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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. R. Goode on the Arizona thread there has said he doesn't accept them. Anybody know what they are, or if it is just Mr Goode being insider-sarky? The BOW committee would really like to award the merry men of Perigo Forest something, for so graciously hosting newcomers, and this could be it! (If you have to take a loyalty oath or something, just PM me and I will never tell anybody)
  2. ...and so say all of us. The first 25 years are the hardest - it's all uphill from there!
  3. Carol: Knowing his pattern of speaking, having followed him since about 2004, when I first heard him on a local Virginia radio station, that statement sounds like one of his satirical slashes that can almost sound like he is dead serious. Adam It didn't sound that way when he was shouting down a radio caller, repeating "In Canada there's a lottery..." not "a" slash but several,in agitated but sincere tones. It was replayed up here in the news, where it was the first time I had heard of Beck (I had forgotten it was him until this post prompted my memory).
  4. "I admit that he spins stuff at times (especially if the topic is Newt Gingrich ), but I have yet to see him do something like you claimed. In fact, if you follow The Blaze, you will normally see it report a controversial headline much later than other news sites do. This is because he insists that his staff crosscheck everything and make sure the facts in the story are accurate." -Michael Spin is understandable, but apparently his researchers are only paid to check US stories (also understandable). In 2009 he informed his audience quite vehemently that "In Canada they have a lottery for who gets to see the doctor this month". This is beyond inaccurate, it is utterly false, and I am not aware that he ever corrected himself on it.
  5. Breaking news from Oonline - the links to DMH's activism sites have been removed from the ARI website, as reported by Thomas M. Miovas Jr. on the Checking Premises thread. Maybe she removed them herself in a bold, courageous act of something or other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oops, not so fast. 9th is over there and just found that there was only one site, Free Colorado and maybe Colorado has been freed so there is no more need for it. And I thought I just had my first scoop. Oh, rats.
  6. I was thinking of the Atlantic Ocean. Kinda a Red Sea biblical splash and revenge for all the bullshit about melting ice caps and rising sea levels. A Marine airlift into Afghanistan might be workable. If they survived the drop from fifty feet they could become foreign exchange students Not the women of course. You are right, in Afghanistan the women would certainly not be allowed to be students.
  7. OK defeat them...but um, where were you thinking of driving them to? We haven't recovered from the Bush refugees yet. Just wondering from undisclosed location
  8. Carol: Source please? AdamOh hell, I knew I shouldn't have posted anything with a statistic in it. I saw a comment and now I can't remember where and I can't find it again yet. You know I hate to do research! I have seen a reference to a Pew Research Study 2008 but I don't see an age breakdown. It doesn't seem too unreasonable though - he has been on the air for 30 years and it is normal his fans would age with him. If there are many octa- and nonagenarians like 9ths grandmother that would hoist the average. I didn't know Rush fans had a nickname, I can't imagine you calling yourself a Ditto Head! Carol: Here are the demographics from Quancast and this non ditto head will accept your written apology on your allegedly accurate "statistic" which was, of course, not accurate. Its ok Carol we can transform your socialist brainwashing education and bring you into the bright light of rational individualistic free market economics. http://www.quantcast...or=panel-GENDER Adam willing to perform an exorcism pro bono Get away from me with that bell, Atlas and candle! Your stats come from In the OL tradition I must be suspicious of any numbers emanating from the "other side." I don't see an average age there. 10% are 65 plus, but plus what? If enough of them are in their 70s or 80s (and we know one of them is in her 90s) that could still put the average at 67. It's a long shot but I like to delay apologizing until all avenues of appeal are exhausted.
  9. Carol: Source please? AdamOh hell, I knew I shouldn't have posted anything with a statistic in it. I saw a comment and now I can't remember where and I can't find it again yet. You know I hate to do research! I have seen a reference to a Pew Research Study 2008 but I don't see an age breakdown. It doesn't seem too unreasonable though - he has been on the air for 30 years and it is normal his fans would age with him. If there are many octa- and nonagenarians like 9ths grandmother that would hoist the average. I didn't know Rush fans had a nickname, I can't imagine you calling yourself a Ditto Head!
  10. My 92 year old grandmother has been a fan for a good 20 years. I don't know how she feels about this latest kerfuffle. If you get a chance to ask her I would love to know what she thinks. 92, wow. When she was born women had just barely gotten the vote. Further to this, I came across a comment that said the average Rush listener is 67 years old! Maybe Gramma 9th is skewing the statistics!
  11. And exactly what kind of drink do you indulge in on such an occasion? In PG Wodehouse's Mulliner stories the bar patrons are only identified by the drinks in their hands. So, a Whiskey and Splash will chime in, then a Pint of Bitter will retort, and finally a Hot Scotch and Lemon will restore peace. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Mr_Mulliner I'm guessing Jack Daniels or Wild Turkey maybe? Or, Tequila? Who cares? We haven't got much time here guys! I can't imagine George writing something he would later regret, as his writing is ruthlessly honest, but maybe we can get him to write about stuff he would not normally write about. George, are you really a fan of Rush Limbaugh? See my comment on his being installed with Truman and Twain in the state capitol. Truman said: "Fame is a vapor; popularity is an accident; money takes wings; those who cheer today may curse tomorrow; only one thing endures - character." Sam Adams is good, for an American beer.
  12. It's just your hormones dear, you're not responsible. Don't worry your handsome little head. Sexist! Now, now, I know you don't really mean that, you're just not yourself - you'll be ok in a couple of days. It's just your hormones dear, you're not responsible. Don't worry your handsome little head. Sexist! Now, now, I know you don't really mean that, you're just not yourself - you'll be ok in a couple of days. I can't stand the cramps! I punched the girl scout selling cookies this afternoon! lol. When you are feeling better, you just march right out and apologize to that poor girl scout. Since you are being a good sport about it I will tell you a secret female secret about cramps and the awful agonies of childbirth that no men know and I know you will never tell anybody. I never had cramps much but I know what they feel like. Labour pains are just like very strong cramps, stroooong like being clamped with an iron hand. And delivery hurts, but it is short - under a minute usually. I speak as a total pain coward who demands nitrous for tooth cleaning. I had two natural childbirths that I did not anticipate (I expected and hoped to be doped to the gills) and lived to tell the tale. I know it is not like that for everybody of course. I notice we are still on the Breitbart death thread but I do not think a birth comment is inappropriate.
  13. It's just your hormones dear, you're not responsible. Don't worry your handsome little head. Sexist! Now, now, I know you don't really mean that, you're just not yourself - you'll be ok in a couple of days.
  14. It's just your hormones dear, you're not responsible. Don't worry your handsome little head.
  15. Ah, but somebody has to inherit the Academy, the library, the extensive grounds. -Pseusippos
  16. Guess what - this is another upload "not available in your country" ie mine. Do you have a text or the gist of the item? The Pentagon, wow - all the way to the top. Is this really becoming a Constitutional issue? Unfortunately no. With the marxist mafia in the White House it appears to be a certainty. I don't quite understand, do you think it should be a constitutional issue or it shouldn't? As I perceived it (hastily) the issue is, a serving soldier has the constitutional right to refuse to obey an unlawful order (Sgt Stein) or he doesn't (PDS and Cpl Taylor)
  17. Guess what - this is another upload "not available in your country" ie mine. Do you have a text or the gist of the item? The Pentagon, wow - all the way to the top. Is this really becoming a Constitutional issue?
  18. Gweneth in Daniel Deronda is also one of the best female characters ever written-- with juxtaposition she could be a "trophy wife" of today, and she was clearly positioned opposite Mira the "career woman" (in the 1850s! Mary Ann Evans was a genius pure and simple.
  19. Aah, I devoured those two novels! And what incredibly fascinating female characters are portrayed in them! Can one think of two more different characters than the scheming, manipulative Becky Sharp in VF and the idealistic, philanthropic Dorothea Brooke in Middlemarch? Oh, yes! I am sure that Becky was the inspiration for Scarlett O'Hara. And in Middlemarch, the Rosamund character is a sort of Melanie/Scarlett, really fascinating. Thackeray (who I think had a mad wife and a daughter) was a pre-feminist and did not know it. "I know I could be a good woman on five hundred a year"/ - but would she not get bored? Want the room of her own? Maybe she always was only herself as the demi-mondaine she became. Do you think she poisoned Jos Sedley? Did you like the Reese Witherspoon VF movie? I thought it was good, wish they had had more money to make it longer.
  20. Apparently the Missourians are fighting about putting a statue of Rush in the state capitol. As he is a famous Missourian, most people seem to think he belongs there beside Truman and Twain. I just found out that Brad Pitt is from Springfield, Mo. (hey Seymour, does he ever come home to visit? Maybe build a few energy-friendly houses for the indigent? Does he bring the baby mama?) What I want to know is, will Brad be getting a statue there if he stays famous as long as Rush has?
  21. Dick "I'm still alive, honest" Cheney and his daughter Liz were going to speak at a convention here next month, but they have cancelled because Canada is "just not friendly" to them. Protestors in Vancouver got all kinds of rowdy and violent the last time Cheney was here. Hello? Toronto is not Vancouver. Protestors here are polite. Not exactly friendly, but not rioters either. Instead of the Cheneys we are getting Mark Steyn. I'd much, much rather have Liz, and she could bring Dad if she wanted.
  22. I never bother looking. Why don't you tell me. I just noticed OL today that's how curious I am. I can't see any viewer numbers on Solo, just numbers of comments. Maybe you have to be a member to look them up.
  23. Thanks Dennis. So he's 6 - and he moves from side to side pretty fast. Wish he was in goal for the Leafs.
  24. That is no way to get a G rating. Be professional here! Wow - did not proofread - meant to say that there is no way I would watch her play with herself! Now you are sounding more like our target audience.