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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Wrong premise on your part, Janet: I have never been an Objectivst. Nor have I ever adhered to any philosophy hook line and sinker. Instead I prefer to pick and choose from different philosophies and patchwork it together individually. Maybe Janet assumed that regulars on a Rand-based site would all be Objectivists. She seemed to think I was one, and was also under the misapprehension that I am a "serious adult." Well if you aren't a serious adult why won't you play with me? Because you don't play nice.
  2. Wrong premise on your part, Janet: I have never been an Objectivst. Nor have I ever adhered to any philosophy hook line and sinker. Instead I prefer to pick and choose from different philosophies and patchwork it together individually. Maybe Janet assumed that regulars on a Rand-based site would all be Objectivists. She seemed to think I was one, and was also under the misapprehension that I am a "serious adult."
  3. Carol, Yes you did and I should have noticed. Anyway, she stated that was her aim? Where? If she did state that was her one aim, I missed it. (Might be because of that annoying sucking sound George mentioned on SLOP. ) Michael I said "one aim" -- should have said, one of her aims. I am looking for that one. So far I have only found her stated aim, above on this thread, to place Rand in the layers of postmodern thinking, and her various attempts to stuff Rand in there, and yak, yak about things she is not here for, and are irrelevant, or not important or dogs in which she has no fight , or she is not interested or indifferent to, and this is only one thread and I got a bad headache already. Tonstant Weader did not fwow up but she had to take four Adamsprins. Well, I found that one aim and I am going to give up, I have just found more and various things she is not here to do, such as "I am not here to entertain and amuse you". (she's wrong there) I will therefore (assuming her reasons to be here were benevolent) by the process of elimination conclude that her aim was to enlighten. I've said it before (as so did Mr Bennet), what are we for, but to make sport of our neighbours and be made sport of in our turn?
  4. A day late (my internet was off yesterday but I do not suspect anybody) and a dollar short, a very happy birthday Dennis. May you keep on shrinkin' for many more birthdays to come!
  5. LOL... Michael I too am a fan of the multitalented Darren. He gave us Avatar Janet, which I enjoy imagining as the figurehead on the prow of the good ship Pomo as she sails bravely into battle.
  6. Carol, Yes you did and I should have noticed. Anyway, she stated that was her aim? Where? If she did state that was her one aim, I missed it. (Might be because of that annoying sucking sound George mentioned on SLOP. ) Michael I said "one aim" -- should have said, one of her aims. I am looking for that one. So far I have only found her stated aim, above on this thread, to place Rand in the layers of postmodern thinking, and her various attempts to stuff Rand in there, and yak, yak about things she is not here for, and are irrelevant, or not important or dogs in which she has no fight , or she is not interested or indifferent to, and this is only one thread and I got a bad headache already. Tonstant Weader did not fwow up but she had to take four Adamsprins.
  7. I have been looking at the Yahoo comments on this story and find I am far from alone in my admiration of Mr. Hock. Frankly, I had no idea the level of ant-Monegasque sentiment in the US was so high. Although I do not have the time for it, I am tempted to join the Canadians for Hock '16 group which some Montrealers have started. They already have a slogan, "Only Hocky can Save America!"
  8. Hey Bill, PDS, pass the word! They done arrested Al fer givin' them frogs what they arsked fer! What say after we get likkered up at the party, we round up a posse and bust him out of jail? You in?
  9. Carol, No she didn't. She came around both places because she's lonely and has probably detonated all her personal relationships. And, after making a bunch of websites and still nobody coming around to help her kill the loneliness, even she's not stupid enough to not realize that she's gotta get her audience from someone else. The rest is gravy--the crap (including Baudrillard) that I imagine detonated her relationships. I only mentioned him because I was being a smart-ass. (I was correct, of course, but, I admit, in a smart-ass way. ) Michael Michael, I said stated .aim. Speculating about anyone's motives for joining a forum is part of the fun, of course, and fair game. We can only state our own, if asked or if we feel like sharing them, and duck if we hear gunfire nearby.
  10. Is it too late to draft him? He is the 48 yoguy who was sitting at a nightclub table with 3 models (female) when approached by big, tough prince Pierre of Monaco(24), grandson of Grace Kelly , and three of his big, tough euro friends. The approach was apparently unwelcome and Al punched Petey boy into the hospital, and assaulted this three friends, doing who knows what damage to them also. It is not known if the ladies broke any nails. I know that my American friends are worried about the state of the republic and the abysmal group of GOP hopefuls, but let me tell you, as long as Albert Hock is guarding the supermodels of America, you're going to be all right.
  11. She came here, and onto Solo, with one stated aim, to raise awareness of Baudrillard, and she has certainly succeeded in that. MSK and Linz the Lovable might just as well give up, reunite and name the new places Cheers, Jacques! (Chere Jacques, Frere Jacques, Cherish Jake, geddit? ) where everybody knows his name.
  12. I am NOT a truck and They are trying to tell everybody they am, and they have me tied up in here HEEELLLPPP ..... Dr Scherk? It's Juanita on the night desk -- we thought you should know, it's alright for you to say don't worry about 2B, but she has half the other patients and some of the LPNs convinced that we're poisoning her, and they are volunteering as her personal tasters, and the kitchen staff have asked me to make a formal protest...lplease call back...
  13. May I have your indulgence for a portmanteau comment on the current riveting Janet/OL thread on SOLO? Ladies first, Janet, I do not know which sick piece I wrote you are referring to. I have written many sick pieces about you and some are very short. I disagree that I have been educated beyond my ability. I only have a BA (albeit with High Honours, she murmured with a blush) and a TESL certificate, but I don't think and have never been told, that these graduated me beyond my ability to write. Your comment about Rand's non-fiction philosophy I happen to agree with, reading it through my own filters, and have occasionally discussed it on the Rand-bashing site with the head pomo and others on ARCHN. Were you under the impression that I am an Objectivist? Nobody at OL is, and they never have been. I admire her achievements and personal strengths, I am hopelessly interested in the ongoing story of the movement she created, and I know personally and now online many Objectivists whom I deeply admire, respect, and like..Like? hell, I love those guys. But I don't agree with her philosophy in basic, and I don't like her novels much. If I don't say so often at OL it is out of respect and courtesy, and because my personal reactions to Oism are not important parts of my interactions there. George, you are at the top of your game. Whenever I think you can't get better, you do. Darren, as JFK is down in history as the man who brought Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris, you will forever go down as the man who brought Avatar Janet to Objectivshland. A votre sante.
  14. Excellent post. I think we all have our inner apophenia about our own life narratives, the dots connect because they must, for our lives to be coherent to us.
  15. I have the Logo almost done. I want to get a stamp done with the logo, and also have a stencil done for out cupcakes. I still have not heard from Riggenbach. All our plans hinge on him and Ninth Doctor. I hope we can pull together for the sake of the party. Here is the background bare bones of the logo. To come are the cupcakes and other symbols (thank you Adam for the all-seeing eye). Long live DELETED! See the antics at "Nontelleckchewal Terrist" -- + +++ Genius. Dibs on the Viking helmet when if hits the shelves at Zellers. My stylist says it's the perfect topper for my w-cap and finally something to really complement the lappets.
  16. Carol, I did not know the term "horse opera", but guessed from the context it might refer ot Western movies. But as for "standard oater", without your info, I would have had no idea it means Western movie. "Oater" - does this have somehting to do with the oats frequently fed to the horses in these fllms? As for Germans being into "horse operas" - that's right. I had a phase when I was quite a fan too, but somehow I never got to see one of the greatest, of the genre: The Glorious Seven. Gotta catch up and fill that gap! Of Kurosawa's films, I've only see Rashomon, but it looks like I missed something in not having seen The Seven Samurai and Ran. I think I'll order them from Amazon. This is another thing I like about OL: one always gets inspired by co-posters. And did I get it right that there is a Play Nice Party scheduled over here?? (I still regret the one that never took place at Riggenbach's Bear's Lair, (I think this is what he calls his residence). I then had to eat all the calorie-loaded 'Dallmayr' delicatessen goodies myself. I bravely sacrificed myself, so to speak. ). lol yes, standard oater derives from the scene in the B western where the hero sololoquizes , laconically, as his faithful horse chomps stoically from the feedbag, gazing at her master the while. That horse is the only female who will ever truly understand him, the only durn female he'll ever understand and can really count on.
  17. How do you know whether I am lying or not. This is simulated reality. there is no true and no false. There is only credibility. You are ilogicalo as you decide I am telling the truth in regards to your above, but think I am lying about the hacking of my computer. Contradictions, contradictions. A pity. How do you know whether I am lying or not. This is simulated reality. there is no true and no false. There is only credibility. You are ilogicalo as you decide I am telling the truth in regards to your above, but think I am lying about the hacking of my computer. Contradictions, contradictions. A pity. Illogicala, if you don't mind. How do you know I am telling the truth about whether I think you are telling the truth? Maybe I do not know I am simulated, and select elements of what I think is reality to re-create metaphor. To paraphrase Warren Beatty, maybe I can't know you, maybe I can't know Baudrillard or WSS or my son Jimmy or anybody, but nobody's gonna tell me I don't enjoy them very much. A pity indeed. A Maeve Binchy character put it best. "The woman is a pity, that's all. Just a poor pity."
  18. Definitely possible, I did not have time to check it. No need you should have, you made my day just providing it.
  19. I am even starting to think she did it herself, so that somebody would give her the brand new Apple she so clearly deserves.
  20. George is just dressing out his game. --Brant The train wreck you can't look away from. From me who knows zero about computers, the idea of a lady with what, four blogs, at least two current forum memberships, and who knows how many past ones (she wrote something once about "the gestapo came in the middle of the night" from one of them) emails and conducts all her business online --- and maybe somewhere in the world a few people who don't like her --- gets hacked, and decides that her new/old computer's autism is due to that pesky OL vaccine. Janet, your lovely hackerboy geniuses are just feeding your paranoia. You said they gave you $1000 worth of services, but there really is no free lunch. However superior a customer and cheap a tipper you are.
  21. My wife and I usually aren't into gore, but we both laughed our asses off over the North Korean attempt at the Iron Lotus: God that's funny. One so empathises with the male partner '-"WTF?? How can I work in the next element now? Will they come and get the head or maybe I should skate around it? Where am I in the music? "
  22. OMG Santorum went to Penn state? Hope for his sake he never played football there.
  23. Glad to be of service. I know 'service' sounds somewhat duty-like, but I hasten to add that no 'collective' pressure or 'call of duty' is involved here; I'll take over the shift of my own free will. Thank you,that is wonderful and rational of you, and good too because if you did not do it volitionally we would have to coerce you, we are all worn out.
  24. Really, really great. Just listened again and it gave me beautiful chills. "Our hearts told us we were right". O yes indeed. Not a quibble, but this does not sound the version I remember..the piano intro, for instance, and the orchestration seems skimpy compared , and he doesn't seem to give it full voice. But maybe that's just hindsight making everything perfect. Is it possible that this is not the original recording that made the top 20?
  25. Brant, Baal never answered my question about his sig line, and Ninth never put back Rowan Atkinson, so I will start in on you about your avatar, Is it just me, or are you ringing the Liberty Bell whilst wearing a witch's hat? (The pic is very dark on my screen, mostly silhouette) Since I realized Selene is not in fact a female organist who wears a yarmulke I have liked to keep these things straight. Looks like a battle tomahawk to me. A tomahawk, I should have known. Are there no limits to your armoury? Getting scared Carol