady, I don't have any money. I just thought I would stop by and chat with the world's rudest bank teller. But I took a deep breath instead, since I didn't relish the prospect of an argument, and plopped down five twenties. Ghs Oh, dear. You must have visited that bank during Saturninealia, when we abandon our habitual cheery niceness and indulge in the mean nasty quips we have been saving up all year. I have to say, I thought that one was pretty funny. L But apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, what didja think of Toronto? "The Canadian glows with delight in his sleigh and snow; the very idea of which gives me the shivers." - Thomas Jefferson, 1805 Ghs Heh. The founding father did not foresee, as he could not have been expected to, the 21st century in which there was no snow in Toronto this year, - and the things there are none of in America, would indeed give him the shivers. Carol glowing with suntan on the deck