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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The vaccine theory has been thoroughly debunked and deconstructed. Ba'al Chatzaf Yes, it has, but the total absence of any scientific evidence for these dangerous crackpot theories will not stop the credulous like jts from buying them. With money.
  2. "Associate Witch" hmm you better watch out if you go to church on Sunday... If you went to a Catholic Church would the Holy Water start to boil when you dipped your finger into it? Not at the Church of St Mary of Magdala. It would just turn into wine. Red, red wine.
  3. Sure it's classless, but no more so than Rush is. He does not deserve a place beside Twain or Truman, and if he is still a famous Missourian 50 years after his death, I shudder to think what Missouri will be like then, Carol Associate Witch
  4. I tried to register to vote but they would not let me due to "invalid zip" Isolationists!
  5. I assume it was 99 cents Canadian. I know this remark makes no sense, but I needed a segue to the following story: Around ten years ago I was invited to speak at a Liberty Youth Camp (or something like that) near Toronto. The drive from Bloomington to Toronto is quite long, but my future ex-wife and I shared the driving duties and made the trip without any lengthy stops. I needed to convert $100 U.S. into Canadian currency, so we stopped at a bank shortly after entering Toronto. I was wearing jeans, a tee-shirt, and sandals. I hadn't shaved for over a day, and I probably looked disheveled in other respects, so I apparently didn't meet the high standards expected of customers in Toronto banks. I say this because of the conversation I had with a female bank teller. It went exactly like this: "Can I convert U.S. currency here?" "Why? Do you have some?" I wasn't in a good mood when I entered the bank, given the long and virtually nonstop trip, so this bit of sarcasm nearly set me off. My tongue can easily outrun my brain, so I almost said, No, lady, I don't have any money. I just thought I would stop by and chat with the world's rudest bank teller. But I took a deep breath instead, since I didn't relish the prospect of an argument, and plopped down five twenties. Ghs Oh, dear. You must have visited that bank during Saturninealia, when we abandon our habitual cheery niceness and indulge in the mean nasty quips we have been saving up all year. I have to say, I thought that one was pretty funny. L But apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, what didja think of Toronto?
  6. Are you going to post any pictures of you "wallowing in Victorian bliss?" Sir! I have had several similar enquiries and I reply to you as to them, what goes on beneath the petticoact remaims beneath the petticoat. with no horses frightened.
  7. I take it back about East York Cares. Just got Barchester Towers for 99 cents and am wallowing in Victorian bliss. And the library strike is almost settled.
  8. And my conspiratorial instincts have just gotten a fresh dose of positive was a joke. Carrier is way joke!
  9. That conflates two stories from two widely separated time frames. The first didn't involve a drug (unless the suggestion was made that Rand's amphetamine use was implicated). According to Heller -- I think this was told to her by Ruth Beebee Hill -- Rand calmly said to a visitor (Hill?) to the ranch in California that she'd seen a UFO one night. The incident when Rand was hospitalized was when she had the operation for lung cancer in early 1975. Apparently she thought the IV stand was a tree outside the hospital window, and when it was pointed out to her that the room was too high and there wasn't a tree outside it, became angered at people -- especially Joan Blumenthal -- trying to tell her she'd hallucinated. I can't provide page numbers to these accounts just now. A lot of moving books around while making some new bookshelves in process here and my AR bios are in a hard-to-access pile. Ellen Ellen, you are an invaluable source and insight on this and so many other aspects of the Randian world. What puzzles me is how a mind who understood trompe l-oeil and optical illusion and hallucination, could believe itself immune from these normal reactions of the mind to the appropriate stimuli.
  10. You are confusing the universe with the people who live in it.Someone who knows about the importance of eye protection, and works with what he believes is eye protection but isn't, has no lessons to learn. It is the people who do not double check the safety precautions of their employers, who have the lessons to learn.
  11. "Love is not all: it is not meat or drink, or shelter or a roof against the rain.... ... Yet many a man is making friends with death, for lack of love alone." - Edna St. Vincent Millay We are getting set to legalize brothels here and of course it is a highly debated topic. Sex worker is undoubtedly a trade, the oldest one they say - not so much a "profession" now as in the days of the hetairae or the Gilded Age, but a job that will always be done. Different societies have historically had different attitudes toward prostitution, but one thing seems constant: the average individual prostitute has never had an enviable life,, or the social acceptance of her (and much less, his) society. This made me remember the Millay poem, because I was thinking,: Logically, why should the providers of a basic human need be criminalized? Those who grow and sell food, those who build houses, are not. Of course, the religionizing of sex is a major factor. Many would say it is the only one - but why did we let religious morality dictate? I think one reason is, of the basic human needs, demonstrably we will die without adequate food or shelter but by and large we will not die without sex. (Millay was writing more widely and subtly, and really about love; I'm well aware that prostitutes do not sell love). So it becomes a matter of free will. We really, really want to give in to this basic human drive but are able to live without doing it. Those who help us weaken our will and sell sex are agents of the devil of self-indulgence, --it's Eve tempting with the apple. If we chase her away we will have a better chance to live right! We can direct our energies properly towards work and family. But that is from the viewpoint of the protectors of the customer. What about the workers? The Star did some interviews with sex workers on the subject. A high-price part-time call girl considers this a good step toward legitimizing a business. A policewoman on the prostitute beat for 10 years, no surprise, deplores it. A 20-year street veteran hooker condemns it, for marginalizing the street workers, making them "the scum" as they have always been treated. A 25 year old, a prostitute since age twelve, said she believed nothing would make a difference. She wants to get out of the life, but whenever she gets a regular job, they find out about her past. The clients are silent.
  12. Hah. 100 years ago the hardscrabble farmers's families got to go to the occasional barn-raising or quilting bee, and if they wanted to sell up and light out for the territories, they could. I only hope they get to take in a church social once in a while. I, you will not be surprised to hear, don't see much I gotta love about John Joe. That sheriff however, has the right stuff.
  13. Plausible-- but what about that old rumour about Donald Rumsfeld? It was never satisfactorily refuted.
  14. I googled a bit, and Carl Philip of Sweden's name showed up in connecton with "glamour model" Sofia Hellqvist: http://en.wikipedia....Sofia_Hellqvist That's the one! Apparently the family have accepted that CP will not give up the shameless hussy. Well, the heir to the throne married her personal fitness trainer and that is working out well, so I guess it is too late to be snobbish now. Except for us royal watchers, who are wringing our hands in anguish. And Swedish men, who are wringing them for other reasons.
  15. That's it! ~censored~ --Brant pant, pant Acute as usual Brant. The pants of royalty are indeed like those of regular hounds guys, only wear one pair at a time, one leg at a time etc. One of the Scand princes, I forget which one, is living with a former topless model who somewhat resembles the bountiful Love Hewitt. Which obviously you do.
  16. I love tiara occasions! A special pleasure of the ROSS is the getups of the men. See the weak-chinned and thin-blooded festooned with sashes, brooches and Orders of Ancient Weirdness, plus military regalia of staggering irrelevance. There is a probably apocryphal story about Prince Philip, who gave up a stellar naval career to follow two steps behind QEII. On a South American tour he remarked on the copious military medals of the Presidente, a career politician who had never even been a guerrilla much less a soldier--"Jolly easy to get those medals, just for being elected President." Stung, the Generalissimo replied, "Well, at least I did not get them just for marrying my wife."
  17. Well, I guess we know who got the most knot-tying badges in Troop 007.
  18. I am blessed with three thrift shops nearby, but being thrifty and disliking shopping most of the time, I do not visit them often. They are my favourite shops though. I wish the donors of books here were as cultured as those in Illinois - there are no Parkmans to be found at Valu Village, Goodwill or East York Cares. Since the library strike I have had to read thrillless thrillers, detestable "heartwarmers" and banal biographies, but at least it has not cost me much. What I like is the oldness, the usedness of the stuff that is being reresold. The sadness of a dressing gown that is almost new , maybe worn by someone who never came out of hospital to wear it. The perkiness of the bridesmaid's dress that was probably thankfully jettisoned. The stern shoulders of the good quality business jacket, which I hope someone got to retire from wearing. And the simple oddness, and sometimes beauty, of the objects people have liked to have in their houses and look at. I am a sucker for vases and can't resist some of those shapes. Result, I have more vases than I ever have flowers, and either I get creative with tree branches or I have a vase collection. Recycling is the real revival.
  19. Definitely nonlinear, no question. Highly entertaining site, lol! What a bonanaza of royal attire, the gamut ranging from absolutely splendorous and tasteful to the absymal opposite ... ! I grew up with 'Royal gossip' so to speak: My mother was quite an eager yellow press reader, and thus I got quite acquainted, at a tender age, with pictures of Royals wearing their sparkling crowns. I especially liked the silk sashes adorning the ladies' evening dresses. One of Mom's favorites was a non-Royal though (albeit she was of royal demeanor): the elegant and stylish Jackie Kennedy. Mom did not speak English, and pronounced JK's first name as in German "Jacke", which phonetically converted "Jackie" into "Yucky". The comments on that site are as hilarious as the pictures. If you scroll down to about a third of the page, here's one of Margrethe wearing a hat which a blogger aptly called "an upturned oil funnel": OMG, how did I miss that one. She looks like a Lego piece. (Are Legos Danish?) X, check out the Royal Order this week for a new Windsor headgear hilarity. This time it's the Countess of Wessex with a flying saucer on the side of her head and a plume sticking straight up on top. She chose to wear this (or rather, to let it wear her) at a memorial service for the late Queen Mother and Princess Margaret who are probably rolling tastefully in their graves. Also you can see the least flattering photo of Camilla ever published.She looks like a rugby mascot just unleashed onto the pitch. Enjoy!
  20. Exactly, Doctor. If that corporate trollop thinks she can get my husband away from Me, she had better stop thinking outside the box. Lilian Rearden (Mrs.) Lillian, my dear, "thinking outside the box" was what got you and hubby in trouble in the first place. Scene: The Rearden bedroom Hank (passionately, looking down at Lillian): "OMIGOD! OMIGOD! Lil! You are so freakin' gorgeous! I can't hold back any longer!" Lillian: "Pink! I think I want to redo the ceiling in pink." Oooh... you think I should have gone for that ugly metallic grey? Well, marriage is compromise... I really feel I am making progress here.... Gratefully, Lili "Lillian, my little slut...I have a gift for you from the first pour of Rearden Metal!" "Oh Hank darling, I love when you behave like the animal all you despicable money grubbing men are all so alike!" "Is it a diamond bracelet that I can clamp around my supple wrists?" Well, sort of, let me surprise you...put this blindfold on, dearest..." "Whatever you say you dirty pig..." "OUCH WTF!!!!" Later... Doctor? It's Lilian... about the session yesterday...well, if that is Cognitive Therapy I can only say, I can only say... same time next week?
  21. Exactly, Doctor. If that corporate trollop thinks she can get my husband away from Me, she had better stop thinking outside the box. Lilian Rearden (Mrs.) Lillian, my dear, "thinking outside the box" was what got you and hubby in trouble in the first place. Scene: The Rearden bedroom Hank (passionately, looking down at Lillian): "OMIGOD! OMIGOD! Lil! You are so freakin' gorgeous! I can't hold back any longer!" Lillian: "Pink! I think I want to redo the ceiling in pink." Oooh... you think I should have gone for that ugly metallic grey? Well, marriage is compromise... I really feel I am making progress here.... Gratefully, Lili
  22. By the time I--Hank--show her the door, she'll be a high mileage vehicle. --Brant theatrical improvisation method acting whatever Correction: The role of Hank Rearden will be played by Brant Gaede. He wasn't the producers' first choice, but when he said he would do the part pro bono, it was an offer they couldn't refuse. And there is only one rational choice for his leading lady, Angela X, whose acting experience is limited but is outweighed by her deep individualistic interpretation of the Dagny character. Also, she could probably get along with her leading man Brant which not everybody could do. I'm not sure Dagny and Hank will be getting along all that well when she finds out how much time he's spending in Lillian's trailer. Exactly, Doctor. If that corporate trollop thinks she can get my husband away from Me, she had better stop thinking outside the box. Lilian Rearden (Mrs.)
  23. further to scouts, were you in the scouts ? Not just Brant , anyone. As I said both my boys joined, to their advantage I think, certainly to their enjoyment. My husband was a Queen's Scout, and his father was a King's scout being older, and had a personal letter from Baden-Powell. Full disclosure, I was a Girl Guide. Not a great one. I enjoyed camping though. Up to a point.
  24. But for Galt - the moral touchstone - who knows The Answer- who slinks around in a trench coate - who could possibly be found for such a role?
  25. Also, I nominate William Scherk for Francisco. OK he is a little old for the role, but the playboy lifestyle ages a man and rational viewers will get the symbolism. And he has acting experience and will work for free! And he makes up great. Carol & assoc. Agency 15% it's only right!