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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Let us not forget that the chief officer of the Daunciad has, on other occasions, held up the “creative” writings of the Objectivish to public scorn. Particularly the efforts that have appeared on OO, which she mocks from the safe distance of OL, in a display of critical cowardice that the ghost of Alexander Pope would surely frown upon. As I noted in one of the many Phil threads, sometimes one must learn the Golden Rule by having others do unto you as you have done unto others. On the plus side, it’s probably not the worst poem ever written. Two lines? There are eleven now, if you wanted to write a sonnet, you need how many? Fourteen? And your rhyme scheme is what? AABBCDDEFEF? Oh, hell, I knew you would notice that. Dunce not great at math. Rhyme scheme lame. Even when fixed this will be no Westminster Bridge, but maybe get yo to San Luis Rey in time for siesta.
  2. Daleks beep to lazy earthling that effusion also lacks two lines, and inner coherence. Daleks scuttle to beer store for case of Moosehead. Daleks good fun when they go mad! Do not exterminate!
  3. Tony, it did not hurt me, as I did not take it as an attack on me but on amateur pomes in general, which is kind of mean, but fair game. His parody was funny.
  4. lol You understood it fine, it is only words
  5. Adam, critics rage, and as I have experienced, innocent unarmed debaters have been shot. Back on point, "teasing the ones they truly adore: " is a line from macGiillivrays's Song of the Mira, Anne Murray sang it best I think, as she knew it best. The adolescent teasing, from love or resentment or outright irrational hatred. Anne probabty learned to handle it early.
  6. Do I forget you?. Dear one, I have tried just sometimes not to let you bring the tide so low beneath the rocks I cannot climb, the caverns of unmasterable time, so high in flow I swim, I thrash, then drown in what I cannot believe that so as the tide ebbs, I swim to go where far beyond belief or memory, or darks of lies, or candles that are true, there is a place where always you must be, where so am I,that I could be with you.,
  7. Adam, the cartoon was also great. Even when they're all fallen down they are still fairly wondrous some say. "Well done O good and faithful servants" etc
  8. Hey, where did you get that photo of Cousin Eugene ? (He has changed and grown a lot since he got out of jail) Those were private party family photos!
  9. I of course knew it all along. You only love us for our water, lumber and oil, and use us because we are right next door and convenient and vulnerable. But you will find, as many a Calais boy who married a St Stephen girl has said, "those gorgeous knockers cost you a lot in the end, in good hard US cash."
  10. I now call up Sally from the depths of memory, but I do not remember her troubadour. She was a good old girl and carried your books to school, and as I recall got a Cinderella reward. Ninth? I'll pay you back on Tuesday, honest, it;s payday.
  11. Michael, your post brings me one of the many byproducts of the experience of interacting on OL. When I joined I knew I would get value from the main product, reading and occasionally corresponding with the interesting thinkers I had been enjoying as a browser. I did not know then that I could get to see how those people think and work out their ideas, that they would let me watch that process -- or that I would invite others to watch me! Lord, Lord! What am I coming to in my old ages. )I have 3 of them as you know. I have forgotten the original point about old Fish Eye but I think I am making a point about what happens on OL, which though many may not seem to, they notice, and do not forget.
  12. "Not that there;s anything wrong with that?"?? When did you start abstaining? How is your lady enjoying abstention? This is another unexplored topic that I know a lot about being a Respectable Widow, and in the distant past a frequent circumstantial abstainer, the circumstances being that nobody wanted to go out with me.
  13. "Not that there;s anything wrong with that?"??
  14. lol. This did make me think, though, about the obsession young women appear to have about their own breasts now, which really was not there when I was young. Really. My friends and I would talk, of course, and some were big and some small, and each thought being the other was better, or at least more comfortable. One of our friends, a real beauty, had a reduction later because her breasts were just too heavy for her frame and caused actual pain. Unless Ellen or Angela notice this thread, or (shudder) Janet, I guess only the men can give insight (intellectual insight, Adam! not up-skirt), but really, maybe I never met real Alpha males or whatever in my single days, but the attitude of the guys who got to see our breasts were, they were breasts, and therefore beautiful. Now there seems to be a scale, bigger is better, look at that poor Triple-D girl. Do men really want breasts to be that big?
  15. Once again Hard science bears out the philosophical conclusions of foremost empiricists such as Ninth and myself. Thanks, Doc. Folks: It is much more than standing up at attention to Hard is much more than is hard wired in the jeans genes: That was totally HI-larious and absolutely true. I especially liked the great tribute from that obviously well-brought-up young man to his mother for giving him those 18 months of very sustenance. Obviously this video was shot in Canada.
  16. Tony, I am thinking perhaps you have not read my post #67 above, where I agree with many of your points.
  17. Che? You no like me sing? It Aida, no Don Giovanni. Anyway, my conflict with seymour came up right away, she made some way overstated claim about Rand and Nietzsche, I asked for a factual citation, and she proceeded to psychologize me. Said "I know you don't want to hear this", or something like that, doubled down on the claim while mocking the information request. Turned out she was wrong. Tell me that tenor was not Mario Lanza, please. Deploying that video against Linz the Lovable, noted nonauthoritarian, would be too low a blow, even for us O-Liars.
  18. You mean you prevented me with your "excess" from using it a third time? I think you are trying to bait me or pat yourself on the back or both. However, you are like the fireman who arrives after the fire and starts it up again. --BrantThen stay out of my way completely, Always. Is there any part of that you don't understand? I want no comments on anything I write. No still hot matches to start any fires. Brant, did you hear that? She wants NO COMMENTS ON ANYTHING SHE WRITES. Not just from you, I leap logically, but from anybody who has dared to misinterpret her playful, intellectually superior slumming expeditions. Her whole speech is on the blog which her enemies have destroyed, although those enemies will ultimately be vanquished. Fortunately the BOW Committee staff, useless slugs that they are, did manage to get a transcript of the Speech before Fahrenheit 2012. erupted.: Oh, what do I see before me? Is this a howling mob I see before me, as Babette said? Oooooh, I;m Soooo scared. You, Ninth Doctor! Yes, you;; don't pretend I'm talking to somebody behind you. I know what doctors are, and doctors of philosophy too, I have sat at their feet and been raised up to belt level,,,anyway, you are no doctor, real doctors would laugh tee-hee at you You call that sound coming out of your throat howling? A dead cat sounds better if you stomp on it right I have been kind and patient about your vocal abilities and in return I see you turned against me in the vilest most immoral way. Here it is: I have always known you will never make a tenor, not in a million years. Stick to making the mezzos, or trying to. Lotsa good stuff about you on the walls of the dressing room, Don Giovanni I don't think. Ellen Stuttle, you were my groupie at Bryn Mawr and learned all your early philosophy from me and then borrowed my best cardigan and never gave it back, and told lies about me to my boyfriend just before we were going to get pinned. Yes, folks, it is all true, she has lied all these years but she can't hide any more. That cardigan was cashmere. Ah, I see we're drawing apart from these two and their ringleader Brant Gaede, yes I name him and you know it is he who has filled your head with silly thoughts - look! He no longer exists. He won't talk or write again and we will all make sure of that. Look, people, because I know everything, I know that you can't be happy about my regime all the time. I know that you have secret groups (yeah, you thought they were secret) where you vented by imagining me as the oldest, ugliest woman in the world, even uglier than Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Well, I don't mind that at all. I think Ruthie is kinda cute, actually. But if I thought you pictured me as uglier than Donatella Versace, If I thought you pictured me as Donatella, I would round up the ringleaders and they would soon be ringless leaders because they would be fingerless leaders, and eventually headless. and everybody else would have to watch. Just a reminder. So we're all settled down now, right? Thaaat's better. I have to meet the bf for fantasy pool (the trade deadline is almost up) and you've made me late. Now get out of my way.
  19. Once again Hard science bears out the philosophical conclusions of foremost empiricists such as Ninth and myself. Thanks, Doc.
  20. Peter, "Wouldn't it Be Nice" is a song about a happy childless couple. Spending the whole day together and making out all night is for the honeymoon.
  21. {quote name='Dennis Hardin' -You expressed the view that most couples do not regret parenthood, and that, based on your observation, they “enjoyed their non-lives more than Rand ever did hers, most of the time.” -You seemed to be portraying parenthood as inherently preferable to childlessness.} On the first point, I expressed the view that most couples get some enjoyment out of their lives, even lives adjusted to accommodate unwanted children. That is a far cry from saying most couples do not regret parenthood. I know more than one couple who regret it very much, and no couples who do not regret it sometimes, even couples who eagerly wanted children. Children are a huge factor in the life of couples, obviously, but they are not the only factor, or the only source of happiness or misery in the relationship, Yes, I was flippant about Rand and implied she was something of a sourpuss, but I don't think motherhood would have altered her character or made her happier. I believe it would have made her miserable, just as she said. - On the second, parenthood and childlessness cannot be inherently preferable, only contextually preferable, in individual circumstances.
  22. I didn’t psychologize or stereotype you, Carol. I simply disagreed with you. You expressed the view that most couples do not regret parenthood, and that, based on your observation, they “enjoyed their non-lives more than Rand ever did hers, most of the time.” You seemed to be portraying parenthood as inherently preferable to childlessness. In addition, you were presuming knowledge of Ayn Rand’s inner emotional state throughout her life. I do regard that as a form of psychologizing—i.e., of claiming to know another human being’s inner experience. On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence to support the view that, for most of her life, she was supremely happy most of the time. Ayn Rand never claimed that either parenthood or childlessness were inherently preferable. Take another look at her statement:: Rand is simply stating that parenthood is an overwhelming burden on young couples who are poor and struggling to create productive careers. For such people, parenthood is a terrible burden which makes it inestimably more difficult for them to create the future they want for themselves. That is an indisputable fact. There are many, many conscientious young people who have had to give up their dreams when they assume the responsibility for a child before they are in a financial position to do so. It seemed to me that point was getting lost amidst the various posts extolling the glory of parenthood, and I felt the need to present a different point of view. I’m very sorry if it seemed to you that I was attacking you personally. When I said that I expected more from you, I was simply expressing disappointment, and that disappointment derives from my strong admiration for the exceptional intelligence and independence your delightful posts typically display. Dennis, I did not feel personally attacked , and I am greatly touched by your compliment. I was attacking Rand's sweeping statement, and you , in defending it, inferred that I was a pronatalist , and I got a little polemical about that, is all that happened. There are so many points that get lost in the vast complexity of this whole issue. I can see why Rand, a philosopher, needed to make it simple, but I think she was wrong to do so, just as pro-lifers are wrong to simplify it by picketing abortion clinics. Never mind bombing them.
  23. Or Stanley, Accordng to Ted Keer, Daunce is not an androgynous name but a man's name, therefore I must be a man, remember that one? Sometimes I miss Ted, especially when psycholinguistics are cited by non-linguists
  24. Michael, I know, and I'm sorry. What happens is, i hit Post and it doesn't "take", and the green things just go back and forth, and again so, and then finally it appears as a post, and half the time I have quoted what I am replying to twice or more, without meaning to. It could just be my old keyboard which needs to be pounded like a Neolithic anvil to produce any print. I will try to be more careful.
  25. Ninth Uncle..hmm..sorry, sounds too Chinese.