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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. http://forum.objecti...showtopic=11786 <<<<this is the page from OOonline where it is discussed. There are some interesting links. I found on WorldCat that the Library of Congress has LP recordings of the show, provided by the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. Check out all the ones from August 1967!!! And here is an entry in the Library of Congress that actually mentions Rand. The Library of Congress would have a good, accessible collection on Rand if she had had the sense to leave her literary artefacts to them, and not to the bunker dwellers of Fort Demento. I don't know the story on her will except she left everything to Peikoff, and it's hard not to think she did that to spite the Brandens. It seems to me it would have been so morally, and should have been emotionally, right, to leave her papers to the country she chose and loved so fiercely. Still, her weird views on ideas as personal property were well known, she owned the name of Objectivism etc, and she "owned" the fictional characters she created, although she was paid to create them initially by her publishers and ensuing royalties from readers. Maybe she just believed personal property should only be left to a person.
  2. Adam, it's me, Daunce. I know you can hear me. Look, Brant was just joking..honest, he does not want to eat you, neither do the rest of us.We just want you to come to the nice party, What the...look, it would help to nourish a fruitful discussion here if you would PUT DOWN THE FREAKIN CROSSBOW!! Miss Angela's trust her don't you? That silly idea that she has two brains that are fighting with each other, you know that wasn't her...she knows loooots of little boys who don't want to come out of their gullies, but they all want to come out and go to a party with Miss Angela don't they? They are brave boys who know they won't get eaten.....
  3. Aw shucks, we warn't so allfired magnificent, glorious will do us just fine if Miss Angela says it. The Seven
  4. Brant, Baal never answered my question about his sig line, and Ninth never put back Rowan Atkinson, so I will start in on you about your avatar, Is it just me, or are you ringing the Liberty Bell whilst wearing a witch's hat? (The pic is very dark on my screen, mostly silhouette) Since I realized Selene is not in fact a female organist who wears a yarmulke I have liked to keep these things straight.
  5. Maybe Dr Mrs Dr Ethel would like to come to the party and bring her hunky husband. We're having more "Fun with Cannibalism" than she is at her place, poor thing. She could use a break.
  6. Carol, I did not know the term "horse opera", but guessed from the context it might refer ot Western movies. But as for "standard oater", without your info, I would have had no idea it means Western movie. "Oater" - does this have somehting to do with the oats frequently fed to the horses in these fllms? As for Germans being into "horse operas" - that's right. I had a phase when I was quite a fan too, but somehow I never got to see The Glorious Seven. Of Kurosawa's films, I only saw Rashomon, but it looks like I missed something in not having seen The Seven Samurai and Ran. I think I'll order them from Amazon. This is another thing I like about OL: one always gets inspired by co-posters. And did I get it right that there is a Play Nice Party scheduled over here?? (I still regret the one that fell flat at Riggenbach's Bear's Lair, I think this what he calls his residence. I then had to eat all the calorie-loaded Dallmayer delicatessen goodies myself. I bravely sacrificed myself, so to speak. ). You bet, it's devolved into a permanent BYOB though, and the cupcakes are all gone I'm afraid. We're all trying to coax Adam out of his gully right now, hope you can take over a shift when you get here.
  7. Jeez Adam, don't mention lodges! They'll find out it was us! Ithink we better bring you in from the field for awhile, you seem to be cracking up. ISS Gord
  8. The narrative continues. Her private property was destroyed and acts of aggression committed against her , but she did not call in the police, instead superprofessional hackers who came and fixed it all for free. If your best friends are professional Anonymous Internet Hackers, surely it is unwise to boast about it on a public forum?
  9. Carol, I thought of that myself several times. And here is another place where I thought of Janet. It is from a book I am currently reading called You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself by David McRaney. (It's a smart-ass title aimed at the popular market, but it deals with neuroscience, psychology and the different kinds of cognitive bias. And excellent, I might add.) The quote is from Chapter 2 - Confabulation. I bolded the parts that made me think of her. But I think plain ole' garden-variety paranoia is what I mostly see. Even so, the split-brain thing is fascinating in its own right. The last paragraph of the quote holds a special surprise for George Smith. What's worse, it's real, not made up. This last paragraph of the quote above is dedicated to George. I imagine that would be his worst nightmare. Michael George would love to argue with himself. --Brant blows may be struck! Oh, please stop, this thread is getting too good > St George vs the Dragon Atheist George... it is a "theme for Reason, too rich for poesy"
  10. The cupcakes, Adam, not the guests. Stop cowering in that gully and put away that gun right now. NEVER!! Cannibals!! Come and get me!!!! Can't think of a good scene extension,, just laughing God you make me laugh sometimes
  11. The cupcakes, Adam, not the guests. Stop cowering in that gully and put away that gun right now.
  12. Xray, in case I was thoughtless, "horse opera" is old reviewspeak for "western movie", another such term is "standard oater".Your English is so fluent that I often forget it is not your first language and you might be puzzled by outdated slang or journalese. Hope you enjoy them anyway, as I do.
  13. Ran was a remake of King Lear. East-west cultural exchange!
  14. The American werewolf. --Brant Groany good , Brant. Here, you might as well have Janet's cupcake, since I have now called her crazy for real, I guess she will not come to the Play Nice Party, we will just have to eat them all ourselves.
  15. Oh no, it wasn't Sandler at all, it was Jon somebody and he is miles better than Sandler! Carol like I said, obviously no cinephile poor memory for faces good at names and numbers though
  16. Blades of Glory, man. I know it isn't recent but it's da bomb. That movie came out in 2007. I am not that far behind. Plus, once you have seen one Will Farrell movie, you have pretty much seen them all. Ghs Well, it is your loss. I am no Adam Sandler fan myself. Blades is far, far more than a Will Ferrell movie, but I suppose you couldn't be expected to watch Will and Adam perform the triple axel together in full Marie Antoinette gear, even for me. You will have noticed that I am no cinephile. I enjoyed Ishtar, for crying out loud.
  17. Blades of Glory, man. I know it isn't recent but it's da bomb. That movie came out in 2007. I am not that far behind. Plus, once you have seen one Will Farrell movie, you have pretty much seen them all. Ghs Well, it is your loss. I am no Adam Sandler fan myself. Blades is far, far more than a Will Ferrell movie, but I suppose you couldn't be expected to watch Will and Adam perform the triple axel together in full Marie Antoinette gear, even for me.
  18. Blades of Glory, man. I know it isn't recent but it's da bomb.
  19. William, I thought of asking you not to do this on OL as I don't like the idea of the forum being used as a repository for leftovers from a hostile venue, but I reflected on it and posting it on a new thread in The Garbage Pile is my suggestion. I believe that would satisfy the overlap tightrope of all the different vanities involved. Michael I have read the latest installment of Janet's reports from Another Planet on Solo. She must be feared indeed. She commanded that nobody comment on her posts, and nobody has except our dauntless WSS. I cannot understand what did, or might have happened to her wretched blog, but I think I can understand something about her. I am being serious. I don't think she is playing games, and whatever her psychology, I think her actual, medical state is one of paranoia, a state of which I have some knowledge. She knows, absolutely, that someone or someones at OL hacked her and tried to ruin her computer; she has evidence of it which all fits together, and everything she thinks of, fits into the greater matrix. For example, two people in London are OL members. Furthermore, although this evidence has been concealed by the Great Coverup, one OL member is a South African and his daughter lives in London. An OL enemy, who wants to kill her, has suggested that she contact her local police, but they are also her enemies and would just as soon kill her as not. She is not clear why so many people want to kill her, but she knows they do, just as I know I am typing and eating a Vietnamese pork chop right now not quite simultaneously. Just as JN Schulman knows he met God. In a paranoiac state people are utterly sincere, and in doing what they know they must do can be serenely, confidently, unbelievably manipulative and cunning. Often these are not even parts of their normal personalities. I could be wrong of course, but I have come to this conclusion and I can't shake it off. If I am right I hope with all my heart that there are people in her life who can help her.
  20. http://forum.objecti...showtopic=11786 <<<<this is the page from OOonline where it is discussed. There are some interesting links. I found on WorldCat that the Library of Congress has LP recordings of the show, provided by the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. Check out all the ones from August 1967!!! And here is an entry in the Library of Congress that actually mentions Rand. The Library of Congress would have a good, accessible collection on Rand if she had had the sense to leave her literary artefacts to them, and not to the bunker dwellers of Fort Demento.
  21. From watching a couple games, it looks like the Shark Tank would be the better fan experience, the organization really tries to jazz it up for them. of course the best fan experience in the NHL now is at Winnipeg, if you don't mind going deaf. They have the smallest arena on the continent, and by far the loudest, they are sold out for the next 5 years and packed to the rafters every game. Each game they pick a visiting team player, apparently at random, to boo relentlessly , whatever he does on the ice, even if he gives lifesaving CPR to small children who were flung onto the rink in lieu of octopi. I have heard of the rezoning, I know it is causing ructions. I haven't paid much attention because even if the Leafs were rezoned into a division all by themselves, they would still not make the playoffs, and the Habs are having a horrible season, and their owners should be shot, and like that..a little depressed, I guess I may have been. Maybe you could answer over on the Hockey thread, who will the rezoning affect the most? Do you think Quebec will finally get the Coyotes ("Nor-DIQUES YESSSS OUIIII) and put Phoenix out of its misery?
  22. Funny post, Peter. I think you guys should offer to send Mel Gibson back to Oz, in return for keeping SDK who is a lot smarter. Newt could slither back on his own. Or Alberts could charter him a jet.
  23. No, just a joke on Brant's vigilant concern for the border of your great republic, aimed at the wrong border. When you go to California, will you suit up for the Sharks or the Kings? I think the Sharks face paint is better personally, and I do like the whooshy tank they skate out of.
  24. Hey, is that the great Christopher Lee? He wins!!
  25. Fair enough. That would screw up the romanticism if it ended that way. True. But if it didn;t end that way, we wouldn't have "Woman, woman", another great song.