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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. All I'm saying, if you haven't had George's souvlaki-calamari double-feta, you haven;t lived.
  2. Get serious! Please, there is no better pizza than New York City pizza...end of discussion. Oy oy oy! You an Italian heritage person to say this? A true pizza is but-a some cheese and a-tomato, no? Maybe a little basil? All these crazy toppings are desecrations!
  3. Carol, He was not banned for that reason, although the empty pretentiousness that both he and Abbey displayed is never attractive. Neither is their penchant to gratuitously pick fights at whim, goad people and start flame wars. Those things are just annoying and I generally try to resolve them with banter or whatever in the discussions. He was banned because he was a prolific serial plagiarist and polluted this forum with it. Michael I know that was the reason he was banned, and such a headache and heartache because of his betrayal of your good faith and trust it must have been. I was commenting on the entries that seemed to be his own work - Grade 8 level literacy, total arrogance and truculence, smirking silliness. The saddest, most unfathomable thing to me, is that he appeared to have no interest at all in learning or knowing anything about the things that truly interested him -- such as writing. Only in pretending that he already knew them, in "getting away with it".
  4. You poor, deprived folks. z Sorry Ciro, but the best pizza in North American is George's Golden Pizza on Broadview Ave in Toronto. Several families moved to that vicinity just to be near George, mine included.
  5. O Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, tortured Syria. "A terrible beauty is born."
  6. Jannie, we hardly knew ye. 9th, Angela and Michael. I think you are all right in your conclusions and implications. She was on a mission to spread the word that there is only one true way to look at the world, through the 3D glasses of Foucaut, baudrillard and babich, and like all evangelists she kept it simple, repeating "read them, read them" because she had little more to say. If she does not participate in a forum on postmodern literature, my guess would be that it is because she is not very widely read in it, and fairly ignorant of its genesis and development. Only DeLillo deserves her attention, as only Nietzche and his interpreters deserve philosophical attention, because they're the top; the best, the only, the Ones she has always sought who know best, and tell it best. And Janet is their prophet. It reminds me of old threads on art here, where Victor Pross posited himself endlessly as the cutting-edge rebel and culmination of the history of art, of which he showed himself to be mainly ignorant. This person seems to have spent most of her life in schools of some sort, and having learned from the best she feels she now knows best herself, and is the only arbiter of the Important. It is her pleasure to feel superior to those who live in the real word, looking through their own eyes, reading the books they want to read. The real world, where if the signs are floating, somebody hauls them down and reattaches them firmly to the golden arches.
  7. Yes, you must have...and my memory problem is worse, I can't remember where my house with the dogs in it is, or even find a decent wig to wear!
  8. Robert Bidinotto chimed in with "Atlas Chucked." Michael Love the punchline! "The Strike" was considered too short a title for such a long book as AS, so Rand started brainstorming: "Sisyphus Stayed at the Bottom of the Hill and said he wouldn't Roll No Stinkin' Rock", Atlas..."Atlas got a Bad Itch Between His Shoulder Blades and..." (Muscle Spasm maybe?)...hmmm..."
  9. Yeah, I heard Rand liked the sound of "The Spigot" better because of the engineering angle, but was dissuaded. And it would have made that poster look funny.
  10. Seymour: Since the notion of Brant being a hacker would be far less credible to even the dumbest judge than the notion of your being insane, I think his chances of suing you would be better than yours of suing him.
  11. I am confused - is this the case here? Is Beck's father alive, and if he is, how would a viewer know it was hyperbole, unless he knew that detail?
  12. I am proud to be an American because Six Flags over Texas went bankrupt catering to enjoyment. Apparently, we have different values. MSK MEM a lesson in economics ... (Lest the average viewer be confused, "different" is not "better." Different is different; better is better.) love the juxtaposition. That anthem is a real compensation for having to live in Russia. Just when X and I have nearly given up all hope of ferreting out the OL Secret Billionaire, you have to bring back McDuck. Torturer!
  13. Peter (and Peter above), the force of the photo is that they appear to be threatening the demonstrators, aiming their bayonets , with the implicit undercurrent that if they (the demonstrators) make one little wrong move.....the power of the State. Again, the angle. The photo is shot from below the soldiers, making it look as if the rifles are pointed higher than if it were shot level or from above. And the bayonets - whyever they were ordered, the symbolism is stark.Minor correction, Carol. The picture was taken from above - assuming a 'standard' lens (50 mm, on a 35mm camera, or 80mm on a Rolleiflex which was popular with photojournalists in those pre-zoom, interchangable-lens, days, I estimate 2-3 feet above the soldiers - maybe from a small step-ladder. I can't say one way or the other on the protection/intimidation debate, except that news photographers then and now are well--versed at getting a front page picture. A small point. Not small at all! Shows how non-visual I am, I got it completely backwards. I still think it's a great photo though.
  14. lol - typical Lombard trick, stealing a guid Scots joke to peddle to the credulous Yanks! Carol the Lynams were originally Lenihans from Ireland, so the family tradition goes, but nobody knows when they sneaked across the sea to Scotland. I don't have discernible Irish blood myself, it's all English and Scots with the likely admixture of Micmac-- but green is my favourite colour. My nextdoor Scottish pub, which we call McPricey's, is O'Pricey's today and serving overpriced mulligatawney.
  15. Peter (and Peter above), the force of the photo is that they appear to be threatening the demonstrators, aiming their bayonets , with the implicit undercurrent that if they (the demonstrators) make one little wrong move.....the power of the State. Again, the angle. The photo is shot from below the soldiers, making it look as if the rifles are pointed higher than if it were shot level or from above. And the bayonets - whyever they were ordered, the symbolism is stark.
  16. Bill O'Reilly? Oh - I see you said jokes, not jokers. I saw him with Stephen Colbert and they were both brilliant. And did an Irish schtick
  17. The secret first draft is in the ARI archives. Of course Peikoff has not read it, but his wife (whichever one sorted out the Estate for him)and Berliner did, and they have been waiting for a good time to tell him about it for 34 years.
  18. The Showerhead* The Privately-Owned Hydroelectric Station Dominatin' Dominique Juries Gone Wild: No Fool for a Client - the state vs. Roark Drill, Howie Baby, Drill! *In the original draft of the novel, Roark was named Rotor and was a master plumber. (If you thought the railway tunnel in Atlas was horrific, you should see what Rotor did to that building instead of blowing it up)
  19. I don't know how accurate this is. The article also has a note at the bottom that says the following about the photo (NS is New Statesman and ordering information is given): Michael It deserves to be in the top 10. Look at the angle - the soldiers so large, the marchers so small yet so indomitable. The rows of tanks, so pointless, so small in the distance. The unknown photographer was a genius.
  20. [quote name='Dennis Hardin' timestamp='1331941967' post='15885 Thank you Dennis. Now I have another damn book to read. I still have not read either of the Branden's books. Adam Huh? The Branden's books? Did Barbara write another book I don't know about? (Barbara's Rand bio was published in 1986.) You're spending entirely too much time on OL, Adam. His only respite is the Field Training Handbook for his militia troupe.
  21. I found the same photo, cropped the same way.YAY I can do research! (Actually I just googled I am a Man) I think it was not 1960 but later..I think 68 (a sanitation strike?) The photo as is is chillingly brilliant. It is hard to tell the intent of the photographer but the image is so powerful.
  22. My post was not about Foucault or Baudrillard, but about my impressions of you, about which I know quite a lot, and which now include the impression that you do not read particularly well. Thank you for the compliments to my teeth, but I wish you would explain why you think they are so white. Is this some kind of postmodern joke?
  23. I am aware of Hicks's take on this. x-ray. A comparison and contrast lies within the Dialectical Discourse. Did you forget that I am not there? Janet, Of course you are "not there", (i. e. in the "Dialectical Discourse"). Before getting into that in detail in a separate post, a general remark: forum posts are always also posts to a 'public', i. e. they are not exclusively addressed to a specific poster. My link to Hicks's take on the issue is to be understood that way. From your prior posts I know that you think "Hicks sucks", but your personal opinion is irrelevant in the context in which I posted the link to his article: I think it offers ample material for further discussion. Has Chris also commented on your POV (for signaling interest in something does not necessarily result in further action). There also exists the possibility of you having misinterpreted as "interest" what may merely have been a polite answer on Sciabarra's part. I didn't misinterpret as I didn't have to interpret at all. Your comments are restored as the spam filter took them to be perused. You are free to link to as much misinformation as you want. Why don't you link to a real scholar, Babette Babich who also has graduate degrees in Germany altho an American. Many of her articles on Nietzsche are written in German and translated into English by herself., Her books, her journal on Nietzsche, interviews are all bilingual as the English ones she translates herself back into German. She writes also on Hannah Arendt and Heidegger. Hicks may be a good lecturer, - Penn State is it? - but he is not a world authority on Nietzsche as Babich is. Her understanding of him is intuitive,deep and "true" if I may say that, and comes from a long career reading Nietzsche. May I say you seem to have a real aversion to your fellow Germans when it comes to this subject. Any reason? You seem to have a real aversion to considering that more than one person can provide information or insight on any given topic; the "world authority", the "best", the "leader in the field" are the only ones worth listening to, everyone else is a fifth-rater, ---there's always only one.Foucault was top dog then pouf! Baudrillard knocked him out, like Hemingway and Mailer gamely swung for the Great Heavyweight American Novelist championship. Others have called you a guru-seeker, and it is easy to see why you were attracted to the early Ayn Rand movement - the stories of which are very interesting, by the way. Any reason?
  24. I am not sure, but I think you have to check the rational section of your brain at the internet door like you had to check your gun before entering the saloon or brothel in the old west. lol. Maybe it really is service -they have to go through boot camp, bayoneting statues of the Brandens and MSK, and drilling in the value swoon till they get it note-perfect..