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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. BY HAND - CONFIDENTIAL Vinny, buddy, don't give up! Emile has pulled G-strings to get this delivered to you. A lot of us know it isn't really you out there and believe me you will not be forgotten until the end of the season or after the playoffs depending on how the Lightning do with that fake wearing your jersey. You are not alone. I too am imprisoned here by cruel captors who mock me. I have tried to escape but everytime I get into the hockey bag of a visiting team somebody hauls me out again just as I am being thrown on the bus. They say I will be free this summer but I don't believe them, this summer will never come. If you have a firm date for going to the Rollerama maybe we can arrange an can trust Tracee who is delivering this, she is an old friend I have met many times on the road who is coming to work at Als Topless...Dont give up, wherever you are you are not at the bottom of the league! I will pass the word your Maman and Uncle Raoul I have been in contact when we go to beat Montreal when they are down, they are not on our schedule but everybody is taking a turn. Keep the faith, Rick N.
  2. Peter, you must surely love the Flanders & Swann rendition of Mozart's Horn Concerto? "I got a french horn and I wanted to play it/ spite of the neighbours who begged me to stop" Ninth? Ninth Horn Concerto or thereabouts, K.2012?
  3. Politics is a rough game, and in her public appearance Fluke agreed to enter it. But I am amazed that I can admire anyone who could admire Rush Limbaugh beyond being occasionally amused by him. He takes refuge in "I was doing my standup routine" when he panders to the lowest elements of society. He is contemptible.
  4. "Just stand me in the alley with my hat on" ? -Lou Grant
  5. It is hideously ironic that a high-profile Dutchman should symbolize the tragic dilemma of brain death and the ethics of euthanasia. Johan Friso, avalanched while skiing, deprived of oxygen for nearly half an hour, resuscitated for nearly an hour, lies now in hospital in London. His mother, Queen Beatrix, is at his side now but goes back to work on Monday, as must lesser folk to whom this happens. It has been said that he was her favourite son, her blue-eyed boy. Certainly he was the most intellectually able and independent of her children. I suppose it was photos of Beatrix and Friso's wife together since the accident, that prompted me to write this. They slammed me back to my husband's funeral, where my mother held my hand so tightly throughout, so strongly that I could not fall. Our hearts had broken together when my father died, and she had shown me how to live beyond that central love, a knowledge I of course believed I would never need. To see Beatrix and Mabel, so privileged and supported yet so alone together, their hands entwined, touched me very strongly. And yet they will live with sombre hope and deep despair, where the son and husband has vanished and may never return in any form, for who knows how long?
  6. There is no question of nanny stating here, but of the human state in which society as a whole is responsible for its young. If the family and the neighbours cannot or will not keep the child from harm, of course it is the teachers who must sound the alarm, and the state being the only resource left, to save the child.
  7. Actually Friedrich, it is more often ideas and concepts in practice that test hammers, in hammer factories, where you seem to have acquired most of yours. I am surprised that you are trying to learn something here. What exactly is your area of interest in study? I had the distinct impression that you came here to lecture.
  8. ITalk about projection. It is you who are at the lowest level of learning, despite your rote theoretical grasp of what learning might be.Xray knows more about early learning than you do, and also about lifelong learning. No she doesn't. She's too much of an authoritarian in her thinking. I bet she doesn't even know the work of Emmi Pikler or John Holt. And if she did she could never follow them. It is very difficult to do a permissive free school experience. A teacher would have to be much more flexible in her thinking than s-ray. Someone like me. Who did do it BTW. Want some stories. Some famous names of students? You just don't get it. You are in a place where people have conversations, share experiences, talk about ideas, and show what kind of learners and thinkers they are by what they post and how they interact. It is not about credentialism.
  9. ITalk about projection. It is you who are at the lowest level of learning, despite your rote theoretical grasp of what learning might be.Xray knows more about early learning than you do, and also about lifelong learning.
  10. By claiming that Beatrice was "making fun of royal rituals", you are doing precisely that against which you have been arguing here in numerous posts: you are interpreting, and what you interpret is tainted by the 'postmodern glasses' you seem to be wearing all the time. So unless there exists convincing evidence of Beatrice being a 'post-modern rebel' (for the mere wearing of this hat does not qualify as sufficient evidence), your comments are a mere personal interpretation. I suppose Foucault would have agreed. See above. You are interpreting again. Your interpretation can be countered with other interpretations; so again, I ask you where is your additional evidence?You are confusing categories again. "Interpretation" as far a a "hat" goes is a fun thing. Maybe she didn't know but it said it all the same. The hat designer knew for sure as fashion is a subversive art form. I said fashion, not clothes. By "interpretation" within the Discourse something different is meant. It determines so very much in so many fields and so many ways. It occludes alternative perceptions, textbook inclusions, historical revisionism, etc. When I use the term "interpretation" in a philosophical sense, it has nothing to do with playful interpretations of a very funny hat that thumbed its nose at royal protocol. You are a very literal person. You think kin a literal way and your learning style is rote, which BTW, is the lowest level of learning. .This is why you reply like this to me. A pity. You are reciting the rote of jolly old Baudrillard, as you have learned in your many happy years at school. More's the pity.
  11. Adam, There was an interesting twist on this here recently. Our firebreathing Conservative govt wants to breach internet privacy on the grounds that "only pedophiles have something to hide" (Vic Toews, Justice Minister). Whereupon someone published the public records of Vic Toews's divorce including details of his infidelities and love child. Patriot Act indeed.
  12. Assuming that the child indeed is not choosing those clothes (and this is probably true), I agree it is cruel. ITA. Has the mother offered her son a 'male' alternative in choosing his outfits? If not, "cruel" is the correct term. It looks like the boy has no say in the matter. I ask myself what planet this woman lives on. Actually sandpits are bonanzas for little boys! I can't count how often my kindergartners have cried out to me: "Look, look, at what we have built here!!" Proud-faced, they then 'explain' it to me: it's a big castle, a tunnel system, a volcano crater, etc. When my first boy was 4 he asked for a sandbox for his birthday, so my husband built him one, on the balcony of our 11th floor apartment. It was probably illegal I now think. I loved that sandbox as much as he did, as it necessitated me spending hours out there instead of inside doing any housework. One of the first things he built was a Tardis.
  13. Adam, do you mean, a prospective employer would look up his Facebook and if he said there that he hated high school, they might not hire him? I still think that is unlikely. To have finished despite hating it, shows character and perseverance. Lots of people hate high school but then enjoy college, if only people who liked school were hired the workplaces would be empty. Sorry, I put this in the wrong thread. I don't know how Mitt R. felt about high school but I don't the the US should hire him as chief exec anyway. This should be in Hazard's thread, maybe Michael could move it?
  14. Why do you think Jordan would tell an employer this? He was talking to Michael, whom he had asked for advice, not going for a job interview. He finished high school with good grades Jordan has not told us what he is studying at college, or what he would rather be studying or doing instead. At his age it is not uncommon to still be looking for your own combination of passion, skill and marketability in the workplace.
  15. Nothing even happened. Oh well,hockey fans, there are still two dates in season to look forward to according to DownGoesBrown: April 11: NHL playoffs begin April 12: NHL playoffs end for whichever team has to play the Red Wings. Back to looking for timeshares in Columbus. Might have to move there fulltime, but masochism is not that advanced yet.
  16. Chris, Ouch. Puh-leeze... It's Michael STUART Kelly, not Michael STEWART Kelly. Good luck on your novel. If you want a morale-boosting vision (despite political disagreements), look to Robert Bidinotto. He just successfully published a thriller, Hunter. His Kindle price is about 4 bucks and he said he sold over 50,000 copies. Do the math. After fees and taxes, that comes to about 150 thousand smackaroonies. You can live on that. Good for him. Really, really good on him. May he do more. You may need to learn a little about online promotion to do what he did (in addition to writing a book for a viable market), but it's not rocket science. Keep us posted of your progress. Michael I have read some of Chris Baker's contributions on OL. I hope he is able to type his novel with the weight of those two enormous chips on his shoulders.
  17. I seriously doubt the efficacy of what this woman says she did (she lives in a la-la land where she believes she makes people howl and fall on their knees in shame and so on), but there is no denying the intent. It's funny how people like that bare their souls. She's not hiding what she wants to do. She can't get anyone to take her seriously on her own blogs, so she trolls the Internet trying to find opportunities to destroy the work of other people. Her words, not mine: "It's taken me a year but I've ruined their site." Sounds an awful lot like Elsworth Toohey to me. Except that dude could write, even if he is only a fictional character. This poor soul thinks she will find good techniques for destructive mind-control in post-modern thinking. Those dudes are pikers compared to Bernays, Goebbels, Soros and others. Ya' want nonlinear mind control outside "the dialectic"? Here's a true master, not those idiots spewing academic jargon: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> (Turn on cc - captions - to get English subtitles.) That produced results and still does. Not that snottiness crap from post-modern losers. Lots of people still study that film and you can see it in their work. I believe Mick Jagger even said he's seen it 15 times or so. Michael What a weird world she lives in. What did she mean, "ruined their site"? Did she persuade everybody to stop reading it, or what?
  18. Winner. Was there ever a greater time to be adolescent?
  19. Oh, oh, oh. WKBW in transistor ear, smoking illicitly out the bedroom window, watching the skunks pull up worms from the moonlit lawn, Doris Troy. Happy and I knew it, The Hollies also did it gorgeously.
  20. I don't drink every night. I don't appreciate your cheap suggestion and ignorant diagnosis. There’s a “strengthening” alternative Peikoff approves of. And it’s even cheaper than yoga! http://www.peikoff.c...etter-composer/ I hasten to add that I think you're ok just the way you are. 'cuse me. I've got to go do something. --Brant That would be yoga, Janet, of course. The Lotus, maybe.
  21. Cher Emile, I have nowhere else to turn. It is a long time since I am here in this room scratching the days on the wall. They let me wear clothes now and have given me a TV so that I can see that the world has forgotten me. They have put somebody into my uniform and everybody is pretending it is me, though any fool can see that idiot cannot forecheck and takes stupid penalties like I would never do, and misses the goal when the goalie is begging for it, it makes me grind my teeth in rage to watch, but there is nothing else to watch what can I do I refuse to go mad. The girls come in after closing time and they are very nice girls, they offer a terrific discount but I am a married man, at least as far as I know, and I will remain faithful until I can't stand it anymore. One of the girls is very intellectual and I am teaching her French and she is teaching me poledancing. It is not the best workout for my hockey muscles but it is better than nothing. Emile, the girls are working on a plan to take me on an outing to the roller rink. It is roller skating but it is still skating, I would go in disguise. I want to try to make a break there and escape, but then I would get the girls in trouble. I need to be free, but I am afraid nobody cares anymore except Mama and Uncle Raoul, and I cannot arrange for them to be nearby at the Rollerama. What do you think I should do? Please answer soon, I must be seen to be watching Road to Avonlea on TV at 7 as usual or they will start to suspect something. I have asked for Les Belles Histoires but they just jest cruelly. En desespoir Vincent LeC.
  22. I don't drink every night. I don't appreciate your cheap suggestion and ignorant diagnosis. There’s a “strengthening” alternative Peikoff approves of. And it’s even cheaper than yoga! http://www.peikoff.c...etter-composer/ I hasten to add that I think you're ok just the way you are. DAMN you Ninth you made me spill my drink laughing!
  23. Well, I'm glad to report my stress level has just been reduced 50% or so. I'm still going to have a drink or two--to celebrate! --Brant glug, glug Just got home from the pub and out of money - any extra in that bottle? (Lots of ice please)