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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. From the entirely opposite side of the spectrum, I agree that governments are not businesses and should not ape all business practices in defining and operating their functions.
  2. If he loses the election I think Burger King will have a pretty tasty offer.
  3. Huh? I thought you were talking about my "cheezeburger" cat. lol, no, for once I was actually talking about the topic, how many words are in Atlas Shrugged.
  4. Are not! Lovely. Btw did you ever read the delightful "Too Many Notes Mr Mozart" in which Mozart has lived to suffer the slings and arrows of musical life in London, and becomes piano tutor to the ten-year-old Princess Victoria? It's a mystery, pitch=perfect musically and temporally, a real romp.
  5. Are too. Galt's speech, I say and maintain,should have been compressed or essentialised into a few words, a very few such as only rand could write, in the body of the novel. The long version should have been a Manifesto appendix directly following "The End" of the novel.
  6. Dear Diary, It is quite bracing to be here in Argentina where everyone does not love one and indeed some are protesting against one. The taste of real life that I so treasure. I am missing dear K dreadfully, everytime I check my watch of course there she is in one dimension. She is in an emotional state because Victoria of Sweden has had a baby, and I so wish I could comfort her in person and of course Try Try again---must get mind off, wish Harry would stop sending me photos of new acquaintances and asking me what the Argentine barmaids are like. I have not got to search for anybody much less rescue anybody yet and I am not sure who qualifies to be rescued by me here, so I hope nobody falls into the water. Ich dien, William
  7. I think we also see here, at a glance as it were, how Mary Donaldson of Tasmania became the future Queen of Denmark. Safe bet she will wear better hats than her mother-in-law.
  8. Genie's already given you your three wishes. Time for you to set him free! Well, if you love someone you must let him go, sob, sob. However the three wishes were in 1960s barter currency anyway, and allowing for inflation, I don't have to follow that bloody stupid precept for a good long time.
  9. I am worse than Brant. I drink in the afternoon because it is too dark to read in the pub in the evenings.
  10. You look but presumably you do not touch. To stop oneself from looking is not the same as to stop oneself from raping. Not to frivolize a serious subject, but there was a totally priceless "looking" incident recently caught on video, at a state dinner. The husband of Finland's president ogled the cleavage of the Crown Princess of Denmark and when she became aware of it he cast his eyes heavenwards and she raised a protective hand over her Star and Garter. wish I could show it, it is like a movie scene.
  11. Definitely nonlinear, no question. Highly entertaining site, lol! What a bonanaza of royal attire, the gamut ranging from absolutely splendorous and tasteful to the absymal opposite ... ! I grew up with 'Royal gossip' so to speak: My mother was quite an eager yellow press reader, and thus I got quite acquainted, at a tender age, with pictures of Royals wearing their sparkling crowns. I especially liked the silk sashes adorning the ladies' evening dresses. One of Mom's favorites was a non-Royal though (albeit she was of royal demeanor): the elegant and stylish Jackie Kennedy. Mom did not speak English, and pronounced JK's first name as in German "Jacke", which phonetically converted "Jackie" into "Yucky". The comments on that site are as hilarious as the pictures. If you scroll down to about a third of the page, here's one of Margrethe wearing a hat which a blogger aptly called "an upturned oil funnel": OMG, how did I miss that one. She looks like a Lego piece. (Are Legos Danish?)
  12. If you guys were thinking of invading Canada, today would be a good day to do it. It is NHL Trade Deadline Day, which obsesses the nation and gets blanket media coverage. Nobody would notice the foreign occupation until Wednesday at the earliest. I will not bother watching , as the only trade that would help the Leafs would be Rick Nash in exchange for the stiffening corpse of Coach Wilson and that is not likely to happen.
  13. Hey Adam, I bet you are surprised to find yourself thinking in any context, "Well done, Washington!"
  14. Incandescent. The players on Coach Nugent's team are privileged.They may not win any championships but what they are learning from him,will surely light all their lives to come.
  15. Adam, I am sorry, it is my keyboard, dead but it wont lie down. Carol: It is time to shoot the keyboard and pick up a new one. Please, I do not want to send the North Carolina dad on an undercover mission to execute your keyboard... we might hit the damn cat... Kitten on the Keys awwwww... I have to lend Andy the computer again, I hope the dog will not get at it. Bulldog on the keys is not so cute.
  16. Seymourblogger, Baited and manipulated the dude, OK. But imploded that jerk? Imploded him? Really? Sounds serious... Michael Sorry, you cannot implode another person, only cause them to explode. Implosion is an intensely personal experience.. Carol One who knows
  17. Not if you were married to the woman in question at the time.
  18. btw Ninth, i have not checked,On OO how many women have commented on the issue so far?
  19. But it's not just Peikoff! Look, here's another Canadian who wants to weigh in: What's with you Canucks, anyway? Look at him dry humping that oversize guitar! Hey, that's an American guitar. He told her she wasn't oversize at all !
  20. Um, Seymour, you are aware that the day and evening in New Zealand progresses kind of opposite to the way it goes in Missouri? (and it's milieu not milieau, I'm sure that was just a typo)
  21. "Here's tae us, wha's like us Damn few, and they're a' deid" Just saying
  22. I have not read or watched the comments, but I have been increasingly incredulous about a simple and probably offhand comment by an old man, in which he expressed the view that a man, at a certain point of arousal, is incapable of stopping himself from penetrating a female who resists him,and that females should realize and accept this.As a woman I know that men are capable of stopping when being told no,and so does Diana Hshieh, and so does every young Objectivist who is turning himself inside out on the issue.