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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. A Neaps and Tatties feast is nae the joy of most but a' the guests, as man not beast,, dine hearty o' the fare, at least, without the fear o' bein' roast by yon most reasonable host .
  2. It means she didn't like the additions I made to her poem. I forced it into sonnet form by adding a few self-serving lines. Now she invokes the tides to do their worst to both my top and bottom. Those tides at Hopewell Rocks are the highest tides in the world. Check them out. No pate is too high nor any bottom too low for them to savage! Mwahhahaha! "Those are pearls that were his eyes"..
  3. If you say so, but it all calls to mind the original commercial for Jaws 2: just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... http://www.objectivi...ndpost&p=156914 Perhaps you should tell me how you really feel about the verses I added. Yes indeed. Gladly, I thought your verses were funny and aptly loony within the whole OL context, and I laughed at them since you had caught the mood I was going with . I do not want to sound ponderous about writing, but the stuff I write here , I write because I feel like it; it's conversation, or offerings for conversation. Poetry is of course different and personal, but only when you are thinking it up. Once written down it is a piece of writing, with several readers' standards to be judged by, including the author's which is always the most severe. I am seldom, almost never, personally hurt by criticism or indifference to things I write. I have my own favourites (usually the least-viewed stuff!) but it is still new to me that things such as I write here are actually read by more than a dozen people. And some of those dozen are such good writers and readers themselves. I'm not in danger from the dwarves yet awhile.
  4. I'm not sure we're on speaking terms, seeing that my pate and buttocks are as yet unscathed; assuming we are, FYI this video was originally included in Tap's live video, Break Like the Wind. It was made maybe ten years after that travesty of a documentary by that villain Marty DeBergi. Of course we are speaking, what happens in Creative writing stays in creative writing, and sometimes should not even happen there. I thought the video looked too polished to be in the original. Nothing could ever top Stonehenge anyway.."We don't know who they were..or what they were doing.. but anyway" How that poignant line resonates with all in O-land!
  5. Like I can't identify hostility when I see it! Do not retreat into the Order of Induction! That way lies madness, mon amiennemi.
  6. It means she didn't like the additions I made to her poem. I forced it into sonnet form by adding a few self-serving lines. Now she invokes the tides to do their worst to both my top and bottom. No, it doesn't! It means I was pretending to resent the additions and seizing the occasion you provided to improvise a suitable retort - the daleks made me do it.
  7. As a professional educator I must protest, as soon as I stop laughing. Was this in the movie? I don't remember it--it looks too well-produced as a video to be part of the Taps' CV! (maybe it was on the ill-fated Smell the Glove Album). Nobody I am sure fails to notice that the Fearsome Four are one guy who cannot get a date, one who is totally dominated by his girlfriend, one who stuffs a cucumber in his pants for public appearances, and one who keeps dropping dead from things like being hit by defenestrated poultry.
  8. Yes. But part of her legacy was the exclusiveness of her thought. It was she who declared that everybody except herself and those she designated could not be Objectivists but only students. And students must perforce look for guidance to their teachers. I came across a poster on OO who weighed in on the shopping cart return debate saying, "I have opinions about everything." I thought, that poor boy. He must be exhausted, not to mention those who are favoured with the exposition of his opinions. But is it not the essence of Rand's thought, that everything in life must be subjected to rational analysis and ultimately judgment? It can't all be blamed on the Popes and Ethels
  9. lol, it's the tide not the time, which arrives every two weeks and waits for no man. Saucy Bloomers if you don't mind, inherited long johns in winter.
  10. Ihave seen the Milky Way from the backyard in my NB house, and I saw the Aurora Borealis there about ten years ago.
  11. O tide! Neap not until thou neap'st the Doc Upon the pate, and then the proud buttock!
  12. Both "Darren" on SOLO and "AristotlesAdvance" on OL indisputably argue for Intelligent Design. I'll document re "Darren" in the next post. The OL poster with the screen name "AristotlesAdvance" gives as his full name "Aristotle Economides." Have you ever heard of anyone with such a last name? It sounds made up to me. I suspect it's a reference to Darren's profession. If I remember correctly, Darren said on his SOLO user profile that he's a financial analyst. He gave "Darren Wrede" as the full name, a name which rings real. The photo might even be a real photo of the poster, but if Darren indeed was an usher at Peikoff's 1976 course, as he's claimed somewhere in his SOLO posts to have been, then the photo -- which is of a young man -- has to be numerous years out of date. Ellen Both "Darren" on SOLO and "AristotlesAdvance" on OL indisputably argue for Intelligent Design. I'll document re "Darren" in the next post. The OL poster with the screen name "AristotlesAdvance" gives as his full name "Aristotle Economides." Have you ever heard of anyone with such a last name? It sounds made up to me. I suspect it's a reference to Darren's profession. If I remember correctly, Darren said on his SOLO user profile that he's a financial analyst. He gave "Darren Wrede" as the full name, a name which rings real. The photo might even be a real photo of the poster, but if Darren indeed was an usher at Peikoff's 1976 course, as he's claimed somewhere in his SOLO posts to have been, then the photo -- which is of a young man -- has to be numerous years out of date. Ellen Ellen, this is so funny. Where I live Greek names are a norm ("My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was filmed nearby) and I did not give his stated real name here a second thought, but I did wonder why a Greek guy would call himself "Darren" on Solo!
  13. Why wouldn't we? We like to know who we are talking to.
  14. I am guessing you are a fan of the classic Spinal Tap hit "Big Bottom"? I would assume "Sex Farm Woman" would not accord to the Constitution.
  15. Daleks fix somewhat; Daleks are Daleks, not Alfred Lord bloody Tennyson. Do best can for now. Sonnet form be damn At Hopewell Rocks Do I forget you? Surely I have tried to stumble past the caverns I can't climb, and wade out from the too-oncoming tide, and live beyond what surely was my time. But never think I would not give today To give you just one more of yesterday , Or seek the slack between the ebb and flow, Where everywhere and always we could go..
  16. "Meet me at dawn sir!" cried Raleigh. "If I climb not, then others they shall fall!"
  17. The Committee is pleased to announce that they have a new category in which to announce a winner: Best Whistleblower Award. This goes to Solo for "Ron Paul is a Traitorous, Libertarian Idiot." Who knew Ron Paul was a citizen of New Zealand? What use his enemies will make of this explosive revelation? Ours not to reason why, but to keep our heads while all about are losing theirs, as some are doing on Solo as we speak. The staff have demanded requested that we make the following statement on their behalf, and we have graciously acceded. "Listen up you mouth breathers, the rape scene in Fountainhead is a fictional scene in a novel, it is a fantasy rape scene, it is erotica and damn good erotica too, don't you think Rand noticed the rape scene in Gone with the Wind hit the G-spot with audiences We're talking to you, Leonard P. of Irwin, CA. "Back-peddling is selling stuff from a backpack door-to-door. Back-pedalling is the act of distancing oneself from one's mistakes. It's ad nauseAm. We know you think it should be like museum but it shouldn't. We agree that the Committee will pay for our lunches on Fridays as long as we order the specials."
  18. Darren knows better than to argue for Intelligent Design, so it could not be darren you are theorizing about. Janet, Darren IS arguing for Intelligent Design. Nearly all of his posts convey this 'message'. This would be easy to resolve if we knew the real name of the poster on Solo, as we do the one on OL.
  19. When I am thinking about the skies it is always the "Jupiter" symphony that comes to me-- is it just word association? I love Holsts's Planets, but it is never that celestial music that rings in the inner ear.
  20. Baal, thanks for this. i remember the awe of starry, starry nights back when I did not know how ambient light would limit my access to them. in later years; the Planetarium where I sat enthralled while my kids squirmed at being dragged there for the fifth time; the serene wonder of the crescent moon now, when it shows so startling bright over the cityscape. It is rainy and cloudy here now so I hope it will clear up tomorrow so I can see some of the splendour.
  21. At the moment, "Track" screens aren't showing for any posters on SOLO. I hope the "track" feature (such as it is, not a good one) is just being revamped and hasn't been disabled permanently. Ellen Let us hope that Epistemological Cleansing of the premises is not taking place.
  22. Yes, he made the quip much better than LP did, that must have been the last straw for the Principal of the Perigo School of Wit and Morality. As everyone knows, comics never steal jokes, because the Good always drives out the Evil, as the Rational drives out the Uppity.
  23. I see Darren has got the heave from Solo. I tried to look at his profile there to see if he is the same as the exOL poster above mentioned, but you can't click on him, it is just "darren not verified". Has he been nonpersonned? At least over here the grisly corpses remain on display as evidence.
  24. Thanks, David. What matters most? Optimal health--mental and physical. Everything else is secondary. And maintaining optimal health is a life-long challenge, which too many people neglect. Stop eating sugar, especially corn sugar. Also, happy birthday! --Brant priorities! Too late for me, alas. When I go, I'm going like Elsie.