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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. That is no way to get a G rating. We gotta be professional here!
  2. That is man who said it last I just love the reaction by Angrier Mitchell... This definitely has to go in our movie. Do you think we could get Andrea to play herself?
  3. BTW Seymour, how are the numbers for your threads on Solo?
  4. Thanks Michael. There is too much good contribution on this thread from OLers to merit dumping, in my view. If Seymour considers that it was the fascination of her topic that drew all the readers--- well, a cursory view shows me that the Phil Coates threads build up big numbers even though he flounces regularly and, like Seymour, writes mostly only on one topic...
  5. Well, you include and promote your own blogs in your every post, so I assume those 10,000 plus more are now reading your blogs if they are interested in Rand and Nietsczhe.. You wouldn't have those readers without Michael and I do not see you thanking him for it.
  6. Cove The Black Brunswicker The painting depicts a Brunswicker about to depart for battle. His sweetheart, wearing a ballgown, restrains him, trying to push the door closed, while he pulls it open. This suggests that the scene is inspired by the Duchess of Richmond's ball on 15 June 1815, from which the officers departed to join troops at the Battle of Quatre Bras.[4] Waterloo - Just finished reading a book about Wellington and how he commanded - amazing man. I just looked up "tarry" and it has a lot of definitions and none seem to fit the way you used it. Adam Covered in tar, as in ready to tar and feather somebody like you did my poor great-great-great etc uncle! Delicious painting. Did you ever read Vanity Fair? (not the mag the book). My absolute top fave reread along with Middlemarch. An ever-rewarding masterpiece. The scenes of the ball on the eve of Waterloo and the aftermath are unsurpassable.
  7. Now, now. The wearing of opposite sex underwear is often merely a matter of practicality. I am wearing a nice pair of jockey shorts right now, the former property of my son. They are a little loose but they are comfy and well-made and certainly clean, which none of my own underwear was this morning. Words evade me...any I could chose would just get me in deeper...hmmm now let me reflect on that option... Actually sex sells. Flesh sells. People don't want to see pictures of churches. They want to see naked bodies. It is not news that sex sells. If you are implying that there is any money to be made out of Adam's reflections on cross-dressing, that would be interesting to hear.
  8. Carol: Good because we are really really good at launching your taxed crap into Boston Harbor! We will voluntarily throw Hessians in also! Adam Party at the Pier tonight! Just keep your tarry mitts off the Brunswickers. The Hessians can fend for themselves. I love a good pool party.
  9. Then pretend love is pretend justice. Altruism is a paradox--it is to say what you do not mean in hopes of achieving what you do not want. I probably should have titled this thread Love as a Currency, because what I am finding a bit challenging is this idea of owing someone affection. Real, honest admiration is not a service, and so there is nothing to repay, however... well, what I think I'm having trouble with is the idea of ignoring weakness. It is difficult to watch someone hurt themselves, in even the slightest way, but you cannot give someone self-respect. It should be considered a sin to encourage weakness... but the implications of abstaining from such encouragement is, like I said, and an adjective Rand used to proudly describe her heroes, a sort of ruthlessness. But it seems so necessary; and as hard as it is to practice, I think most people would desire a cold, just treatment if it enabled them to earn a sense of dignity. To love and not to be loved is to be betrayed and with money comes love. To love and not to be loved is to be in a normal part of human life. As to the money, you get what you pay for.
  10. Does that make you both tea baggers...? Only if the tea has a hefty tax on it. We know how to party though!
  11. I didn't see the Media Matters story - I was just wondering about the ones who were advertising on Rush and now are backing off till the heat dies down. While they're not on his show with its higher ratings, wouldn't they ask the network or station for a reduction to the rates for the shows they are on now?
  12. Michael, the advertiser thing is small change to Rush (or a couple of french fries as he said) but something previous in this thread, to the effect that the stations and the advertisers will not lose money, is bothering me. From what I remember about media buying, companies buy advertising space at rates calculated by the audience numbers of the specific show, not by the general time slot on the station. Thus an ad on Super Bowl Sunday, during the game itself, is more expensive than a Sunday ad in general, etc. By reassigning the ex-Rush ads to other, lower-rated shows, the stations might not lose money (although their contracts with the advertisers might force them to reimburse the rate difference). But I don't see how the advertisers would not lose money, because now their ads are reaching fewer people.
  13. Wishing to refresh my soul with a reminder of the important things in life, I clicked on a video of "adorable 2-year old Jack Miles dancing at Canucks game" only to be informed that this Canadian child at a Canadian hockey game was only streamed to the US on Hulu and I in Canada cannot watch him! Imperialists!
  14. We need a good title of course -- "Sisters' Lies?" - no good as anagram but suggestive Liesistrata?
  15. Have you seen what their husbands look like? Yes and they deserve each other. I am establishing a fund to purchase aspirins for them to clutch between their knees. A prophylactic action that is really cheap. I think we have here the premise for a movie." Not this week dear"( I reeeaaalllly have a headache). Opening scene stolen from other thread with couple grabbing each other's underwear in morning rush by mistake while having quarrel - hilarity ensues - you do the screenplay and I will work on the pitch.
  16. Now, now. The wearing of opposite sex underwear is often merely a matter of practicality. I am wearing a nice pair of jockey shorts right now, the former property of my son. They are a little loose but they are comfy and well-made and certainly clean, which none of my own underwear was this morning.
  17. Oh, I don't know that much about his political views... iv only shimmed his autobiography. The only material of his that I have read is about his views on religion. Would you regard Hitchins as a worthy character to uphold as a hero for the avocation of rationality and objectivist ideas? Well, he was a great polemicist and debater and could certainly be considered a hero of advocacy per se. I felt he employed rationality as a tool, rather than upheld it as an ideal in itself, but that is just my impression. As a worthy character and hero,,,I am not an objectivist so I will leave that bit to my more Oish colleagues here.
  18. Here's an update on Buddy and Pedro, the gay penguins so cruelly torn apart by the commissars at the Toronto Zoo. They were not separated because of their gayness but because they are African. The African penguin is so severely endangered that it is imperative for all 50,000 of them to be encouraged to get it on ceaselessly with the opposite sex to save the species. Buddy has settled down with his new bride and is nesting satisfactorily, but Pedro has been "overly amorous" and turned off his mate and she wants out of the relationship. On the bright side, a new penguin chick from another couple has been born and it is all fuzzy and adorable. Nobody knows its gender yet (penguins are severely gender confused) but it will be called either Eldon or Ellie.
  19. PS Hitchens started out as a socialist but he turned sharply to the right (I think after 9/11).
  20. I agree. Is this a public school? I am surprised that the teacher is allowed to give her opinion as teachable fact. Here the teachers are not allowed to state personal religious or political convictions as part of the lessons. Here's another rejoinder: "Yes, it is my opinion which is based on provable facts and science. Yours isn't," I go to a Private christian ethos school. Lucky me Oh and thanks for the youtube video ninth doctor. Even though Hitchins is a bit of a socialist. i cannot help but like him. Ah, private school, where the free market of ideas reigns supreme. A further word on the teacher - if she has integrity she will try extra hard to be fair in marking you, because of your disagreements; however 9th is right, she does have the power in your situation and it would be self-thwarting to constantly challenge her just for the satisfaction of being right. She would seem to be fairly well liked by your classmates, since they are concerned about her feelings, so try to get along with her until you are out of her class. The world is progressing - when I was in high school we didn't believe teachers had any feelings!
  21. I agree. Is this a public school? I am surprised that the teacher is allowed to give her opinion as teachable fact. Here the teachers are not allowed to state personal religious or political convictions as part of the lessons. Here's another rejoinder: "Yes, it is my opinion which is based on provable facts and science. Yours isn't,"
  22. This is probably not the best option for someone discussing things between classes in a high school. Try one that does not involve weapons.
  23. lol. Then first stop on your itinerary will be meeting the mayor's husband and having a man-to-man talk with him, Atlas in hand.