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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Sadder and sadder. CTV reports a high school classmate says he talked about "beating up his mom", and told a teacher he wanted to kill people, which triggered a police visit. Nine years ago. If his poor mother is still around, he sure has achieved both of his ambitions now.
  2. LOL. As to the other Compliment topic I inadvertently set off-- what to say? Gentlemen: As you were!? One of these days these words are gonna gush all over you.... I hope, as they have before.
  3. I agree with you that the media are wasting their time on the Bimbo Coverups, becauae they are not really news to anyone, Trump supporters, even the evangelicals, have long ceased to care about these Bimbogates, the kind of low-rent sleaze that nearly got Clinton impeached. And unl;ess US law is a lot different from ours, evidence obtained through illegal broadcasting of attorney-client privileged information can never be used in legal proceedings, so whatever Trump said or intended, he could not be prosecuted for anything. So not much to see here for any of us folks.
  4. But if the cheque came from a charity it would get a tax deduction, right? So if it came from the Trump Foundation, there should be no problem.
  5. He also wrote an article scolding Torontonians for not displaying enough anger, and not enough tears, just yawningly, grief, sorrow, and comfort to each other. Sorry it was a slow news day, Joe.
  6. Oh how I know , luckily I have no stairs . I don't have my new measurements yet but my general sight is already so amazingly good, had not realized I was so blind before. I feel like I could take in a drive-in movie with small subtitles, if driveins still existed.
  7. Dr. John Christakis, for verification purposes.
  8. I am sadly tired because I went to the ophalmologist this morning, and the office is at 245 Danforth Avenue, and this is not spin or whining or trying to garner any kind of empathy which it is impossible to feel for scumbag leftists. Just the truth which I must still hope is of interest to OL readers.
  9. "Chump change." Irresistibly brings to mind the old joke, of which the punchline is, "We already know what you are.Now we're just negotiating about the price."
  10. Latest I read, he was confirmed to be known to law enforcement and anti-terrorist investigators. In the Toronto Sun he was quoted as having referred to himself as a "radicalized Muslim." He seems to be a lone-wolf killer, but if the allegations are true, he was inspired by the insanity of ISIS so they can justly claim "credit."
  11. Somehow I fear that if such billions of pallets of cash were paid on Trump's behalf, for anything,it might not be any different for you. Sadly tired but not yawning, Carol
  12. They together were alpha and omega,completing each other as so many couples do, until death - and in their case beyond, because of all the human facets of their story we stay fascinated by.
  13. I wouldn't respect you anyway! If you were standing in an end zone of what seems to be a sports field, why were you not wearing skates like a real man?z
  14. Especially as. if I remember correctly, Rand's teachings on writing fiction were quite practical and capable of customizing - and she acknowledged that all creators find their own technical path to expressing their artistic personae. It seems to be that LP put the chains of adamant on himself, to adhere to her slightest word on the subject of the path to productivity, for fear of getting. lost.
  15. Hey, Michael, I thought your original subtitle for the forum was "where the wild things are." Remember the Naughty Nineties and let it all well up! Carol Groupie-at-Large
  16. Well. Aesop could do it, but as the saying goes, I have read Aesop and Peikoff ain't no Aesop.. (Kira is no Mickey Spillane, either). Very formulaic and quite dull.). But good on LP for trying and good advice from J.
  17. Michael, I saw that! It was just mean of you, just because my unrequited passion for William sometimes overflows the levee until it is dry, etc., you do not need to mock me for it, especially when I would not not know a Podesta if I had to ascend one
  18. She has died, at age 10, with all off her happinesses never to be known, because her life matters less, than the primacy of the armaments industry.
  19. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Snap. I f you remember, I wrote somewhere here that my first choices for first dance at my wedding were "I only Want to Be with You",by the immortal Dusty, or "He's a Rebel"but the band did not know either one, and I was not the one paying them.
  20. My older son just called me. His Scout troop met near that corner, in the basement of the Catholic church, and the scoutmaster still lives in an adjacent house, known as "Bob's Hotel" as it is an open campground for every travelling scout visiting TO from across the worl;d. There is quite a good space for tents on his lawn. Long may they wave, I hope and believe.
  21. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Nonsense, I've always thought she was white... oh, no. Just saw she isn't .Well. an honest mistake.
  22. caroljane

    Love Songs

    I love your unique collection of classical gems Doc. Have a question I have been meaning to ask you. My only rigid routine is on Saturdays when I religiously listen the the opera on CBC hosted by Ben Heppner (unless it is one I really can;t stand after giving it more than one try) and then his ensuing very entertaining shows. I never saw him in an opera, though I did see him in a recital, not my favourite choice (all Strauss) but his stage presence and voice were mesmerizing. I wish I had seen him in opera , especially Wagner (swoooon). Have you ever seen him on stage? Maybe Canada doesn't have the biggest military, but with just Ben to follow in Jon Vicker's giant motorcycle boots, I think we can go tenor to tenor with anybody!
  23. caroljane

    Love Songs

    "The First Time Ever I saw Your Face" Lord Gord of Lightfoot's Rendition. When I was young I thought he had written it. Also, his "Song for a Winter's Night." And of course Connors's "the Hockey Song"
  24. It is so awful Michael. I saw it first from you when I woke up and turned on the computer to check the time -! It is the DANFORTH, Greektown, stubbornly unique, where a river of traffic runs through where jaywalkers stop and talk loudly in the middle of it, one of the fixed stars of every eastender. I live close to the scene of murder and my son lives closer. Logically I knew they were unlikely to go down there at 10 on a work night, but they often have --but my own are OK, yet my neighbours are dead and wounded and traumatized, I daren't even check on that nine-year-old gir'ls condition, who was where just yesterday my boys were 9 and eating souvlaki during the food festival, running wild with their friends.
  25. Peter, what I said was not racist, although Jonathan's endless repetitions have convinced you. It is there for everyone to interpret in context, along with my multitude of other racist comments over the years if that is the impression you have built up of me. Jonathan should keep his new pompadour on. If he wants more explanation, I'll do it, I'll just wait till he stops beating his wife.