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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Aha! I don't need to prove she drinks tea, only that if she did drink it she would be willing to drink it with certain individuals. (In the broader legal concept of breaking bread, clanking steins, et altera)
  2. I actually admire Tim Tebow, Michael, believe it or not. Not for his religiosity, but for his courage and determination. He credits God for his accomplishments, when of course he should be taking pride in his own achievements. I don’t think he is likely to be successful, long term, as an NFL quarterback due to his limitations as a passer. But he will probably play for a while and win his share of games. He reminds me of Bobby Douglass, another quarterback who was more of a runner and scrambler than a good passer. Douglass played for the Chicago Bears for five seasons in 1970s and was often very exciting to watch. If Peyton goes to Denver, I expect Elway to trade Tebow to avoid any quarterback controversy. And wherever Tebow goes, the fans are going to want him on the field working his “Tebow magic.” From what I know, both Peyton and Eli were raised in a fairly religious environment, and both are probably “good Christians” like their dad, Archie. I think that just shows that, if approached purely as a code of principles upholding honesty, integrity, respectfulness and perseverance, religion can be a positive thing in a person’s life. It’s a tool that can be used in a way that’s either pro-life or anti-life. It’s all a matter of emphasis and the way religion is taught. My impression is that Archie Manning taught his sons how to be strong, courageous, and hard-working—not meek, selfless, sacrificial lambs. They were taught to believe in themselves, not rely on divine intervention for success. Their ‘faith’ was just a way of reinforcing the importance of living by principles. I often think about how much I would have loved to have had a father like Archie Manning. Thanks for your thoughtful and respectful comment. Alain de Botton was here recently promoting his new book. A good line.."Religion is too important to leave to those who actually believe in it."
  3. So Adam, when you next visit the ancestral homeland I guess we know where you are going first. If your lady lets you.
  4. Recently Seymour has stated on the above named forum that I, Daunce, am not a person with whom Xray would like to "sit down and have a cuppa" . This statement is false as I can subpoena Xray to testify and I demand that Seymour retract it, with a grovelling apology. Furthermore she has mischaracterized Xray as a person who would be prejudiced against sharing tea with a person, just because that person is "skanky looking". Added to her general statements that everyone except herself and Darren is stupid, I think a class action suit might be brought, except nobody here believes in class action. Seymour - not a class act.
  5. I hope you don't mind me adding in an opinion even though the question wasn't addressed to me. Hi Revah, Please never worry about such considerations here. Once a topic is posted everybody is invited to pile in with their opinion; that's the point. The more the merrier.(or as often with some of our more pessimistic brethren, the more the moroser). You mentioned on other thread that you felt you were making a "late start" with your writing but not so. At age 24 you already write very well, that is the main thing. Plans and schedules can be rearranged. I'm glad you are here...OL, like Mars, needs women!
  6. This is embarrassing? On what planet? Looks to me like Daunce has a token Facebook account, just to say she has an account, with hardly any effort at using Facebook for anything. But to a petit bourgeois busybody with nothing to do... MichaelPetit bourgeois! Now that's a funny name-calling comment! Seymour is confused, not for the first time. I did open a facebook account, egged on by a cousin, and after a short while became overwhelmed and stopped going there and now I have forgotten the password. I do not however have a platinum wig or a dog, dressed or undressed, and I live in an apartment , not a house. As to gulping, she said on Solo that she was in a medical study that I presume entails swallowing medicine. Or maybe they are injecting her.
  7. How can Xray make it though? It will be the middle of the night in Germany. Her husband might get suspicious about a sleepover with a bunch of Objectivish men, Sacred Iglovians and sled dogs, dominant liberty lovers and so on.
  8. Those rumours about me and the team are unfounded rightist slurs! I might be escorted by some of the lodge members , however.
  9. With the greatest respect to Breitbart and his family, the ideas here of his adrenaline overdoses and 24/7 lifestyle are correct I think. I would further observe that he was a happy warrior - fuelled by hatred of his enemies - glorying in daily slaying them. In other words, he kept taking the poison, expecting the enemy to die.
  10. "Chuttle"?? I that another another of your postmodernist typos? To whom does "gulp" refer? You mean that you have gulped, or that I would gulp? I think Janet was just gulping her meds.
  11. Cold is comparative "when the ice-worms nest again"!
  12. I would be interested to know what Shane B. who is career Air Force, and Aristo who has just joined it, think about this one. Maybe they would just say, "Oh well..the Marines.."
  13. Marine Sgt Gary Stein, who started a Tea Party facebook page, has said that he would "not follow unlawful orders" from his commander-in-chief Obama, thus putting his superiors in a quandary about the intersections of private free speech and the military constraints on political advocacy. Thoughts?
  14. Carol: We would have to get that from testimonial statements because the active duty military cannot comment on certain issues. Great question though. Adam Thanks. I have heard that his listeners are predominantly male (as are the armed forces of course ) but don't know if that's true or not. Most civilian radio listeners are alone in their cars etc. but I was thinking in the service it would be more of a group listening situation; interesting scenario . Interesting story on this today. It is offtopic for this thread so I started a new one in Politics, Nervous in the Service.
  15. You don't detect a "feaful symmetry" with us nobly-evolved critters today? Sorry, I guess that does not qualify as non-snarky.
  16. Yep and look at the disaster the world has become...oops - never mind - I had a burst of non-sequiteritis... For shame, Sir. And tomorrow is International Women's Day, and I was going to say nice things about everyone here on behalf of, myself because I would never speak on behalf of the other OL women....oh, such nice things I was going to say...but now I see your true nature... oh, oh...
  17. My 92 year old grandmother has been a fan for a good 20 years. I don't know how she feels about this latest kerfuffle. If you get a chance to ask her I would love to know what she thinks. 92, wow. When she was born women had just barely gotten the vote.
  18. Then how do you handle the Bible? Using the TARDIS I can tell you as a witness, He actually did say “Blessed are the cheese makers”. Oh, God reads the bible directly to me. If I have questions I call J. Neil Schulman. You're right about the cheesemakers, you wouldn't believe the media backlash fuelled by the Pottage Consortium that little slogan caused. And don't even get Him started on the Slayers of Fatted Calves -- oy.
  19. No argument about Frum. I don't like him, and I have a certain amount of schadenfreude that he never became the eminence grise he thought he would in his "Axis of Evil " days. But that does not discredit his observation that Rush (who was being called the "de facto leader" of the GOP around that time) called a lot of shots. You are pointing out the difference between the Republican Establishment and the conservative/ tea partiers and I understand that. But I am talking about REPUBLICANS period - such as the chairman of the party Steele for example, or Rep. Gingery--who after calling him an "entertainer" felt the need afterward to publicly apologize and acknowledge his importance as a conservative leader. I would call that influence on the Republican party. No complaints about the word of the day, you are allowed to use it , having cheerfully admitted to a certain amount of sluthood yourself! But for poor Rush it was a slur too far.
  20. Carol: I know that this is going to come as a shock, but Rush is not liked by the Republican establishment. He is no where near "their leading popular spokesman." Rush is a Conservative. He was completely anti- John McCain. Adam Further to my misdirected reply to MSK/Adam (hey, that combines to "Madam!") you avoided the question of influence. Even a newbie can see that he has been a big power broker. In fact three years ago expat Canadian David Frum warned Republicans in a NY Magazine article that they were "conceding too much power" to Limbaugh. Frum claims he was blacklisted by Fox News because of this article.
  21. Graaaak... (Try Adam, madam...) Michael lol Sorry. I bet it is not often that anyone gets the two of you mixed up!
  22. Michael, you say that the Republican Establishment does not like Rush, and I'm sure they don't, but that does not mean he has no influence on them..
  23. I don't feel cheated - why should I? This is an interesting story and I am fascinated to see how it plays out long term, but you forget that I am an outsider - to me it is more "reading a story" than watching out for what could affect me personally. Of course I do not share the views of RL or approve of manipulative media PR camaigns, but neither am I manipulated by them. I worked in PR for too many years to be taken for any media rides. I did not believe the Hill & Knowlton-generated "soldiers are killing babies in incubators" story which helped start the Gulf War, for example. As an outsider I hope I am still allowed to comment and evaluate in my own mind the relative merits and importance of the issues and stratagems.
  24. LOL. More voters also know the mechanics who work on the cars. I don't think Palin would put herself through another campaign nor would the party want her to. But every candidate will be courting the hell out of her for support. This wacky race plus the Rush story is turning me, like wss, into a GOP news junkie. Please do not tell on me or my citizenship will be revoked. Does a brokered convention mean that the goodlooking prospects like Rubio could be drafted to run? That would make for an exciting convention.